Student Services Available From ITS Cotler Computer Center Help Desk (570)385-6212 Free Software: From the site - Security Tools: Ad-Aware - Software for Scanning and removing Adware from your computer Spybot - Search and Destroy (S&D) - Software for Scanning and removing Adware and Malware from your computer Symantec AntiVirus – Monitors and Protects your computer from Viruses Email Clients: Thunderbird SeaMonkey Web Browsers: Firefox Mozilla Opera Office Productivity: OpenOffice – Software that will function with the Microsoft Office Programs Adobe Reader – Software for the reading and saving of .PDF files From the site – PSU Remote Printing – Software to allow you to print to one of the ITS printers in Nittany V, Cotler Computer Center, or, the Library, by utilizing the print release stations at those sites. Printing Services: Penn State Schuylkill is currently providing 220 pages of printing per semester at no extra charge to students, the standard for Penn State is 110 pages. This quota only applies to printing in classrooms and labs on campus. Wireless Service: Wireless networking is now available in all student classroom and residential buildings on campus. Assistance for connecting to the network is given at the Cotler Computer Center Help Desk. Residence Halls: Besides the wireless networking in the residence halls there is still wired connectivity available for desktop computers, xbox or other devices that utilize wired connections. These devices must be registered with rescom at: Software Training: is available free to all registered students at: This site offers training on the full Microsoft Office Suite as well as many other software packages. Online Storage: - Box is a secure, cloud-based, commercial file storage, sharing, and collaboration service. Box at Penn State is the result of a contract between Box and the Internet 2 consortium. Because Penn State is a member of Internet2, the University can take advantage of enterprise Box accounts. Each user will have 50GB of storage space. Online Programs: - WebApps provides access to several popular applications from a wide array of devices, and is available to anyone with a Penn State Access Account. WebApps uses HTML5 instead of Java you don't need anything other than a modern browser to access the applications. Supported Browsers Apple Safari 5+ Google Chrome 11+ Microsoft Internet Explorer 10+ Microsoft Internet Explorer 6-9 with Google Chrome Frame Mozilla Firefox 4+ Opera 11+ Apple iPad Microsoft Surface Android Tablets with Google Chrome 18+ Chromebook Applications Microsoft Office 2010 (Word, Excel, Access, OneNote, PowerPoint, Publisher, Visio, Project) Microsoft Office 2013 (Word, Excel, Access, OneNote, PowerPoint, Publisher, Visio, Project) ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 JMP Pro 10 Mathematica 9.0 MATLAB R2013b Minitab 16.2 SAS 9.3 SolidWorks 2013 Online Support: LabChat - The IT Service Desk Lab Consulting group is pleased to announce LabChat, a new online chat support service. LabChat provides real time technical support for users when a Lab Consultant is not available in person. The service is staffed by experienced Lab Consultants who are ready to answer support questions, and is available in all ITS computer labs and technology classrooms at University Park campus. To connect to a student Lab Consultant, customers can simply click on the LabChat icon on the desktop.