Dates Standard 4/13/15 Monday MSCD #7-1 Students will identify 4/14/15 Tuesday MSCD #7-1 Students will identify 4/15/15 Wednesday MSCD #7-1 Students will identify 4/16/15 Thursday MSCD #7-1 Students will identify 4/17/15 Friday MSCD #7-1 Students will identify and evaluate work ethics and behavior characteristics needed for success in a career and in life. and evaluate work ethics and behavior characteristics needed for success in a career and in life. and evaluate work ethics and behavior characteristics needed for success in a career and in life. and evaluate work ethics and behavior characteristics needed for success in a career and in life. and evaluate work ethics and behavior characteristics needed for success in a career and in life. Elements :(a) Elements :(a) Elements :(a) Elements :(a) Elements :(a) Demonstrate the Demonstrate the Demonstrate the Demonstrate the Demonstrate the importance of work importance of work importance of work importance of work importance of work ethics in relation to ethics in relation to ethics in relation to ethics in relation to ethics in relation to success (appearance, success (appearance, success (appearance, success (appearance, success (appearance, attendance, attitude, attendance, attitude, attendance, attitude, attendance, attitude, attendance, attitude, character, character, character, character, character, communication, communication, communication, communication, communication, cooperation, cooperation, cooperation, cooperation, cooperation, productivity, productivity, productivity, productivity, productivity, organizational skills, organizational skills, organizational skills, organizational skills, organizational skills, respect and respect and respect and respect and respect and teamwork). teamwork). teamwork). teamwork). teamwork). (b) Identify examples (b) Identify examples (b) Identify examples (b) Identify examples (b) Identify examples of appropriate and of appropriate and of appropriate and of appropriate and of appropriate and inappropriate inappropriate inappropriate inappropriate inappropriate personal behaviors n personal behaviors n personal behaviors n personal behaviors n personal behaviors n specific school, social, specific school, social, specific school, social, specific school, social, specific school, social, and work situations. and work situations. and work situations. and work situations. and work situations. Essential Question/ Key Question (c) Assess the (c) Assess the (c) Assess the (c) Assess the (c) Assess the consequences of consequences of consequences of consequences of consequences of positive and negative positive and negative positive and negative positive and negative positive and negative work ethics choices. work ethics choices. work ethics choices. work ethics choices. work ethics choices. (d) Perform activities (d) Perform activities (d) Perform activities (d) Perform activities (d) Perform activities that will develop that will develop that will develop that will develop that will develop effective effective effective effective effective communication and communication and communication and communication and communication and decision-making skills decision-making skills decision-making skills decision-making skills decision-making skills (e) Explore group (e) Explore group (e) Explore group (e) Explore group (e) Explore group dynamics and dynamics and dynamics and dynamics and dynamics and interpersonal skills in interpersonal skills in interpersonal skills in interpersonal skills in interpersonal skills in order to foster order to foster order to foster order to foster order to foster teamwork. teamwork. teamwork. teamwork. teamwork. What is the difference What is the difference What is the difference What is the difference What is the difference between behavior and between behavior and between behavior and between behavior and between behavior and attitude? What attitude? What attitude? What attitude? What attitude? What behaviors are behaviors are behaviors are behaviors are behaviors are acceptable in school acceptable in school acceptable in school acceptable in school acceptable in school or work settings? or work settings? or work settings? or work settings? or work settings? What behaviors are What behaviors are What behaviors are What behaviors are What behaviors are not acceptable in not acceptable in not acceptable in not acceptable in not acceptable in school or work school or work school or work school or work school or work Time Lesson Opener settings? settings? settings? settings? settings? How does work ethics How does work ethics How does work ethics How does work ethics How does work ethics affect my success? affect my success? affect my success? affect my success? affect my success? What behaviors and What behaviors and What behaviors and What behaviors and What behaviors and attitudes do you need attitudes do you need attitudes do you need attitudes do you need attitudes do you need to improve upon for to improve upon for to improve upon for to improve upon for to improve upon for future success? future success? future success? future success? future success? What are What are What are What are What are consequences? consequences? consequences? consequences? consequences? Virtual Job Shadow Video and notes Journal writing on various Work Ethics scenarios. Virtual Job Shadow and notes or Pop Quiz Continue to show parts of the PowerPoint (from CTAERN) on "Behavior, Attitude and Work Ethics" and discuss. Play KAHOOT over Career Program Concentrations and over Work Ethics! Procedures/Strategies Time 1st, Introduce the Review appropriate Review and discuss Review "attitude" as Review Work Ethics Standards and and inappropriate the topic of Work related to work ethics and have students Essential Questions. behaviors. Ethics. and hold a discussion complete their tables on how attitude in Microsoft Word affects one's life. over the Key Terms & Then present a PowerPoint that Collaborative Present the Power shows the correlation Activity- Students Point from CTAERN between Work Ethics will work in pairs or called "Behavior, Have students create at School and at Work in groups of 3 to Attitude and Work a Table in Microsoft and discuss the discuss and list Ethics." Have Word and then take definitions. Similarities and behaviors that students take notes an Attitude When complete, Differences. would be and discuss as they Assessment. They students may play appropriate and view the Presentation. will assess their educational games on attitude by checking the computers Then discuss how long people work during their lives from inappropriate at school and at home Then have the off the column that depending on which students continue to they feel represents graduation to card they selected. work on their table of their attitude - with retirement and the To check and "Work Ethics" either an A, B, C, D or importance of review, students will vocabulary. If they F (as in a grading planning for a career come up and tape finish early, they system). that each student can their card to the should try their Virtual be passionate about. appropriate Job Shadow Log in Upon completion, categories. and begin finding they are to reflect careers to "shadow." about the grades they Introduce the Vocabulary for this After the activity, gave themselves and unit. Have students students will write a paragraph as create a table in complete the Terms to how they can Microsoft Word which and definitions table improve their attitude. includes the new from Monday. terms and definitions. Time Lesson Summary Think - Pair- Share over the Work Ethic that seems the most natural for each student to use to build success. Ticket Out the Door Have the students do the math as to these questions: What age does the average student Teamwork activity involving various Work Ethics traitshas students team up to THINK through a SURVIVAL GAME. They should practice the following SOFT SKILLS - listening, team work, responsibility, Think-Pair-Share about the Attitude Assessments. Partners should decide which of the statements on the Assessment were positive and which were negative. Review the most missed Work Ethics questions from the Kahoot game. graduate from High School? (18) initiative, communications skills, prioritizing, etc. What age is a person able to retire with full Social Security benefits? (67) How many years does that leave between the 2? (49) Now, do you want a Job or a Career? Time Assessment/ Evaluation Class Discussion Table of Terms and Discussion of which Completed Table of list each of the cards Key Terms Product completion of Work Ethics table in Microsoft Word. Smart Board Kahoot (situations) belong in. Definitions Materials Needed Results of the Attitude Assessment and the paragraphs. Graphic Organizer of Complete table of Notes from terms and definitions. PowerPoint Smart Board Smart Board Smart Board Smart Board CTAERN CTAERN CTAERN CTAERN CTAERN PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint Microsoft Word Microsoft Word Microsoft Word Microsoft Word Microsoft Word Dell Desktop Dell Desktop Dell Desktop Dell Desktop Dell Desktop Computers Computers Computers Computers Computers