For the full Agenda: here

The Legacy of ABC4All
The Foundation For A Better Community For All (FABC)
P. O. Box 1624, Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1624, 1-310-712-5477,, Skype abc4allteam,
Greetings to everyone around the world watching this event, here in the South Bay
area of Los Angeles, in Long Beach, California, USA.
Dennis Matthews: LCE Company: This is brought to you by We
are a Hollywood based company to help bring organizations such as ABC4All to the
world. ABC4All is a very noble, outstanding organization to bring clean water
around the world. We are honored to be here to take their information to 197
countries with ABC4All Mentors in 119 countries around the world. A lot of people
do not have clean drinking water. They are dying because they do not have clean
drinking water. Organizations like ABC4All are trying to help people to stop dying.
Please help ABC4All with the goal of stopping the spreading of disease, sickness and
death from lack of good water.
My name is Dr. Burt Danet, the Founder of A Better Community For All, and the only
reason we are here tonight is because of people who have been supporting ABC4All
for 15 years. Through the assistance, collaboration and cooperation that is
generated, we are able to be here tonight and to bring information that is “A Pivot
Shift for the World.”
ABC4All offers information that will save lives. The sooner we are able to save lives,
the more grateful we will be to receive the support from around the world. This will
end the drinking of polluted water in the world. Is this a daunting task? Yes.
Impossible task? No! We can do it! We have the means to do it right now. Which
country will be the first to have no one drinking polluted water? We are waiting for
the answer that question, and when it comes, what’s the rest of the world going to
The Legacy of ABC4All
The Foundation For A Better Community For All (FABC)
P. O. Box 1624, Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1624, 1-310-712-5477,, Skype abc4allteam,
This restaurant is created by Michael Brausen, Owner, with his Partner. After
traveling in China for months, everything you see here was imported. Some of the
items are hand made by Michael himself! This is a work of love. This man is
supporting the nonprofit community in Long Beach, after being open 2 years, to the
tune of 6 figures of support! ABC4All is pledging to work together with Michael to
help expand his good work in the community.
ABC4All is partnered with Jazz For Peace who can offer concerts at this restaurant
and assist with raising funds for worthwhile causes in the community. Record to
date: $250,000 raised for one cause in one evening. History: 851 concerts in 10
years all over the world. Most recent videos of concerts in Kenya, Ghana and India: Read the CNN iReport regarding the concert in
India: Historic First ABC4All / Local ABC4All–India / Jazz For Peace FUNdraising
Concert in India. Watch the Video from this FUNdraising Concert for PASS here
(keep the volume low to accommodate the audio technical issue):
"I had the privilege and honor of videoing Rick DellaRatta, Jazz For Peace Founder and
invited guest performer, playing 3 songs at the "Enchanted Evening of Jazz" at Terranea
Resort, Rancho Palos Verdes, California on 03/11/11, ending with "Waters of March," and I
was up close and was able to zoom in from time to time: "If you look at that video, which I
have done numerous times now, and watch Rick's talent in action and how his entire body
relates to the expression of his talent (the piano is a fixed object in the environment to
which he relates and utilizes to express his gifts) and his obvious communication with the
audience, it is clear that we are witnessing a spirit in the world who has the potential to
help us at ABC4All facilitate what the world needs so badly, namely, Global Humanitarian
Relief (GHR) for anyone alive who is receptive."
-- Burton Danet, Ph.D., Co-Founder, A Better Community For All (ABC4All)
One special partner to the ABC4All Legacy is Alma Martinez, Founder/President of
Amigos Sin Barreras / Friends Without Barriers We will
support her dream to open a hospice so her clients do not have to die alone. One
“Kernel of Hope” in the world, we are supporting Alma’s dream as one example of
what is possible in the world. We are going to fulfill the dream of Alma Martinez.
That is a commitment.
The Legacy of ABC4All
The Foundation For A Better Community For All (FABC)
P. O. Box 1624, Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1624, 1-310-712-5477,, Skype abc4allteam,
My name is Michael Brausen, and I am President/CEO of The Forbidden City Casino
and Restaurants in America. We got our vision to build this restaurant from an
actual experience in the real Forbidden City in Beijing. We were working with the
Olympic Committee, and they asked where we’d like to have dinner on our final
night. We asked to have dinner at the Forbidden City, and although it is a museum
and not a restaurant, they then told us we would have dinner there!
