Craig Roberts Physics Division The 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Higgs and Englert following discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider. The Higgs boson is often said to give mass to everything. However, that is wrong. It only gives mass to some very simple particles, accounting for only one or two percent of the mass of more complex things like atoms, molecules and everyday objects, from your mobile phone to your pet llama. The vast majority of mass comes from the energy needed to hold quarks together inside nuclei. I will explain this remarkable emergent phenomenon, contained in Nambu's share of the 2008 Nobel Prize, and discuss its connection with the peculiar feature of confinement in QCD; viz., the fact that quarks are forever imprisoned, never reaching the freedom of a particle detector. I will also describe why confinement guarantees that condensates, quantities that were once commonly viewed as constant mass-scales that fill all spacetime, are instead wholly contained within hadrons; and show how contemporary and future terrestrial experiments can help complete the book on the Standard Model Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 2 Students, Postdocs, Asst. Profs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Rocio BERMUDEZ (U Michoácan); Shi CHAO (Nanjing U) Ming-hui DING (PKU); Fei GAO (PKU) S. HERNÁNDEZ (U Michoácan); Cédric MEZRAG (CEA, Saclay) Trang NGUYEN (KSU); Khépani RAYA (U Michoácan); Hannes ROBERTS (ANL, FZJ, UBerkeley); Chien-Yeah SENG (UM-Amherst) Kun-lun WANG (PKU); Shu-sheng XU (Nanjing U) Chen CHEN (USTC); J. Javier COBOS-MARTINEZ (U.Sonora); Mario PITSCHMANN (Vienna); Si-xue QIN (U. Frankfurt am Main, PKU); Jorge SEGOVIA (ANL); David WILSON (ODU); Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 19. Lei Chang (U. Adelaide) 20. Ian Cloet (ANL) 21. Bruno El-Bennich (São Paulo); 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Adnan BASHIR (U Michoácan); Stan BRODSKY (SLAC); Gastão KREIN (São Paulo) Roy HOLT (ANL); Yu-xin LIU (PKU); Hervé Moutarde (CEA, Saclay) Michael RAMSEY-MUSOLF (UM-Amherst) Alfredo RAYA (U Michoácan); Jose Rodriguez Qintero (U. Huelva) Sebastian SCHMIDT (IAS-FZJ & JARA); Robert SHROCK (Stony Brook); Peter TANDY (KSU); Tony THOMAS (U.Adelaide) Shaolong WAN (USTC) Hong-Shi ZONG (Nanjing U) 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 3 Students, Postdocs, Asst. Profs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Rocio BERMUDEZ (U Michoácan); Shi CHAO (Nanjing U) Ming-hui DING (PKU); Fei GAO (PKU) S. HERNÁNDEZ (U Michoácan); Cédric MEZRAG (CEA, Saclay) Trang NGUYEN (KSU); Khépani RAYA (U Michoácan); Hannes ROBERTS (ANL, FZJ, UBerkeley); Chien-Yeah SENG (UM-Amherst) Kun-lun WANG (PKU); Shu-sheng XU (Nanjing U) Chen CHEN (USTC); J. Javier COBOS-MARTINEZ (U.Sonora); Mario PITSCHMANN (Vienna); Si-xue QIN (U. Frankfurt am Main, PKU); Jorge SEGOVIA (ANL); David WILSON (ODU); Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 19. Lei Chang (U. Adelaide) 20. Ian Cloet (ANL) 21. Bruno El-Bennich (São Paulo); 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Adnan BASHIR (U Michoácan); Stan BRODSKY (SLAC); Gastão KREIN (São Paulo) Roy HOLT (ANL); Yu-xin LIU (PKU); Hervé Moutarde (CEA, Saclay) Michael RAMSEY-MUSOLF (UW-Mad) Alfredo RAYA (U Michoácan); Jose Rodriguez Qintero (U. Huelva) Sebastian SCHMIDT (IAS-FZJ & JARA); Robert SHROCK (Stony Brook); Peter TANDY (KSU); Tony THOMAS (U.Adelaide) Shaolong WAN (USTC) Hong-Shi ZONG (Nanjing U) 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 4 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 5 Standard Model - Formulation The Standard Model of Particle Physics is a local gauge field theory, which can be completely expressed in a very compact form Lagrangian possesses UY(1)xSUL(2)xSUc(3) gauge symmetry – 19 parameters, which must be determined through comparison with experiment • Physics is an empirical science – UY(1)xSUL(2) represents the electroweak theory • 17 of the parameters are here, most of them tied to the Higgs boson, the model’s only fundamental scalar, something like which has now been seen • This sector is essentially perturbative, so the parameters are readily determined – SUc(3) represents the strong interaction component • Just 2 of the parameters are intrinsic to SUc(3) – QCD • However, this is the really interesting sector because it is Nature’s only example of a truly and essentially nonperturbative fundamental theory • Impact of the 2 parameters is not fully known. One might even be zero. Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 6 There are certainly phenomena Beyond the Standard Model – Neutrinos have mass, which is not true within the Standard Model – Empirical evidence: νe ↔ νμ, ντ Standard Model - Complete? … neutrino flavour is not a constant of motion • The first experiment to detect the effects of neutrino oscillations was Ray Davis' Homestake Experiment in the late 1960s, which observed a deficit in the flux of solar neutrinos νe • Verified and quantified in experiments at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass A number of experimental hints and, almost literally, innumerably many theoretical speculations about other phenomena 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 7 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 8 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 9 Excerpt from the top-10 Can we quantitatively understand quark and gluon confinement in quantum chromodynamics and the existence of a mass gap? Quantum chromodynamics is the theory describing the strong nuclear force. Carried by gluons, it binds quarks into particles like protons and neutrons. Apparently, the tiny subparticles are permanently confined: one can't pull a quark or a gluon from a proton because the strong force gets stronger with distance and snaps them right back inside. Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 10 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 11 QCD: The piece of the Standard Model that describes strong interactions. The physics of neutrons, protons, pions, etc. – i.e., Hadron Physics – is a nonperturbative problem in QCD Notwithstanding the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics, the origin of 98% of the visible mass in the Universe is – somehow – found within QCD Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 12 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 13 China – Beijing Electron-Positron Collider Germany – – – – Facilities QCD Machines COSY (Jülich Cooler Synchrotron) ELSA (Bonn Electron Stretcher and Accelerator) MAMI (Mainz Microtron) Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research, under construction near Darmstadt. New generation experiments in 2018 (perhaps) Japan – J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex), under construction in Tokai-Mura, 150km NE of Tokyo. New generation experiments to begin soon − KEK: Tsukuba, Belle Collaboration Switzerland (CERN) – Large Hadron Collider: ALICE Detector and COMPASS Detector “Understanding deconfinement and chiral-symmetry restoration” Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 14 Facilities QCD Machines USA – Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News, Virginia Nature of cold hadronic matter Upgrade underway Construction cost ≈ $370-million New generation experiments in 2015 – Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, New York Strong phase transition, 10μs after Big Bang A three dimensional view of the calculated particle paths resulting from collisions occurring within RHIC's STAR detector Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 15 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 16 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) Driving distance: Washington DC to JLab ≈ 270km Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 17 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) 1984 … DoE provided initial funding for research, development and design 1987 … Construction began on Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) - February 13 1994 … Accelerator reached design energy of 4 GeV Construction cost in $FY14 ≈ $1-Billion Goal … Write the book about the strongest force in nature – the force that holds nuclei together – and determine how that force can be explained in terms of the quarks and gluons of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 18 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) e.g. S. J. Brodsky and G. R. Farrar, Phys. Rev. Lett. 31, 1153 (1973) One of the primary reasons for building CEBAF/JLab Prediction: at energy-scales greater than some a priori unknown minimum value, Λ, cross-sections and form factors will behave as Parton model scaling QCD scaling violations power = ( number valence-quarks – 1 + Δλ ) Δλ=0,1, depending on whether helicity is conserved or flipped … prediction of 1/k2 vector-boson exchange logarithm = distinctive feature & concrete prediction of QCD Claims were made that Λ = 1GeV! So, JLab was initially built to reach 4GeV. Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 19 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) 1994 – 2004 o An enormous number of fascinating experimental results o Including an empirical demonstration that the distribution of charge and magnetisation within the proton are completely different, o Suggesting that quark-quark correlations play a crucial role in nucleon structure But no sign of parton model scaling and certainly not of scaling violations Particle physics paradigm Particle physics paradigm Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 20 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) 2004 … Mission Need Agreed on upgrade of CEBAF (JLab's accelerator) to 12GeV 2014 … 12GeV commissioning beams now