Illustration ©ESA Outline 1. Mission Goal 2. Gravity Sensor System 3. Ground Processing 4. Conclusions Mission Goal The Geoid Physical Height Topography Mean Ocean Surface Dynamic Ocean Topography Geometric Height Sea Surface Height Geoid Geoid Height Ellipsoid Equipotential Surface Reference of Physical Height Systems Mission Goal 1-2 cm in Geoid corresponding to 1-2 mGal in Gravity with 100 km spatial Resolution [mGal]=[10-5 m/s2] [mGal]=[10-5 m/s2] Mission Goals 1-2 mGal in Gravity [mGal]=[10-5 m/s2] Illustration ©ESA Arctic Gravity Project -160 0 160 [mGal] Mission Goals The Earth Gravity Field (Equipotential Surface) seen on Ground Mission Goals The Earth Gravity Field (Equipotential Surface) seen at Satellite Height The Gravity Sensor System Observing the Earth Gravity Field from Space Gravitational Forces: Earth Moon Sun Planets & Indirect Effects Center of Mass in Free-Fall The Gravity Sensor System Observing the Earth Gravity Field with GOCE Non-Gravitational (Surface) Forces: Atmospheric Drag Solar Radiation Pressure Earth Albedo Drag-Free in Flight Direction Zero-drag satellites or equivalently "drag-free satellites" are satellites where the payload follows a geodesic path through space only affected by gravity and not by non-gravitational forces such as drag of the residual atmosphere, light pressure and solar wind. Test Mass in Center of Mass in Free-Fall The Gravity Sensor System Observing the Earth Gravity Field with GRACE Non-Gravitational (Surface) Forces: Atmospheric Drag Solar Radiation Pressure Earth Albedo Test Mass in Center of Mass in Free-Fall The Gravity Sensor System Key Features 1. The first Gravity Gradiometer in Space with High Precision Thermal Control Pictures ©ESA The Gravity Sensor System Key Features 1. The first Gravity Gradiometer in Space with High Precision Thermal Control 2. Newly developed European Space GPS-Receiver with Geodetic Precision Pictures ©ESA The Gravity Sensor System Key Features 1. The first Gravity Gradiometer in Space with High Precision Thermal Control 2. Newly developed European Space GPS-Receiver with Geodetic Precision 3. Very Low Orbit in 260 km Height with Drag Compensation Illustration ©ESA Picture ©ESA The Gravity Sensor System Key Features 1. The first Gravity Gradiometer in Space with High Precision Thermal Control 2. Newly developed European Space GPS-Receiver with Geodetic Precision 3. Very Low Orbit 260 km with Drag Compensation 4. Smooth Spacecraft Attitude Control System Radial Along Track Cross Track Picture ©ESA The Gravity Sensor System Key Features 1. The first Gravity Gradiometer in Space with High Precision Thermal Control 2. Newly developed European Space GPS-Receiver with Geodetic Precision 3. Very Low Orbit 260 km with Drag Compensation 4. Smooth Spacecraft Attitude Control System 5. Largest Carbon Construction of a Satellite for Stiffness and Thermal Stability Pictures ©ESA INCOSE 2008 System Engineering for our Planet, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Academic Forum, 17.6.2008 The Gravity Sensor System Gravity Gradiometer – Primary Sensor Observation 6 Accelerometers measure Accelerations in 3 Directions. Measurement Accuracy: 10-12 ms-2 Differential Mode Accelerations By Subtraction of Accelerations along 1 Gradiometer Arm. Gravity Gradients Common-Mode Accelerations By Computation of Mean Value of Accelerations along 1 Gradiometer Arm. Divide differential Accelerations by Arm Length and correct for rotational Accelerations The Gravity Sensor System Gravity Gradiometer – Primary Sensor Measurement Bandwidth of the Gradiometer: 5mHz