“Ensuring a sustainable planet is not just a moral obligation but also being able to face complex realities and design effective solutions” Career Portfolio KAMIL CHAOUI About me Supply Chain project Process optimization Summary Cap-Ho, Lebanon • Volunteer • 2008 – Present Enthusiastic Industrial Engineer with a passion for sustainable development, waste management and supply chain. Experience within automation engineering and the supply of raw material. Currently pursuing a BS in Industrial Engineering minoring in business and administration. Proven ability to manage a research project and implement innovative solutions. Received positive feedback from managers and co-workers during my successive internship experiences. UPM –The Biofore Company, Germany and France • RCP supply • January – July 2015 Sanofi, USA • MQO Automation Engineering • January – July 2013 Sicomo, Lebanon • Raw material inventory stock • Jun – September 2012 Supply Chain Project About me Process Optimization Summary UPM Supply Chain project Eastern France suppliers sorted by region Due to the shutdown of 2 paper machines in France, some of the Eastern French supplier had to be redirected to the German mills. By mapping and sorting the supplier depending on different criteria we were able to minimize the transportation time and direct suppliers to the adequate mill, depending on the RCP* grade, quality, quantity and state. I will present and explain some of the maps. Chapelle mill and headquarter East Lion South Strasbourg About me RCP Grades 1.09 L N&P 1.11 L Deinking 1.11 B Deinking 1.09 B N&P Supply Chain Project Process Optimization RCP Quality Lower Good Unknown Summary Supply Volume LOW qty acc < 500 t/yr MEDIUM 500 < qty acc < 1500t/yr HIGH 1500 t/yr < qty acc About me RCP Price at source Supply Chain Project Process Optimization Supplier Size HIGHER if >= 120 €/t Supply Value > 90,000 t MEDIUM if between 100 €/t and 120 €/t 55,000 t < Supply Value < 90,000 t LOWER if =< 100 €/t Supply Value < 55,000 t Summary Highest saving 1.11: Sorted graphic paper ready for deinking 1.11d: low quality of 1.11 5.01: Mixed paper 1.09: News paper and magazine B: Balled L: Loose RCP: Recovered Paper Supply Chain Project About me Define Measure The purpose of our study is to address the baulking problem associated in the Lechmere Auto Wash Center. The main goal is to reduce the amount of customers that baulk, being directly related to the queue length at the cashier station. By reducing the customer baulk rate, the car wash should be able to process more cars and keep up with the demand hence increasing revenue and saving customers. To address this problem I followed a data driven improvement cycle, the DMAIC technic, in order to drive a Six Sigma project DMAIC: Define, Measure, Assign, Improve, Control. Process Optimization Analyze Summary Improve Control This project addresses the current issue of baulking customers/cars in the Lechmere Auto Wash Center Goal: to reduce the amount of customers that baulk Current time of operation is 7 days a week from 8am-4:30pm About me Define Original Block Diagram This physical flow block diagram of the initial process that I created based on the data collected in order to fully diagnose the occurring problem. Supply Chain Project Measure Process Optimization Analyze Improve Summary Control About me Define Original Arena Simulation I used arena to simulate the initial model, and validate my measurements. Instant testing and modifications in the process can be done. I used the information of the block diagram to generate my code. The simulate process was able to give us a baseline for the process. Supply Chain Project Measure Process Optimization Analyze Improve Summary Control About me Define The analyses of the output of the arena simulation, gave me valid information allowing me to create a cause and effect diagram. the major causes for cars to baulk are the queue length, high cycle time and poor utilization rates of stations. Supply Chain Project Measure Process Maximization Analyze Improve Summary Control About me Define Supply Chain Project Measure Process Maximization Analyze Improve Improved Block Diagram One of the major changes was to increase the amount of pay stations and reduce the number of stalls, because according to the data gathered from the initial simulation, that was a major bottleneck. About me Summary Control About me Define Supply Chain Project Measure Process Optimization Analyze Improved Arena model Improve Summary Control About me Define Supply Chain Project Measure Process Maximization Analyze Summary Improve To insure a high quality level during the hall process, an ongoing process management is needed. We also need to develop an out of control action plan that will allow us to understand the causes of any unusual output. The improved simulation was used to create multiple replications and plot the results. Tow charts tracking critical values has been used to control the process : • Individual charts for the number of cars that baulks • X_bar and R chart for the utilization rate of the stalls Control About me Define Supply Chain Project Measure Since our best fit is a normal distribution we can conclude from this histogram, that our data is randomly distributed. Process Optimization Analyze The resulting probability plot shows a reasonable straight line that would pass the “fat pencil test”. Thus, it is reasonable to use the normal distribution for this data. Summary Improve Control Individual value chart: UCL =51.04 CL=20.5 LCL=10.04 Moving range: UCL=37.52 CL=11.4 LCL=11.48 The process is in statistical control over the 30 replications. About me Define Supply Chain Project Measure The best distribution fit is the normal distribution for the average utilization rate. That proves that our data is randomly distributed. Process Optimization Analyze Summary Improve The resulting probability plot show a reasonable straight line that would pass the “fat pencil test”. Thus, it is reasonable to use the normal distribution for this data. X_bar chart: UCL=0.2984 CL=0.2773 LCL=0.24752 Control R chart: UCL=0.0422 CL=0.01353 LCL=0 This process is in statistical control over the 30 observations. About me Supply Chain Project Process Optimization Summary • These are a few of the projects I have conducted during my professional career. • In the future, I am planning to specialize in supply chain management and operation research, with a specific interest for the paper industry. • My resume and many more interesting projects can be found through my website: http://kamilchaoui.com/ • As reference for my job experience at UPM you can find a reference letter on my website • You can also have more information through my linked in account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kamil-chaoui8999255a • For any further information please contact me at: kamchaoui@hotmail.com