10-21-13m - Midstate Communications

October 21, 2013
The Chamberlain City Commission held their second regular meeting on Monday, October 21 at 7:00 PM.
Present: Mayor Nelson, Commissioners Jurgensen, Mutziger and Soulek, City Engineer Greg Powell and Finance
Officer Nicky Gaulke.
Absent: Commissioner Thomas was present for the Community Center tour and absent once the meeting
reconvened at the City Offices.
Chamberlain Community Center
The City Council started their meeting with a tour of the Community Center located at 112 N Main Street. It was
noted the holes for the volleyball standards were not put in the correct location and we are now having problems
getting everything to fit because the bleachers are bigger than what the original plans showed.
Powell also informed the Council that Coca-Cola has offered to purchase a scoreboard with a contract that we would
sell Coke products exclusively in the building through vending machines until the cost of the scoreboard is
Meeting Reconvened
Motion by Mutziger second by Soulek, all ayes and approved to reconvene the meeting at 7:32 PM at the
Chamberlain City Offices located at 715 N Main Street.
Chamber of Commerce
Mike Normile introduced himself as the new Chamber Director. He added that this is his second time in the position
and his new assistant, Rochelle Hopkins, was also the Chamber Board President in the past.
Normile informed the Council that this year’s Chamber theme is “Christmas at Grandma’s.”
Keloland also sells ads during the holiday season and they will ask local businesses if they would like to place an ad
in conjunction to the one the Chamber will do which will give Chamberlain more air time.
Normile informed the Council of other projects he is also working on and asked the Council to send him their email
addresses so he may reach them directly.
Gloria Priebe, Sanford Hospital Holiday Extravaganza
Gloria Priebe of Sanford Hospital informed the Council that they will be holding their 10 th annual Holiday
Extravaganza this year and would like to use part of the funds raised towards a trophy case at the Chamberlain Swim
Pool. She went on to state that Chamberlain has a great swim team that has won a lot of awards and they would like
to see them displayed.
Priebe also informed the Council that the Holiday Extravaganza will be held on November 15 th at Cedar Shore and
they will have a silent auction and are also selling raffle tickets for the Vikings game.
The Council thanked Priebe for the donation offer.
Mark Ervasti – Building Code
Mark Ervasti addressed the Board stating that he would like to see Chamberlain implement a building code. He went
on to state that after seeing that building collapse in the wind on top of the hill last week, he believes if we had a
building code in place, this would not have happened.
He commented that we would need a responsible individual that the City would hire to make sure buildings are safe
and reliable and this person would also enforce the code. This person could also do nuisances like grass and snow
removal so we don’t have to have the police officers do it. Ervasti showed the Council that he had a copy of the
International Residential Building Code and went on to state that we would require licensing and renewal of licenses
by contractors. He explained what the process of the licensing and renewals would be.
Mayor Nelson stated that we are not a large enough City to do this and that even within the State of South Dakota,
there are only 5 Cities that have their own plumbing inspector.
Ervasti stated that we could still do this, but do it more seasonal like he does with his current job doing locates for
electric and phone lines.
Mayor Nelson commented that it is not something that you can do seasonally.
It was noted that there are also only seven electric inspectors in the State of South Dakota.
It was noted again that Chamberlain is not interested nor can we afford to do building inspections.
Ervasti commented that the individuals would be required to submit plans in order to get approval to construct and
this would also help. He added that looking at the long range, implementing this would be beneficial.
Commissioner Jurgensen stated that problems with a building is between the contractor and property owner, not the
City of Chamberlain.
Ervasti disagreed stating the City does have a stake in this.
Engineer Greg Powell stated that there is a state code and it’s the states responsibility to enforce it.
Mayor Nelson stated that by doing this, it would make us liable if there were any problems and we would get sued.
Ervasti asked the Mayor and the Council if they are attorneys and went on to state that we are talking about what-ifs.
Commissioner Mutziger asked Ervasti if they require all this within the State of Minnesota as that is where Ervasti
had stated he is from.
Ervasti answered that the State enforces it statewide other than Minneapolis who has opted to have their own code.
Motion by Jurgensen second by Soulek, all ayes and approved the minutes from the last regular meeting.