being delivered to the experimental halls Final cost of upgrade is approximately $370-Million Physics of JLab at 12GeV arXiv:1208.1244 [hep-ex] Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 21 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 22 Very likely a self-contained, nonperturbatively renormalisable and hence well defined Quantum Field Theory This is not true of QED – cannot be defined nonperturbatively No confirmed breakdown over an enormous energy domain: 0 GeV < E < 8 TeV Increasingly probable that any extension of the Standard Model will be based on the paradigm established by QCD – Extended Technicolour: electroweak symmetry breaks via a fermion bilinear operator in a strongly-interacting non-Abelian theory. (Andersen et al. “Discovering Technicolor” Eur.Phys.J.Plus 126 (2011) 81) – Higgs sector of the SM becomes an effective description of a more fundamental fermionic theory, similar to the GinzburgLandau theory of superconductivity Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 23 What is QCD? Lagrangian of QCD – G = gluon fields – Ψ = quark fields The key to complexity in QCD … gluon field strength tensor Generates gluon self-interactions, whose consequences are extraordinary Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 24 cf.Quantum Electrodynamics QED is the archetypal gauge field theory Perturbatively simple but nonperturbatively undefined Chracteristic feature: Light-by-light scattering; i.e., photon-photon interaction – leading-order contribution takes place at order α4. Extremely small probability because α4 ≈10-9 ! Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 25 What is QCD? Relativistic Quantum Gauge Field Theory: Interactions mediated by vector boson exchange Vector bosons are perturbatively-massless 3-gluon vertex Similar interaction in QED Special feature of QCD – gluon self-interactions 4-gluon vertex Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 26 Running couplings Quantum gauge-field theories are all typified by the feature that Nothing is Constant Distribution of charge and mass, the number of particles, etc., indeed, all the things that quantum mechanics holds fixed, depend upon the wavelength of the tool used to measure them – particle number is generally not conserved in quantum field theory Couplings and masses are renormalised via processes involving virtual-particles. Such effects make these quantities depend on the energy scale at which one observes them Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 27 QED cf. QCD? 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics : Gross, Politzer and Wilczek 500% 5 x10-5=0.7% QED (Q ) 2 Q 1 ln 3 me Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass Add 3-gluon self-interaction gluon antiscreening fermion screening QCD (Q ) 6 Q (33 2 N f ) ln 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 28 Strong-interaction: QCD Asymptotically free – Perturbation theory is valid and accurate tool at large-Q2 – Hence chiral limit is defined Essentially nonperturbative for Q2 < 2 GeV2 Nature’s only (now known) example of a truly nonperturbative, fundamental theory A-priori, no idea as to what such a theory can produce Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 29 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 30 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 31 Wilson Loop & the Area Law τ z C is a closed curve in space, P is the path order operator Now, place static (infinitely heavy) fermionic sources of any charge at positions z0=0 & z=½L Then, evaluate <WC(z, τ)> as a functional integral over gauge-field configurations In the strong-coupling limit, the result can be Linear potential obtained algebraically; viz., <WC(z, τ)> = exp(-V(z) τ ) Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass σ = String tension where V(z) is the potential between the static sources, which behaves as V(z) = σ z 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 32 Light quarks & Confinement Folklore … JLab Hall-D Conceptual Design Report(5) “The color field lines between a quark and an anti-quark form flux tubes. A unit area placed midway between the quarks and perpendicular to the line connecting them intercepts a constant number of field lines, independent of the distance between the quarks. This leads to a constant force between the quarks – and a large force at that, equal to about 16 metric tons.” Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 33 Light quarks & Confinement Problem: Pions They’re extremely light 16 tonnes of force makes a lot of them. Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 34 Light quarks & Confinement Problem: 16 tonnes of force makes a lot of pions. Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 35 G. Bali et al., PoS LAT2005 (2006) 308 Light quarks & Confinement In the presence of light quarks, pair creation seems to occur non-localized and instantaneously No flux tube in a theory with lightquarks. Flux-tube is not the correct paradigm for confinement in hadron physics Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 36 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) QFT Paradigm: Confinement – Confinement is expressed through a dramatic change in the analytic structure of propagators for coloured states – It can almost be read from a plot of the dressedpropagator for a coloured state Confined particle Normal particle State described by rapidly damped wave & hence state cannot exist in observable spectrum σ ≈ 1/Im(m) ≈ 1/2ΛQCD ≈ ½fm Real-axis mass-pole splits, moving into pair(s) of complex conjugate singularities, (or qualitatively analogous structures chracterised by a dynamically generated mass-scale) 37 Feynman propagator for a fermion describes a Plane Wave A fermion begins to propagate It can proceed a long way before undergoing any qualitative changes meson meson meson Baryon meson Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 38 A quark begins to propagate But after each “step” of length σ, on average, an interaction occurs, so that the quark loses its identity, sharing it with other partons Finally, a cloud of partons is produced, which coalesces into colour-singlet final states σ meson meson meson Baryon meson Confinement is a dynamical phenomenon! Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 39 QCD Remarkably simple Lagrangian density Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 40 QCD 0 Remarkably simple Lagrangian density Classically, the massless theory does not possess a mass-scale The theory is “conformally invariant” Everything is massless: gluons and quarks. There are no bound states (no length-scale to define a size) This is not our Universe Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 41 QCD 0 Remarkably simple Lagrangian density Define the quantum field theory via a Functional Integral, which generalises the Feynman path integral for quantum mechanics. How does that help? Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 42 Spontaneous(Dynamical) Chiral Symmetry Breaking The 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics was divided, one half awarded to Yoichiro Nambu "for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics" Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 43 Nambu – Jona-Lasinio Dynamical Model of Elementary Particles Based on an Analogy with Superconductivity. I Model Y. Nambu and G. Jona-Lasinio, Phys. Rev. 122 (1961) 345–358 Dynamical Model Of Elementary Particles Based On An Analogy With Superconductivity. II Y. Nambu, G. Jona-Lasinio, Phys.Rev. 124 (1961) 246-254 Treats a massless (chirally-invariant) four-fermion Lagrangian & solves the gap equation in Hartree-Fock approximation (analogous to rainbow truncation) Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 44 Chiral Symmetry Interacting gauge theories, in which it makes sense to speak of massless fermions, have a nonperturbative chiral symmetry A related concept is Helicity, which is the projection of a particle’s spin, J, onto it’s direction of motion: Jp For a massless particle, helicity is a Lorentz-invariant spinobservable λ = ± ; i.e., it’s parallel or antiparallel to the direction of motion – Obvious: • massless particles travel at speed of light • hence no observer can overtake the particle and thereby view its momentum as having changed sign Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 45 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 46 Nambu—Jona-Lasinio Model Gap equation Free fermion piece Interactions NJL gap equation Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 47 Critical coupling for dynamical mass generation? NJL model & a mass gap? Some algebra ⇒ NJL gap equation is an equation for fermion mass Chiral limit, m=0 – Clearly, one solution is M=0. – That is the solution in perturbation theory … Start with no mass, endup with no mass. Suppose, on the other hand, that M ≠ 0 so that it can be cancelled – This nontrivial solution can exist if-and-only-if one can satisfy 3π2 mG2 = C(M2,1) Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 48 Critical coupling for dynamical mass generation! NJL model & a mass gap? Can one satisfy 3π2 mG2 = C(M2,1) ? mG=0.17GeV – C(M2, 1) = 1 − M2 ln [ 1 + 1/M2 ] mG=0.21GeV • Monotonically decreasing function of M • Maximum value at M = 0; viz., C(M2=0, 1) = 1 Consequently, there is a solution iff 3π2 mG2 < 1 – Typical scale for hadron physics: Λ = 1 GeV • There is a M≠0 solution iff mG2 < (Λ/(3 π2)) = (0.2 GeV)2 Interaction strength is proportional to 1/mG2 – Hence, if interaction is strong enough, then one can start with no mass but end up with a massive, perhaps very massive fermion Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 49 Appears fairly simple, perhaps, but these two papers have had an enormous impact Together, cited more than 5950 times Google Scholar returns ≈ 9820 items for the term “Nambu – Jona-Lasinio” Defined the paradigm for dynamical chiral symmetry breaking Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 50 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 51 Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking DCSB is a fact in QCD – Dynamical, not spontaneous • Add nothing to QCD , No Higgs field, nothing! Effect achieved purely through quark+gluon dynamics. – It’s the most important mass generating mechanism for visible matter in the Universe. • Responsible for ≈98% of the proton’s mass. • Higgs mechanism is (almost) irrelevant to light-quarks. Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 52 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 53 Deceptively simply picture Where does the mass come from? Corresponds to the sum of a countable infinity of diagrams. NB. QED has 12,672 α5 diagrams Impossible to compute this in perturbation theory. The standard algebraic manipulation αS23 tools are just inadequate Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 54 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 55 Universal Conventions Wikipedia: ( “The QCD vacuum is the vacuum state of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). It is an example of a nonperturbative vacuum state, characterized by many nonvanishing condensates such as the gluon condensate or the quark condensate. These condensates characterize the normal phase or the confined phase of quark matter.” Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 56 “Orthodox Vacuum” Vacuum = “frothing sea” u Hadrons = bubbles in that “sea”, d u containing nothing but quarks & gluons interacting perturbatively, unless they’re near the bubble’s boundary, whereat they feel they’re trapped! ud u u u d Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 57 Historically, DCSB has come to be associated with the presumed existence of spacetimeindependent condensates that permeate the Universe. However, just like gluons and quarks, and for the same reasons: Condensates are confined within hadrons. There are no vacuum condensates. Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 58 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 59 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 60 Expanding the concept of in-hadron condensates Lei Chang, Craig D. Roberts and Peter C. Tandy arXiv:1109.2903 [nucl-th], Phys. Rev. C85 (2012) 012201(R) GMOR Relation Valuable to highlight the precise form of the Gell-Mann– Oakes–Renner (GMOR) relation: Eq. (3.4) in Phys.Rev. 175 (1968) 2195 o mπ is the pion’s mass o Hχsb is that part of the hadronic Hamiltonian density which explicitly breaks chiral symmetry. The operator expectation value in this equation is evaluated between pion states. Un-approximated form of the GMOR relation doesn’t make any reference to a vacuum condensate Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 61 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 62 Expanding the concept of in-hadron condensates Lei Chang, Craig D. Roberts and Peter C. Tandy arXiv:1109.2903 [nucl-th], Phys. Rev. C85 (2012) 012201(R) GMOR Relation Demonstrated algebraically that the so-called Gell-Mann – Oakes – Renner relation is the following statement Namely, the mass of the pion is completely determined by the pion’s scalar form factor at zero momentum transfer Q2 = 0. viz., by the pion’s scalar charge Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 63 Hadron Charges Matrix elements associated with hadron form factors Scalar charge of a hadron is an intrinsic property of that hadron … no more a property of the vacuum than the hadron’s electric charge, axial charge, tensor charge, etc. … Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 64 “Orthodox Vacuum” Vacuum = “frothing sea” u Hadrons = bubbles in that “sea”, d u containing nothing but quarks & gluons interacting perturbatively, unless they’re near the bubble’s boundary, whereat they feel they’re trapped! ud u u u d Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 65 Vacuum = perturbative hadronic fluctuations but no nonperturbative condensates Hadrons = complex, interacting systems within which perturbative behaviour is restricted to just 2% of the interior u d u ud u u u d Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 66 Paradigm shift: In-Hadron Condensates “Void that is truly empty solves dark energy puzzle” “The biggest embarrassment in Rachel Courtland, New Scientist 4th Sept. 2010 theoretical physics.” “EMPTY space may really be empty. Though quantum theory suggests that a vacuum should be fizzing with particle it turns out that this paradoxical activity, QCD 46 picture of nothingness may not be needed. A calmer of the vacuum would QCD condensates 8 GN 10 view * experiment 2 also help resolve a nagging inconsistency dark energy, the elusive force 3Hwith 0 thought to be speeding up the expansion of the universe.” 