In going there and feeling the ambience, the magnificence of the culture and the
history and the wonderful people we were with, I asked them, what if we
trademarked the Forbidden City and built restaurants and night clubs and hotels in
America using that wonderful name celebrating the Chinese culture, magnificent
food and hospitality. They said, “Good idea.” Then 2-1/2 years later, here we sit.
We built this restaurant with investors from China; 100% of everything in this
restaurant is from China; 66 tons of material; 3 40-foot containers, everything made
by artists in China to make a special Chinese experience with 7 Chinese chefs who
do not speak English!
We have 7 different water effects here. Six are man-made. One of them Mother
Nature made, called the Pacific Ocean. At least once a week, people will come to this
restaurant from Beijing or Shanghai, right from LAX International Airport to here.
Three to 4 times a week people come from Mainland China and other parts of Asia
just to come to the restaurant.
Michael Brausen is on the Board of Directors of a huge company called the China/US
Summit who comes to America once a year. They bring 100 people looking to
promote commerce, both in China and in America. We will do this the last part of
April 2013 both in Los Angeles at the Biltmore and right here in Forbidden City.
[See the Invitation for Peace and Global Humanitarian Relief for any country in the world
to do an Economic Exhibition in Los Angeles hosted by ABC4All (this is not limited to
countries from Africa!):]
Between China and US, we represent 1/3 of the world’s economy. I truly believe
that our world will rise or fall on the ability of China and US to rise together, because
if we don’t, we will fall together. We all need each other. We need to come together
now more than any time before in history, because we all know what happens when
we don’t. It’s what we really want and need in our hearts.
More information about Forbidden City: Forbidden City Restaurant in Long Beach,
California. and Community Hero:
The Legacy of ABC4All
The Foundation For A Better Community For All (FABC)
P. O. Box 1624, Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1624, 1-310-712-5477,, Skype abc4allteam,
The Goodwill Treaty for World Peace
I was shocked to discover, that never before in the history of diplomacy and politics on Earth, had
a document been brought before all nations to be signed, that simply stated we unequivocally
desire world peace. I am not suggesting a document that has any specific actions or concessions,
but just a simple statement of intention. This seemed to me like a catastrophic failure toward the
goal of greater peace. Declaring our intentions for greater goodwill and peace IS the obvious first
step toward attaining those goals. Every journey begins with the first step, and so in 2007 I
created the Goodwill Treaty for World Peace--a simple statement of intention.
Your Oath of Intention and Signature are Powerful!
The treaty was born from the philosophy that a simple reminder and oath of intention, could reawaken in a consciousness, what it already knows deep inside— that the world should be, could
be, and will be, a more beautiful, safe and peaceful home for all creatures and people, IF WE
CHOOSE. I have always believed, that one person really can make a difference. I AM that
person, and so are YOU. There is nothing special, or magical about what I do, or have done. All I
have done, and will continue to do, is simply carry a torch of faith, optimism and enthusiasm for a
safer and more harmonious world. A passionate fire for a more beautiful world burns within me,
and it is that same warmth within you, that will tame the coldness of indifference and cruel
Message delivered In Absentia: Thank you Burt, for this marvelous event, which I could
not attend because of scheduling conflicts. Thank each and every one of you, who gathered
together for this occasion of faithful service, and for your belief in a better world. We may not be
able to change the world overnight, and I have no fantasies of creating a utopia, but trust with me,
through faith in possibility, that we can make some difference, and no matter how slight that
difference is, it will be a resounding triumph for humanity!
What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail? I would raise awareness and
champion the reality that greater goodwill and peace is not only possible, but impossible to stop,
for as Victor Hugo wrote, 'There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is
an idea whose time has come.' The time has come. We can, will and ARE creating a ripple, that
will traverse the globe, carrying with it a message of hope through oneness. Every life is precious.