Motion by Jurgensen second by Soulek, all ayes and approved to pay the following bills:
Adams Agency, Inc 12,119.46 Insurance; Aurora-Brule Rural Water 168.00 Water; Puetz Construction 240,827.30 Bldgs; American Island Days
4,425.44 Economic Dvlpt; South Dakota State University 250.00 Sup/Mat; First Dakota 35,258.38 Debt Pay; First Dakota 2,127.86 Debt Pay;
A&R Truck Equipment 533.38 Rep/Maint; Alert-All Corporation 696.50 Sup/Mat; American Garage Door Co. 88.87 Rep/Maint; Aqua-Pure Inc
2,022.92 Sup/Mat; At&t 365.38 Cell Phone; B & L Communications 65.50 Sup/Mat; Baker & Taylor Company 468.44 Books;; Brule Co Coop
187.00 Rep/Maint; Brule County Lumber 991.95 Rep/Maint; Burke Oil Company 2,012.41 Heating Fuel; Byre Brothers, Inc 346.50 Prof Serv;
Card Services Center 719.08 Travel; Central Electric Cooperative 1,477.30 Electric; Century Link 686.79 Phone; Chamberlain Building Supply
1,263.89 Sup/Mat; Chamberlain Chamber Of Commerc 2,625.00 Economic Dvlpt; Chamberlain Napa 137.10 Rep/Maint; Chamberlain True
Value 277.60 Rep/Maint; Chamberlain Wholesale Grocery 246.75 Sup/Mat; Chamberlain/Oacoma Sun 711.87 Publishing City Of Chamberlain
97.65 Sup/Mat; Combined Building Specialties 11,034.00 Equip; Commercial Asphalt Co, Inc 2,807.25 Asphalt/Oil; Cook Implement 50.00 Prof
Serv; Cruzers Pit Stop 11.29 Sup/Mat; Cutler & Donahoe, Llp 2,376.00 Prof Serv; Dakota Milestones 280.13 Rep/Maint; Department Of
Revenue 114.00 Prof Serv; Department Of Revenue 800.00 Prof Serv; Department Of Transportation 4,025.03 Gas; Diesel Machinery, Inc 74.31
Rep/Maint; Energy Laboratories 280.00 Prof Serv; Environmental Toxicity Control 675.00 Prof Serv; Family Dollar 46.75 Sup/Mat; Guest
Plumbing, Heating & Ac 231.36 Prof Serv; Gunners Meters & Parts, Inc 1,932.00 Sup/Mat; Hach Company 555.48 Chemicals; Harper Brush
Central 161.70 Sup/Mat; Hartford Steam Boiler 90.00 Prof Serv; Hawkins Water Treatment 3,728.85 Chemicals; Hd Supply Waterworks Ltd
864.87 Sup/Mat; Heritage Flag & Banner, Inc. 166.00 Sup/Mat; Hickey Heating & A/C 916.32 Prof Serv; Hrabe Flying Service 750.00 Prof
Serv; Ingram Book Company 545.10 Books; Jacks Uniforms 557.13 Sup/Mat; Jeremy Thomas Construction Llc 8,875.00 Prof Serv; Kimball
Midwest 890.76 Rep/Maint; Lakeview Sinclair 53.13 Diesel Fuel; Lyle Signs, Inc 39.23 Signs; Melissa Hutmacher 118.77 Travel; Mid-River
Veterinary Clinic 167.00 Animal Control; Midstate Communications 772.27 Phone; Midwest Supply 616.84 Sup/Mat; Nalco 251.80 Chemicals;
Nicky Gaulke 178.66 Travel; Northwest Pipe Fittings, Inc 12,978.82 Main Maint; Northwestern Energy 16,180.83 Electric; Noteboom
Implement Inc 515.91 Sup/Mat; Office Products Center 195.76 Prof Serv; Pete Lien & Sons, Inc 3,543.33 Chemicals; Petro Tech Inc 125.00
Sup/Mat; Pierre Radio Paging 26.00 Prof Serv; Pomps Tire Service Inc 2,859.00 Rep/Maint; Puthoff Repair 126.22 Rep/Maint; Redi Mix Inc
485.00 Rep/Maint; Redi Mix Inc 512.50 Storm Sewer Maint; Register Lakota Printing 150.00 Sup/Mat; Rick Adamson 500.00 Refund Deposit;
Rods Welding Inc 130.35 Storm Sewer Maint; Roger Burfeindt 432.00 Prof Serv; Ron S Service 140.79 Rep/Maint; Sanford Occupational Med
197.40 Prof Serv; Santel Communications 49.50 Prof Serv; Scott S Plumbing & Heating 120.45 Equip Maint; Sd Wheat Growers Association
1,234.11 Sup/Mat; Servall Uniform/Linen Company 89.08 Prof Serv; Sheps Electric 321.92 Rep/Maint; Shields Embroidery & Design 1,640.20
Sup/Mat; Sioux Valley Environmental 408.00 Chemicals; South Dakota One Call 145.41 Prof Serv; Steckelberg & Steckelberg 975.00 Prof Serv;
Sturdevant S Auto Parts 181.86 Sup/Mat; Thiel S Collision Center 200.00 Prof Serv; Turfwerks 300.00 Rep/Maint; Ultramax 282.00 Sup/Mat;
Van Diest Supply Company 531.00 Sup/Mat; Variety Plus - Radio Shack 486.32 Sup/Mat; Verizon Wireless 119.96 Cell Phone; Vets Oil
Company 72.02 Gas; Water & Environmental Engineer 180.00 Prof Serv; Willrodt Motor Company 674.91 Equip Maint; Zuercher Technologies
Llc 1,543.50 Prof Serv; First National Bank 14,908.07 Debt Pay; General Fund: Salaries: $42,781.54, Total $231,521.35; BBB: $10,7050.44;
BID: $72,854.48; Football: $1,251.31; Basketball: $559.30; Library: Salaries: $4,330.76; Total: $6,889.64; Water: Salaries: $10,105.65,
Total: $40,888.19; Wastewater: Salaries: $9885.66; Total: $24,867.39; Airport: $1,573.70.
