The Outsiders Homework - Catawba County Schools

Language Arts 3rd 9 Weeks
We are getting an early start on the 3rd 9 week AIR Project. Students will read The Outsiders at home and will complete the below assignments at home. Students will take chapter
quizzes in class. The assignment completion dates and quiz dates are detailed below. Students will need to come to class prepared to participate in class discussion. Students should
write their answers using complete sentences. ALL assignments will be collected as a packet on Friday, February 14. There will be a 5 point deduction for each day the packet
is late.
Mon. Jan 6
Tues. Jan 7
QUIZ 1/8
Wed Jan 8
Thur. Jan 9
QUIZ 1/10
Fri Jan 10
Mon Jan 13
Clear Learning Goal
-Identify Point of View
-Identify narrator
-Make inference
-Identify Character Traits
-Identify Symbolism
1) Create a graphic organizer that details the character traits for the following characters: Ponyboy Curtis, Dallas Winston,
Johnny Cade, Darrell Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, Two-Bit Matthews, & Steve Randall.
2)From which point of view is the story being told?
3)Who is the narrator of the story? Is this person a Greaser or a Soc? How do you think that this might impact the story?
4) Identify how the Greasers and Socs are different.
1) Who is Johnny? How are he and Ponyboy connected? What had happened to Johnny?
2) Think about the switchblade…what do you think the switchblade symbolizes?
-Identify Figure of Speech
-Make Inference
-Use context clues to
determine the meaning of
-Identify Author’s Purpose
-Identify Irony
-Identify Figure of Speech
-Use context clues to
determine the meaning of
-Use prefixes to
determine the meaning of
-Identify figure of speech
-Apply figures of speech,
rhyme, and use imagery
to compose a poem
-Identify and apply
informational text
1)Find three allusions. Write them down ALSO write down the page number on which you found the allusion.
2) On page 42, paragraph 6, Ponyboy states, “Compared to Johnny’s home, mine was heaven.” What inference can be
made about Johnny’s home/home life? Support your answer. Refer back to Chapter 2, if necessary.
3) On page 48, paragraph 3, what is the meaning of the word “…broad”. Tell which words provide context clues to help
you determine the meaning.
4) What do you think is the purpose of 3rd paragraph on page 48?
5) In this chapter you are introduced to Mickey Mouse, a horse that Sodapop loves. How is the horse described on pages 3940. What is ironic about the horse being called Mickey Mouse? Based on its character, what would you name the horse and
1)On page 54, paragraph 6, “He was as white as a ghost…” is an example of which figure of speech?
2)On page 55, paragraph 10, what do you think “You could use a bath, greaser…Give the kid a bath, David.” tells the reader
the Scos are about to do?
3)A hyperbole is a figure of speech. Look up the definition of hyperbole in the dictionary or on your word list. Write down
the meaning. Find a hyperbole on page 61. Write it down.
4)On page 65, paragraph 1, what is the meaning of the word “…reformatory”? Tell which words provide context clues to
help you determine the meaning. What does the prefix re- mean? What does the word “form” mean?
1)Find an allusion on page 75. Write it down. What is this?
2) What do you think is the meaning of the poem on page 77. Support your answer.
3) Write a poem about nature. Include at least one simile, one metaphor, and use imagery and sensory words. Your
poems should have end rhyme and be no more than 10 lines long. Give your poem a title.
Write a newspaper article that details the events that happened at the church. Use the 5WH (who, did what, to/for whom,
when where, why, & how). Create a Headline title. Draw a picture.
QUIZ 1/14
Tue Jan 14
Wed Jan 15
Quiz 1/16
Thur. Jan 16
Fri Jan 17
Quiz 1/21
Tue. Jan 21
Wed. Jan 22
Quiz 1/27
Mon. Jan 27
Tue. Jan 28
Quiz 1/29
Wed. Jan. 29
Thur. Jan 30
Quiz 1/31
Fri. Jan 31
Mon. Feb 3
Quiz 2/4
Tue. Feb 4
Wed. Feb 5
Quiz 2/6
Thur. Feb 6
Fri. Feb 7
Quiz 2/10
Mon. Feb. 10
Tue. Feb. 11
Quiz 2/12
-Make inference
On page 100, paragraph 2, what does the clause “Sodapop kept them in stitches” mean? Use textual evidence to support
your answer. This is an example of what type of figure of speech? Hint: Look at your list
-Make inference
-Determine author’s
Based on pages 122-123, what is the author’s attitude toward Johnny’s mother? Provide textual evidence to support your
thoughts. Why did Johnny not want to see his mother? Do you think he was justified in telling the nurse that he didn’t want to
see her? Why or why not?
-Identify cause and effect
-Evaluate information to
form an opinion
-Identify Cause and Effect
-Make inference
Write an obituary for Johnny. Include the in obituary his age, where he was when he died, events that led to his death,
medical issues which caused his death, the family he leaves behind, and the friends he leaves behind. Describe in the
obituary whether Johnny was a hero or not and tell why.
Write down your definition of a hero? Do you think Johnny was a hero?
Go back to Chapter 4 through Chapter 10. Create a cause and effect chart that shows seven events which results in
Dally’s death.
On page 154, why does Dally raise the gun? Hint…it’s not because he’s bluffing.
-Identify Direct
-Identify Indirect
-Evaluate information to
form an opinion
-Identify Plot
-Identify Protagonist
-Identify Antagonist
-Identify Conflict
-Identify KEY Rising
-Identify KEY Falling
-Identify Resolution
-Identify Theme
-Identify Mood
-Identify and Apply
Textual Evidence
Select a character. Tell the name of the character. Create a character analysis graphic organizer that includes at least five
examples of direct characterization and the page numbers (how does the author and other characters directly describe
the character) ALSO include at least five examples of indirect characterization (what does the character say, think, or
do)(what do other characters say about, think about, act toward, or react to this character). Would this be someone you
would be friends with why or why not?
Create plot summary diagram. Include the exposition (setting, basic situation); protagonist/antagonist; the conflict(s); at least
five rising action events and a statement why you think each is an important rising action event; the climax; at least five
falling action events and state why you think each is an important falling action event; the resolution. Be sure to give title the
plot summary diagram. What do you think is the theme of the book? Provide textual evidence to support your thoughts.
What do you think is the mood of the book? Provide textual evidence to support your thoughts.
By signing, I acknowledge that I have a copy of this assignment outline in the “Outsiders
Packet”. I understand that students are to read The Outsiders at home. I understand that all
assignments are to be completed at home. I understand that the packet is due on Friday,
February 14.
Parent Signature: ___________________________________________________________
Student’s Signature (First & Last Name Please): __________________________________