4 Cosmological Constant: Putting QCD condensates back into hadrons reduces the mismatch between experiment and theory by a factor of 1046 Possibly by far more, if technicolour-like theories are the correct paradigm for extending the Standard Model Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 67 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 68 Discover the meaning of confinement Determine its connection with DCSB (dynamical chiral symmetry breaking) Elucidate their signals in observables … so experiment and theory together can map the nonperturbative behaviour of the strong interaction It is unlikely that two phenomena, so critical in the Standard Model, tied to the dynamical generation of a single mass-scale and masses of all the normal particles, can have different origins and fates. Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 69 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 70 Maris, Roberts and Tandy nucl-th/9707003, Phys.Lett. B420 (1998) 267-273 Pion’s Goldberger -Treiman relation Pion’s Bethe-Salpeter amplitude Solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equation Pseudovector components necessarily nonzero. Cannot be ignored! Dressed-quark propagator Axial-vector Ward-Takahashi identity entails B(k2) Owing to DCSB & Exact in Chiral QCD Miracle: two body problem solved, almost completely, once solution of one body problem is known Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 71 The quark level Goldberger-Treiman relation shows that DCSB has a very deep and far reaching impact on physics within the strong interaction sector of the Standard Model; viz., Goldstone's theorem is fundamentally an expression of equivalence between the one-body problem and the two-body problem in the pseudoscalar channel. This emphasises that Goldstone's theorem has a pointwise expression in QCD Hence, pion properties are an almost direct measure of the dressed-quark mass function. Thus, enigmatically, the properties of the massless pion are the cleanest expression of the mechanism that is responsible for almost all the visible mass in the universe. Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 72 Valence quarks Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 73 Parton Structure of Hadrons Valence-quark structure of hadrons – Definitive of a hadron. After all, it’s how we distinguish a proton from a neutron – Expresses charge; flavour; baryon number; and other Poincaréinvariant macroscopic quantum numbers – Via evolution, determines background at LHC Foreseeable future will bring precision experimental study of (far) valence region, and theoretical computation of distribution functions and distribution amplitudes – Computation is critical – Without it, no amount of data will reveal anything about the theory underlying the phenomena of strong interaction physics Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 74 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 75 Imaging dynamical chiral symmetry breaking: pion wave function on the light front, Lei Chang, et al., arXiv:1301.0324 [nucl-th], Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 132001 (2013) [5 pages]. Pion’s valence-quark Distribution Amplitude Following a workshop in Brazil (2012), methods were developed that enable direct computation of the pion’s light-front wave function φπ(x) = twist-two parton distribution amplitude = projection of the pion’s Poincaré-covariant wave-function onto the light-front Results have been obtained with rainbow-ladder DSE kernel, simplest symmetry preserving form; and the best DCSB-improved kernel that is currently available. xα (1-x)α, with α≈0.3 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 76 Imaging dynamical chiral symmetry breaking: pion wave function on the light front, Lei Chang, et al., arXiv:1301.0324 [nucl-th], Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 132001 (2013) [5 pages]. Pion’s valence-quark Distribution Amplitude Continuum-QCD prediction: marked broadening of φπ(x), which owes to DCSB Asymptotic DB RL Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 77 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 78 Elastic Form Factors Structure of Hadrons Elastic form factors – Provide vital information about the structure and composition of the most basic elements of nuclear physics. – They are a measurable and physical manifestation of the nature of the hadrons' constituents and the dynamics that binds them together. Accurate form factor data are driving paradigmatic shifts in our pictures of hadrons and their structure; e.g., – role of orbital angular momentum and nonpointlike diquark correlations – scale at which p-QCD effects become evident – strangeness content – meson-cloud effects – etc. Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 79 Hard Exclusive Processes & PDAs In the theory of strong interactions, the cross-sections for many hard exclusive hadronic reactions can be expressed in terms of the PDAs of the hadrons involved Example: pseudoscalar-meson elastic electromagnetic form factor o αS(Q2) is the strong running coupling, o φπ(u) is the meson’s twist-two valence-quark PDA o fP is the meson's leptonic decay constant It was promised that JLab would verify this fundamental prediction Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 80 Pion electromagnetic form factor In 2001 – seven years after beginning operations, Jefferson Lab provided the first high precision pion electroproduction data for Fπ between Q2 values of 0.6 and 1.6 (GeV/c)2. 40 years of lQCD only provides access to this small domain, which is already well-mapped by experiments JLab Data Result imagined by many to be QCD prediction Evaluated with φπ = 6x(1-x) 2006 & 2007 – new result, at Q2=2.45 (GeV/c)2 Authors of the publications stated: “still far from the transition to the Q2 region where the pion looks like a simple quarkantiquark pair” disappointment and surprise Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 81 Pion electromagnetic form factor Year 2000 prediction for Fπ(Q2) – P.Maris & P.C. Tandy, Phys.Rev. C62 (2000) 055204 Factor of three discrepancy JLab Data Result imagined by many to be QCD prediction Evaluated with φπ = 6x(1-x) Problem … used brute-force computational method … unable to compute for Q2>4GeV2 Shape of prediction suggested to many that one might never see parton model scaling and QCD scaling violations Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 82 Pion electromagnetic form factor Plans were made and an experiment approved that use the higher-energy electron beam at the 12 GeV Upgrade at Jefferson Lab. The Upgrade will allow an extension of the Fπ measurement up to a value of Q2 of about 6 (GeV/c)2, which will probe the pion at double the resolution. Projected JLab reach Result imagined by many to be QCD prediction Evaluated with φπ = 6x(1-x) Will there be any hint of a trend toward the asymptotic pQCD prediction? Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 83 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 84 Pion electromagnetic form factor Solution – Part 1 – Compare data with the real QCD prediction; i.e. the result calculated using the broad pion PDA predicted by modern analyses of continuum QCD Real QCD prediction – obtained withResult realistic, computed PDA imagined by many to be QCD prediction Evaluated with φπ = 6x(1-x) Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 85 Pion electromagnetic form factor Solution – Part 1 – Compare data with the real QCD prediction; i.e. the result calculated using the broad pion PDA predicted by modern analyses of continuum QCD Agreement within 15% maximum Real QCD prediction – obtained with realistic, computed PDA Solution – Part 2 – Algorithm used to compute the PDA can also be employed to compute Fπ(Q2) directly, to arbitrarily large Q2 Predictions: JLab will see maximum Experiments to 8GeV2 will see parton model scaling and QCD Pion electromagnetic form factor at spacelike momenta scaling violations for the first L. Chang, I. C. Cloët, C. D. Roberts, S. M. Schmidt and P. C. Tandy, time in a hadron form factor arXiv:1307.0026 [nucl-th], Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 141802 (2013) Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 86 Implications Verify the theory of factorisation in hard exclusive processes, with dominance of hard contributions to the pion form factor for Q2>8GeV2. Notwithstanding that, normalisation of Fπ(Q2) is fixed by a pion wave-function whose dilation with respect to φπasy(x)=6x(1-x) is a definitive signature of DCSB – Empirical measurement of the strength of DCSB in the Standard Model – the origin of visible mass Close the book on a story that began thirty-five years ago Paves the way for a dramatic reassessment of pictures of proton & neutron structure, which is already well underway Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 87 Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 88 Tμν QCD, an apparently simple element of the Standard Model Classically, in the massless theory, the stress-energy tensor, Tμν, is associated with a conserved Noether current The Noether current becomes anomalous At the most fundamental level, this is the origin of (almost) all visible nonleptonic mass in the Universe Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 89 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Abstract XIII. Enigma of Mass Standard Model XIV. Pion Elastic FF Death of Super- String Theory? XV. Epilogue Quantum Chromodynamics Facilities QCD is a Theory What is Confinement? Confinement Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking X. Gap Equation XI. Calories for quarks XII. Overarching Science Challenges Craig Roberts: Calories for Quarks: The Origin of Mass 23.Sep.2014: ECT* (89p) 90