bis 0,1 Hz, corresponds to wavelenghths of about 1500 km to 80 km. The Gravity Sensor System Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking – Secondary Sensor Observation of the low Fequencies Step 1: Compare true Orbit with computed Orbit using aprioiri Gravity Field Orbit Perturbation GPS Constellation Step 2: Analysis of Orbit Perturbations to improve Gravity Field Computed Orbit True Orbit Illustration ©ESA The Gravity Sensor System System Approach translational forces angular forces star sensors GPS/GLONASS SST -hl A B GRAVITY GRADIOMETER measures: gravity gradients angular acceleration common mode acc. drag control Illustration ©ESA angular control * * The Gravity Sensor System System Approach Ground Processing Gradiometry a V r r ( r) the linear acceleration of accelerometer proof mass induced by the gravity potential the linear acceleration of accelerometer proof mass induced by satellite angular accelerations the centrifugal acceleration of accelerometer proof mass induced by satellite angular rotation with V Vxx Vxy V Vyy Vzy Not taking into account accelerometer bias and scaleVyx factors, misalignments, centre of mass displacements, etc. zx Vxz Vyz Vzz Ground Processing Gradiometry a V r r ( r) a Vxx x y a yx V V z a x z observed accelerations V xy V yy V zy V xz V yz V zz 0 z z y 0 x y x 0 2 2 y z x y x y 2 2 x z x z y z gravity gradients angular accelerations angular rates r x r y z 2 2 y y z r x x z offset from CoM Ground Processing Gradiometry Common-Mode Accelerations X GRF X1 A1 O1 A6 Y6 X6 X5 Y1 O6 Z1 A5 Y5 Z5 OGRF X2 A3 A2 O2 Y2 X4 Z2 Y3 O4 Y4 in analogy ac,1,4,x ; ac,1,4, y ; ac,1,4,z ac,2,5,x ; ac,2,5, y ; ac,2,5,x ac,3,6,x ; ac,3,6, y ; ac,3,6,z Z3 ZGRF YGRF X3 O3 A4 O5 Z6 1 a1,x a 4,x 2 1 V 2 2 L x 1 V 2 2 L x xx y z xx y z 2 2 2 2 L x V 2 2 V 2 2 0 y z xx xx y z 4 a c,1,4,x Z4 Ground Processing Gradiometry Differential-Mode Accelerations 1 a d,1,4,x a1,x a 4,x 2 1 V 2 2 L x 1 V 2 2 L x y z xx xx y z 2 2 2 2 L L x 2Vxx 22y 22z x Vxx 2y 2z 4 2 X GRF X1 A1 O1 A6 Y6 X6 O6 Z1 A5 O5 Z6 Y5 Z5 a d,1,4,z OGRF X2 A3 A2 O2 Y2 X4 Z2 Y3 O4 L 1 a1,z a 4,z x Vzx y x z 2 2 ad ,1,4,x ; ad ,1,4, y ; ac,1,4,z Z3 ZGRF YGRF Y4 X3 O3 A4 X5 Y1 ad ,2,5,x ; ad ,2,5, y ; ad ,2,5,z ad ,3,6,x ; ad ,3,6, y ; ad ,3,6,z Z4 Ground Processing Gradiometry Correction for Gradiometer Imperfections due to: scale factors misalignments non-orthogonality Example: Accelerometer Pair 1-4 a c ,1 4 d ,1 4 M a measured accelerations ij a c ,1 4 a d ,1 4 ac ,1 4 a d ,1 4 true accelerations M I ij a c ,1 4 d ,1 4 a measured accelerations Ground Processing Gradiometry Angular Accelerations X GRF 2x - X1 A1 2a d ,3,6, y Lz O1 A6 Y6 X6 X5 Y1 O6 Z1 x - A5 O5 Z6 Y5 -V yz yz a d ,3,6, y Lz Z5 OGRF X2 A3 A2 O2 Y2 X4 Z2 y ad ,1,4,z O3 A4 Y3 O4 Z4 Lx Ly ad ,2,5,z Ly ad ,3,6,x Lz Z3 ZGRF YGRF Y4 X3 2ad ,2,5,z z a d ,1,4, y Lx a d ,2,5, x Ly V zy - yz Ground Processing Gradiometry X GRF Gravitational Gradients X1 A1 O1 X6 A6 Vxx Vxy Vxz 2ad ,1,4,x d ,1,4, y Lx a d ,1,4,z Lx Z1 O5 2 y Y6 2 z Y5 Z6 a d ,2,5,x Ly a d ,3,6,x Lz x y xz Z5 OGRF X2 A3 A2 O2 A5 O6 Lx a X5 Y1 Vyy Vzy 2ad ,2,5, y Y2 2 2 x Ly a d ,2,5,z Ly a d ,3,6, y Lz Z2 X4 A4 X3 O3 Y3 Z3 O4 ZGRF YGRF Y4 Z4 z y z Angular Rate Reconstruction Vzz 2ad ,3,6, z Lz 2 2 x y Ground Processing Gradiometry Angular Accelerations from Gradiometer Noise specification for single accelerometer within MBW (5– 100 mHz) 2e-12 m/s2 /Hz0.5 Low frequency drift (1/f3) Kalman Filter with 3 individual hybridisation frequencies Attitude Quaternions from Star Sensor Accuracy of attitude measurements < 3 arcsec for the