Shriner’s Raffle
Motion by Soulek second by Mutziger, all ayes and approved a raffle to go until January 1, 2014 with the proceeds
going to the Shriners Hospital.
Barger Memorial
Powell informed the Council that we received two bids for a memorial at Barger Park but one was late so it was
returned unopened. Powell presented the drawings of the one bid that we could accept and asked that they review
and pick one. Two options cost $12,533 and two more were at a cost of $13,493. There was also a replacement
plaque for an existing memorial included at a cost of $100.
Motion by Mutziger second by Jurgensen, all ayes and approved to purchase option 1 at $12,533 with the
replacement plaque at a cost of $100.
Senior Citizens Center – Advertise for bids
Motion by Jurgensen second by Soulek, all ayes and approved to advertise for bids for the updates to the
Chamberlain Senior Citizens Center with a bid deadline of 5:00 PM on bid opening at 7:30 PM on November 4th.
Powell explained that the plans are to build a new managers office, new lighting, flooring, updating the kitchen,
electrical, heat pump and air conditioner.
Garbage Bids
Motion by Jurgensen second by Mutziger, all ayes and approved to advertise for bids for the three year contract to
collect city refuse. The bid deadline will be November 18th at 5:00 PM with the bid opening to be at the regular
meeting on November 18th.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Whereas: Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed non-skin cancer in women. Breast cancer ranks second
among cancer deaths in women. An estimated 640 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in South Dakota in
2013 and
Whereas: Being female and increasing age are the most important risk factors for breast cancer. Other important
factors that increase risk include certain inherited gene mutations (BRCA 1 and/or BRCA2), and use of hormone
therapy replacement and some health conditions and
Whereas: Mammography can identify breast cancer at an early stage, when the disease is most treatable. The
American Cancer Society recommends yearly mammograms for women starting at age 40, and
Whereas: Breast cancer cannot be prevented, but early detection is the key to a complete recovery and survival.
Studies have shown that early detection – having a yearly mammogram – saves lives and increases treatment
options. The five-year survival rate for breast cancer is 98 % among women whose cancer has not spread beyond
the local site.
Whereas: The American Cancer Society through Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and the statewide Mayor’s
Challenge is committed to uniting South Dakota communities to come together to fight against breast cancer.
Whereas: October is designated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the city of Chamberlain is joining forces
with the Mayor’s Challenge and Making Strides Against Breast Cancer to increase awareness of the need for early
detection through mammography.
Now, therefore: I, Mayor Doug Nelson, accept the Mayor’s Challenge for Chamberlain and proclaim
October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month
and urge all women over the age of 40 to support early breast cancer detection through regular screenings, to put
their health first and lower their risk of developing breast cancer through a healthy lifestyle.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and cause to be affixed the seal of the City of
Chamberlain this 1st day of October, 2013.
Doug Nelson, Mayor
Other Matters
The Council scheduled the Chamberlain City Mayor, Council and Employee Christmas party on December 13, 2013
at the Busted Nut.
Midstate Communications
Chad Mutziger excused himself from the Board and spoke on behalf of Midstate Communications. He stated that
they will be removing the antennas from the water tower and currently they give the City seven free internet
connections in-lieu-of a rent payment. Mutziger proposed that the City reduce the cable t.v. franchise fee from 3% to
2.5% in exchange for the seven internet accounts. Mutziger noted that by doing this we could avoid having all the
extra bills since it is a wash to just decrease the franchise fee by one half percent.
It was noted that in order to change the franchise fee, we would have to go through the attorney and implement a
new ordinance.
Commissioner Jurgensen stated that he would rather just get billed for the internet and leave the franchise fee as is.
Motion by Jurgensen second by Soulek, Mutziger abstains, Jurgesen aye, Soulek aye, Nelson aye and approved to
start paying for the internet connections rather than changing the franchise fee.
Executive Session – Economic Development
Motion by Mutziger second by Soulek, all ayes and approved to enter executive session at 8:45 PM.
Motion by Jurgensen second by Mutziger, all ayes and approved to exit executive session at 9:12 PM.
Commissioner Jurgensen asked Powell what the status is on the Sale Barn Road concrete and Powel stated that Brad
Hickey was hired and plans on starting within the next week or two weather permitting.
Motion by Jurgensen second by Soulek, all ayes and approved to adjourn at 9:17 PM.
Doug Nelson, Mayor
Nicky Gaulke, Finance Officer
Published once at the total approximate cost of __________.