3-5 June 2013 The XXVth International Maintenance Conference, Veszprém Hungary SCIENCE SERVING MAINTENANCE COMPETITIVENESS Environmental effects that elicit to organise the conference: if Hungary wants to come abreast of developed Europe it is vital to know international experience from all fields regarding competitiveness international experiences and practices are important challenges towards maintenance are intensifying, conditions are getting harder the dance remains, but the rhythm and the instruments are new The aim of the conference is to: review national and international results and experience of maintenance management help implementing research results into practice facilitate participants’ professional networking demonstrate and display maintenance supporting new software and assets presenting maintenance as a value creating process handling the maintenance effects of the technological development Professional themes of the symposium: e-maintenance technology and systems information technologies in maintenance the maintenance conditions of high-tech production (WCM) quality assurance and excellence in maintenance maintaining energy network and energetic systems tribological systems and their maintenance means of transportation maintenance speciality managing maintenance projects TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) as an engine of change benchmarking in maintenance facility management in private and non-profit businesses maintenance problems of medical institutions strategic questions of maintenance, strategic business plans reliability, be at service and risk in maintenance Who is it for? The symposium would like to help manager directors and professionals at organisational units (shop-floor maintenance, production management, investment, project management, informatics, controlling) who are involved in managing fixed asset streamlining. As a results of the conference positive outcomes in the following competences are expected: performance, reliability, preciseness, loadability, environment conscious thinking, information processing skills In accordance with the conference aim apart from Hungarian speakers internationally recognised Austrian and German academics and practising professionals are asked to present. Preliminary programme: 3 June, 2013 1000 1010 1300 1400-1730 1900 Opening ceremony Plenary speeches Lunch Sessions, debate, discussion Gala dinner, stein initiation ceremony, cultural programme, “Maintenance of the Year” award ceremony, sense perception 4 June, 2013 900-1300 1300 1400-1600 1600 1700 1800 Presentations, speeches, debate, discussion 5 Jume, 2013. 900-1300 A.) B.) C.) D.) Lunch Presentations, speeches, debate, discussion Company introductions Platform discussions, closing speech Dinner, cultural programme Parallel sessions*: Workshop: The Blue Ocean can be navigated too Workshop: Strategic business planning with VÁSZON Workshop: About organisational culture from different angles plant/laboratory visit *you can write up for a session at the conference 3 June Themes of the plenary speeches: Where can we improve in maintenance? The poor rich or the rich poor. The schools of maintenance management. To the sea Hungarians! Fleet goes to the Blue Oceans. Contest to stay alive and for competitiveness. Information about the conference is continuously available at our website: http://nkk2013.gtk.uni-pannon.hu The XXVth maintenance conference with international participation – in compliance with the previous years practices – is under the accreditation process by the Hungarian Engineering Chamber. The presentations and papers are published in the conference proceeding that the participants will receive beforehand. Language of the conference: Hungarian, English and German. Interpretation of the presentations will be provided. Conference fee: 30.000 HUF +VAT, which includes the organisation, proceeding, interpretation, cultural programmes and coffee breaks. Meal is 14.900 HUF + VAT (which includes 3 June: lunch, gala dinner; 4 June: lunch and dinner; 5 June: lunch) Accommodation opportunities: single or double/twin rooms in Gizella Hotel, Hotel Magiszter (both in Veszprém), Hotel Annabella (Balatonfüred). In case of single room you need to pay for the hotel room (double single price). Shuttle service is provided between Veszprém and Balatonfüred. There are two premium category hotels with fewer room capacities: Villa Medici, Veszprém, Kittenberger Kálmán u. 11. Tel: (88) 590-070 Fax: (88) 590-070 Betekints Hotel, Veszprém, Veszprémvölgyi u. 4. Tel: (88) 579-280 Deadline of application: 10 May, 2013. When your application is confirmed conference fee, if applicable meal and accommodation fee is asked to be transferred in return of an invoice. If you need information please do not hesitate to contact: professional queries : Dr. Zoltán Gaál Mobil: 30-699-50-59 gaal@gtk.uni-pannon.hu organisational queries: Andrea Csaba Molnár Tel: 88-624-215; Fax: 88-624-524 csabaneandrea@gtk.uni-pannon.hu INFORMATION SCIENCE SERVING MAINTENANCE COMPETITIVENESS Conference SOFTWARE AND/OR DEVICES EXHIBITION for participating companies/institutions The Organising Committee can provide the following services: exhibition spots at the air-conditioned 6m2 university’s hall (exhibition takes place between 3 June 1000-1800 and 4 June 800-1700) appropriate conditions to exhibit (desk, chair, screen, socket etc.) an A/5 page in the proceedings to place a black and white advertisement about the company/institution place leaflets, brochures, advertisement provided by the companies/institutions into the conference bag provide 5 minutes to introduce the company/institution after the conference session (4 June, 2013 between 1600-1700) Exhibition package fee: 30 000 Ft + VAT For further information please contact: Balázs Szentes (Tel: 20-373-0225) szentesb@gtk.uni-pannon.hu