photosynthesis - Archmere Academy

1. All Plants (Plant Kingdom)
2. Algae (Protist groups: red algae,
brown algae, green algae, diatoms,
3. Cyanobacteria (Bacteria Kingdom)
1. water is used up and oxygen is
 2. Photosystem II captures sunlight and
absorbs electrons from splitting water
to replace electrons from chlorophyll
 3. Photosythem I also captures sunlight
and carries electrons from proteins
 4. Electron is captured by NADP+ along
with H+ ions to form higher energy
5. ATP is produced by H+ ions moving
through an enzyme called ATP
 6. Light Dependent Reactions occur in
green parts of a plant = leaves (and
not in the roots underground)
 Also: algae and cyanobacteria contain
pigments to absorb sunlight and
conduct photosynthesis (Do
cyanobacteria have chloroplasts?)
1. The 2 high energy molecules
produced in Light Dependent Rx are
used up: ATP and NADPH
 2. CO2 is used up
 3. One organic sugar, glucose, is
produced for each 6 CO2 used.
 4. RuBP is regenerated at the end of
each cycle and ready for the next CO2
1. source of ALL atmospheric oxygen
(Why is this important?)
2. source of all organic molecules,
starting with glucose, a carbohydrate
(Why is this important?)
3. mitigates global warming by
absorbing CO2 (Why is this important?)