boresight direction < 24 arcsec for rotations about boresight White noise 0,2 mHz MBW y a d ,1,4 , z Lx a d ,3,6, x Lz Ground Processing Gradiometry X GRF Gravitational Gradients X1 A1 O1 X6 A6 X5 Y1 Z1 A5 O5 O6 Y6 Vxx 2ad ,1,4,x Y5 Z6 Z5 OGRF 2 y Lx X2 2 z A3 A2 O2 Y2 Z2 X4 A4 X3 O3 Y3 Z3 O4 ZGRF YGRF Vxy Vxz a d ,1,4, y Lx a d ,1,4,z Lx a d ,2,5,x Ly a d ,3,6,x Lz x y xz Vyy Vzy 2ad ,2,5, y 2 2 x Ly a d ,2,5,z Ly Y4 a d ,3,6, y Lz Z4 z y z Vzz 2ad ,3,6, z Lz 2 2 x y Ground Processing Ground Segment Commands RPF Rules Reference Planning Facility @ESRIN Reports @ESRIN FOS Flight Operations @ ESOC Science Data CMF Archive & User Service Housekeeping Data & others Main Contractor Satellite Alenia Calibr. Rules Calibration Monitoring Facility @ESRIN Telemetry Monitoring Products Housekeeping Data PDS Payload Data System L0 to L1 Processing @ ESRIN L2 Products Monitoring Products L1 & L2 Products Ancillary Data L1 Data HPF High-Level Processing Facility L1 to L2 Processing @ EGG-C Anillary Data Ancillary Data ILRS IGS ECMWF Other Ground Processing Key Features High Level Processing Facility • Developped & operated by European GOCE Gravity Consortium (EGG-C) • EGG-C is a group of European universities & institutes with complementary expertise in gravity field research • Distributed system: 10 institues in 7 countries • Independent validation by overlap of expertise Institute of Astrodynamics and Satellite Systems, Techn. University Delft, The Netherlands (FAE/A&S) Project Management: Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON) Institute of Theoretical Geodesy, University Bonn, Germany (ITG) Astronomical Institute, University Berne, Switzerland (AIUB) Institute of Geophysics, University Copenhagen, Denmark (UCPH) GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Dept. 1 Geodesy and Remote Sensing, Germany (GFZ) PI & Project Management: Institute of Astronomical and Physical Geodesy, Techn. Univ. Munich, Germany (IAPG) Centre Nationale d‘Etudes Spatiales, Toulouse, France (CNES) Politechnico di Milano, Italy (POLIMI) Institute for Navigation and Satellite Geodesy, Graz University of Techn., Austria (TUG) Ground Processing High Level Processing Facility GOCE Ground Segment I/F Central Processing Facility De- Encoding, Archive, Data Distribution Gravity Modeling: Space-wise Approach Gravity Modeling: Direct Approach Gravity Modeling: Time-wise Approach Product Validation and Selection of Final Products Scientific Pre-Processing and External Calibration Orbit Determination (2 Methods) External Interfaces Long Term Archive Calibration and Monitoring Facility Payload Data System External Data: •IGS •ILRS •others •IERS •ECMWF Central Processing Facility Rolling Archive, De- and Encoding, XML, Aux. Data Archive, Data Distribution Scientific Pre-Processing and External Calibration •Gradiometer External Calibration •Corrections for Temporal Gravity •Data Screening and Data Gaps Orbit Determination (kinematic and reduced dynamic) •Rapid Science Orbits •Precise Science Orbits Gravity Modeling Time-wise Approach Gravity Modeling Direct Approach •SST: Orbit Perturbation •SSG: Normal Equations •Combination by Normals Quick-Look and Precise Solutions: •SST: Energy Conservation •SGG: Semi-Anal. & Normals •Combination by Normals Gravity Modeling Space-wise Approach •SST: Energy Conservation •SGG: Wiener Filtering •Combination by Collocation Product Validation and Selection of Final Products •QL-Validation of Gravity Models •Precise Validation of Gravity Field and Orbits Rapid & Quick Look Processing Off-line Processing Facility Ground