Let us subdue the ravages of our baser-self, and aspire to the higher calling of exalting joy
through compassion, for that is the one true purpose of humanity. Please believe, like little
children, in the power of LOVE, to transform the world. Join me and sign the goodwill treaty
--from Bryant McGill who is announcing that FREE digital copies of his book will be shared with
ALL ABC4All Mentors (not just 80 Leaders) with the request that each recipient NOT distribute
his copyrighted work with others. Thank you Bryant for such a precious gift for 1071 ABC4All
Mentors in 119 countries to date.
The Legacy of ABC4All
The Foundation For A Better Community For All (FABC)
P. O. Box 1624, Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1624, 1-310-712-5477,, Skype abc4allteam,
Press Release: Alma L. Martinez, President/Founder of the "Kernel of Hope,"
Amigos Sin Barreras/Friends Without Barriers, Jefferson Award Recipient,
Partners with A Better Community For All Implementing the ABC4All Legacy
for You and Your Family
Sign up for our Newsletter | (310) 316-7074 |
Non-Profit ID # 95-4490952 | Copyright 2012
If donating by check, please make it payable to “Amigos” and forward it to:
Alma L. Martinez
555 Esplanade # 419
Redondo Beach, CA 90277.
The World We Want 2015 via Ravi Kakara, Expert Advisor Children & Youth from the
UN working closely with Ntiokam Divine, Local ABC4All / Cameroon Co-Founder:
See the video:
--------------------------------------------------------Ravi Karkara,
Expert Advisor Children & Youth,
2 UN Plaza, Room DC2-0943, New York, NY 10017
Email: I Tel: 1 917 3672895 I Mobile +1 646 642 6049 I Skype:
rkarkara I Fax: 1 212 963-8721
--------------------------------------------------------Video: The Legacy of ABC4All
Web: The Legacy of ABC4All
What would help make your community better for all? What do you have? What do you
want? Submit your answers: abc4allteam @ abc4all (dot) net
The Legacy of ABC4All
The Foundation For A Better Community For All (FABC)
P. O. Box 1624, Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1624, 1-310-712-5477,, Skype abc4allteam,
ABC4All Partner Charity Factors: Create a fundraising page and/or sell products in a
ABC4All Partner Earn money just because you are clicking.
ABC4All Partner Jazz for Peace has raised as much as $250,000 for one cause in one eve
and we can work with your organization as well.
ABC4All supports worthwhile causes and nonprofits/NGOs worldwide (more coming):
Burton Danet, Ph.D., Rejuvenated Facilitator, Clinical Psychologist (retired), Founder,
The ABC4All Legacy
Goodwill Ambassador, Yale Alumni / ABC4All, Goodwill Treaty for World Peace
MANDATED ACTION for What The World Needs Now: The FOREVER Campaign for
Global Humanitarian Relief (FCGHR) - Every day is GHRD™
P. O. Box 1624, Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1624 USA
Tel. 1-310-712-5477 * Skype abc4allteam * eMail abc4allteam @ abc4all (dot) net
The Legacy of ABC4All
The Foundation For A Better Community For All (FABC)
P. O. Box 1624, Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1624, 1-310-712-5477,, Skype abc4allteam,
The Legacy of ABC4All Agenda
The Agenda Focus Changes; the Goal Remains the Same.
RT @26Acts_4Newton #26ActsofKindness A UNIFYING GLOBAL FORCE. The Legacy of
ABC4All adopts 26Acts: Permanent LOA Agenda
@abc4allteam @26Acts_4Newton #26ActsofKindness PERMANENT part of LOA Agenda
anywhere in the world
To counter senseless acts of violence, war, ecocide, genocide, lack of humane treatment of
others so Global UNITY, PEACE & HARMONY prevail.
Current Date: 01/07/2013
Location: Forbidden City Restaurant, Long Beach, California USA
Time: 11:00 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
A Series of ABC4All / Jazz For Peace FUNdraising Concerts in support of:
A Dream to Create a Hospice so Clients do not Die Alone
@26Acts_4Newton and #26ActsOfKindness
Artwork, Vision of Unity and Peace, 2013 Project
The Work by a Community Hero in support of Long Beach, CA nonprofits at
Forbidden City Restaurant Museum
Research regarding a Treatment Program for HIV/AIDS Clients
Support for Children/Youth in Africa
NOTE: The Legacy of ABC4All Agenda is always a working document, i.e., anyone
participating can offer edits, suggestions for additions/deletions and add their own ideas.
