Cellular Respiration Poster Project

Cellular Respiration Poster
Name: __________________________________
In this project, you and your group will be creating a poster about cellular respiration. The goal of
the poster is to tell the story cellular respiration of and how a cell gets energy using this process. Make sure
the posters are colorful and include your group names. The following information must be included:
Cellular Respiration
o What the purpose of cellular respiration is
o What happens in each stage of cellular respiration (glycolysis, Kreb’s, and ETC) Reactants
and Products of each stage
o The location(s) of each process in the cell
o The amount of ATP’s in each the process
o What kinds of cells these process take place in (Plant? Animal? Bacteria?)
o The chemical equation for Cellular Respiration
o What Fermentation is (kinds)
o Why Fermentation would happen
Both Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration
o The similarities and differences between the two processes
POSTER: Must have relative pictures to match each of the concepts and all of the above information.
Grade: Points will be given for the completed poster that will be recorded as a classwork grade.
Cellular Respiration Poster
Name: __________________________________
In this project, you and your group will be creating a poster about cellular respiration. The goal of
the poster is to tell the story cellular respiration of and how a cell gets energy using this process. Make sure
the posters are colorful and include your group names. The following information must be included:
Cellular Respiration
o What the purpose of cellular respiration is
o What happens in each stage of cellular respiration (glycolysis, Kreb’s, and ETC) Reactants
and Products of each stage
o The location(s) of each process in the cell
o The amount of ATP’s in each the process
o What kinds of cells these process take place in (Plant? Animal? Bacteria?)
o The chemical equation for Cellular Respiration
o What Fermentation is (kinds)
o Why Fermentation would happen
Both Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration
o The similarities and differences between the two processes
POSTER: Must have relative pictures to match each of the concepts and all of the above information.
Grade: Points will be given for the completed poster that will be recorded as an authentic assessment