Processing Gravity Gradient Product Reference Frames OGRF OLORF XLNOF ZLNOF OLNOF YLNOF OIRF,OEFRF Ground Processing Gravity Gradient Products Identifier Description EGG_NOM_2 Gravity Gradients in Instrument System: Externally calibrated and corrected gravity gradients Corrections to gravity gradients for temporal gravity variations Flags for outliers, fill-in gravity gradients for data gaps with flags EGG_TRF_2 Gravity Gradients in Earth-fixed System: Externally calibrated gravity gradients in Earth fixed reference frame including error estimates for transformed gradients Transformation parameters to Earth fixed reference frame EGG_NOM_2 Data Content: • GPS Time • Corrected Gravity Gradients: Vxx, Vyy, Vzz, Vxy, Vxz, Vyz • Standard Deviation for each Gravity Gradients (estimated) • Flags for each Gravity Gradient • Tidal Correction for each Gravity Gradient (Direct, Solid Earth, Ocean, Pole Tide) • Non-tidal Correction for each Gravity Gradient • Correction for external Calibration • Inertial Attitude Quaternions EGG_TRF_2 Data Content: • GPS Time • Location in Latitude, Longitude, Height • Corrected Gravity Gradients: Vxx, Vyy, Vzz, Vxy, Vxz, Vyz • Standard Deviation for each Gravity Gradients (estimated) • Flags for each Gravity Gradient Ground Processing Example: Raw Gravity Gradients with Bandpass Filter applied Ground Processing Orbit Products Identifier Description SST_PSO_2 Precise Science Orbits (reduced dynamic and kinematic): GOCE precise science orbits final product Quality report for precise orbits SST_AUX_2 Non-tidal Time-variable Gravity Field: Spherical harmonic coefficients of non-tidal potential from atmosphere, ocean and GRACE time series every 6 hours RMS of Kinematic vs. Reduced Dynamic Orbit for period 14.5.2009 to 21.6.2009 in Local Orbit System [m] Radial [m] Along-track [m] Cross-track [m] Ground Processing Gravity Field Products Identifier Description EGM_GOC_2 Gravity Field Model: Final GOCE Earth gravity field model as spherical harmonic series including error estimates. Target: 1-2 cm / 1 mGal up to degree and order 200 corresponding to 100km spatial resolution. Grids of geoid heights, gravity anomalies and geoid slopes computed from final GOCE Earth gravity field model including propagated error estimates Quality report for final GOCE gravity field model EGM_GVC_2 Gravity Field Error Structure: Variance-covariance matrix of final GOCE Earth gravity field model From Simulations: Left: Geoid Height Error Right: VarCov. Matrix (Subset) Ground Processing Gravity Field Products Spherical harmonic series represents the main result of GOCE. For computation of derived quantities approximations are applied. Computation point on reference ellipsoid Spherical approximation of fundamental equation of physical geodesy (approximating real plumb line by geocentric vector) For computing derived quantities on Earth surface use GOCE User Toolbox together with topography information. T 1 P T g P g 0 h 0 h h Q b r ' a O rN S T g r 1 N a REF 2 a REF T ; 1 N a REF cos Ground Processing Important Documents - See: Conclusions GOCE is designed to improve our knowledge of the Earth gravity field by an order of magnitude. From the preliminary analyses we are confident to reach this goal after completion of at least two measurement phases. It is expected that GOCE will open new views in various Earth science disciplines. The EGG-C consortium is starting to operationally analyze GOCE data during measurement phases. It is recommended to potential users to take a look to the available products documentation in order to become familiar.