Thus the Agenda becomes the equivalent of a “One Page Business Plan” which can be
modified by common agreement among those participating and is never to be seen as a final
document but a plan in progress.
The Legacy of ABC4All
The Foundation For A Better Community For All (FABC)
P. O. Box 1624, Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1624, 1-310-712-5477,, Skype abc4allteam,
The Legacy of ABC4All is partnered with Amigos Sin Barreras / Friends Without Barriers,
Alma Martinez, Founder/President: In the 2 decades dealing with
HIV/AIDS Clients a Critical Necessity has been recognized:
Amigos has lost 75 clients since its inception. Sixty of them died in a skilled
nursing facility, during the night, and alone in their rooms.
Their lifeless bodies were discovered during the nurses’ morning rounds.
These clients had no one to hold their hand during their last hour, and no one
to pray for or with them as they transitioned to a new life. Their last words
were unheard—their last breath unnoticed. So many of them had no family to
be at their side because they were rejected, either because of their HIV/AIDS,
because of their lifestyle, or both.
Everybody deserves a humane exit with someone who cares by their
side.Amigos’ goal is to open a home for clients who require hospice care to
ensure that they are not alone when they die. As clients approach their last
few days, they will be closely monitored and nurtured around the clock by
someone who cares.
The plan is to have four beds available, and when not in use, to allow clients
who require acute care to stay until they are well enough to live on their own.
Unlike other patients with serious illnesses, people with HIV and AIDS tend to
become acutely ill for two to six weeks, then bounce back. This is particularly
true of people who have someone to care for them during their illness. For
those living in isolation, their illness could become terminal. These clients
need a loving, caring environment to get well. They need the care that Amigos
hopes to provide. This is a tremendous challenge for Amigos, but with
community support, it can become more than a dream
Recently at the ABC4All Jamboree! on 12/12/12, an ABC4All Edutainment Production, Alma
offered a summary of her work. Also shared was a focus on what has become a “Team
A dream Amigos Sin Barreras/Friends Without Barriers Founder Alma has
Spending 20 years while so many of her dear Clients leave the world dying alone.
A Hospice she will build, her dream now a Team Dream
With all concerned matching her soul’s wish so the caring love she holds
Will embrace all basking in her midst:
A place to rest weary bones Alma will create,
So all within are adorned by and benefit from her Love that conquers and clears
away any teary mist.
Rest easy, dear client, at Alma’s Hospice that is Home, one where you will be
comforted till you breathe no more.
The Legacy of ABC4All
The Foundation For A Better Community For All (FABC)
P. O. Box 1624, Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1624, 1-310-712-5477,, Skype abc4allteam,
ABC4All is partnered with Jazz For Peace who have raised as much as $250,000 in one
evening for one cause during 850 concerts over the past decade. At a proposed venue for
Jazz For Peace Concerts in Long Beach, CA, The Forbidden City Restaurant Museum, a series
of FUNdraising concerts are to be arranged. The fundraising will be in support of:
1. The work of owner Michael Brausen supporting nonprofits within the Long Beach
2. Amigos Sin Barreras/Friends Without Barriers Nonprofit
3. Artwork Project 2013: Vision of Unity and Peace
4. A research study of the use of Protandim as a potential treatment in the health
maintenance of clients with HIV/AIDS.
5. Support of children/youth in Africa, Hosanna Broadcasting Foundation
CHILDREN/YOUTH IN AFRICA: Hosanna Broadcasting Foundation
Hosanna Broadcasting Foundation is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to care
for homeless and poor children in Africa. Our goal is to feel the gap in the under-served
disenfranchised communities by providing community care systems and support. Our
primary target is children and youth. Our goal is to combat child abandonment, Child
slavery and homelessness that have threatened children for decades. To this end we
have started to provide a safe haven for orphaned girls who have lost their parents due to
the HIV/AIDS virus. We have taken the challenge to start an orphanage that is housing
girls ages 6 -18 ages giving them a nurturing environment. These children are cared for
by well-trained individuals who provide a stable home life with their human needs met.
Our program includes nutritional balanced food, clothing, medical care, school fees and
supply, moral and life skills development, tutorial, counseling and social activities. Hosanna Broadcasting Network, 1176 E. Sandhill
Avenue, Carson, CA 90746, +1 310 348 9188 FAX +1 310 348 9829 To donate:
Forbidden City Restaurant is a 7000 square foot museum/restaurant with extraordinary
capability to serve as a venue for the Jazz for Peace Concerts. The work of owner Michael
Brausen is well documented: Community Hero: Forbidden City - Long Beach’s Forbidden
City has donated generously to city’s nonprofits since opening in 2010.
The Legacy of ABC4All
The Foundation For A Better Community For All (FABC)
P. O. Box 1624, Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1624, 1-310-712-5477,, Skype abc4allteam,
The “Vision of Peace,” produced through digital art, depicts the harmonious nature of the sun,
Earth, moon, and solar system, each being true its nature. It calls on us to act in accordance with
our true identity. Our capacity for unconditional, infinite love is illustrated by the positioning of
an infinity sign at the center of the finished piece and in the center of the heart embracing the
Just as each two-sided painting is necessary to creating the “vision of unity and peace,” every
human being plays an integral role in achieving peace on Earth.
After 10 years effort of creating Vision of Unity and Peace, in 2013 we are planning to
display the artwork for the first time.
Ehsan M. Khanaman, Artist
In this study, 20 clients with HIV/AIDS are provided a standard set of medical laboratory
and diagnostic baseline data.
10 clients are provided with standard amounts of these daily antioxidants administered at
Antioxidants are substances that may protect your cells against the effects of free radicals.
Free radicals are molecules produced when your body breaks down food, or by
environmental exposures like tobacco smoke and radiation. Free radicals can damage cells,
and may play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases.
Antioxidant substances include
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Antioxidants are found in many foods. These include fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains, and
some meats, poultry and fish. A standard diet is provided for the duration of the study so
that all subjects eat the same foods.
The Legacy of ABC4All
The Foundation For A Better Community For All (FABC)
P. O. Box 1624, Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1624, 1-310-712-5477,, Skype abc4allteam,
10 clients are provided with Protandim, 1 tablet every 12 hours.
Weekly repeat of the standard tests are taken for all clients.
The results are reported after 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks.
The comparison of the blood tests is reviewed over time for each of the 2 groups of 10.
Initial findings are reported with determination of subsequent study direction.
Thanks for sending the HIV/AIDS proposal. The following are my thoughts and questions:
Why would the comparison group be given this assortment of vitamins and
antioxidants? I would prefer to see a control group given a placebo, instead of, or in
addition to this group. Is there interest in looking at this particular group of antioxidants?
2) If the dosage is to be 2 Protandim/day, I would prefer that they be taken at the same
time. We don’t have good data on this point, so I don’t think it’s necessarily an important
one. I would also be OK with 1 caplet/day.
3) I think the time course is too short, and would prefer that the tests be done at 0, 1, 2
and 3 months.
4) Most importantly, what are the parameters to be measured as end points? I assume all
participants are receiving HAART, and probably have been for some time. I would be very
interested in reviewing the measurements that the investigators have in mind to monitor.
Anecdotally, there is evidence that Protandim raises CD40 count, and decreases viral load
for both HIV and Hepatitis C. How many of these patients still have measurable or
significant viral load? There is certainly the possibility of treating HAART-related adverse
side effects, as well.
I greatly appreciate the interest of everyone involved. This will be an exciting study.
Joe M. McCord, Ph.D.
Clinical Professor of Medicine
Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine
University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus
Research 2, Box C-272, or Room 9111
12700 East 19th Avenue
Aurora, CO 80045
Phone 720 240-4421 - Cell 561 247-1796
The Legacy of ABC4All
The Foundation For A Better Community For All (FABC)
P. O. Box 1624, Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1624, 1-310-712-5477,, Skype abc4allteam,