Jackson – One 1828 – 1832 Theme: Politicking in 1828 / or “Shall the People Rule?” 1. The Election of 1828: “The Revolution of 1828” Issues: The Age of the Common Man *1. Universal Manhood Suffrage = created a Mobocracy – “A madness for equality.” pg. 239 * 2.The Tariff of Abominations – used by Jacksonians to discredit J.Q. Adams and “Federalist Republicans” pg.242 (pg. 240 Industry in New England) The Tariff was passed into law – May 19, 1828 J.C. Calhoun (Vice President) secretly writes *The South Carolina Exposition and Protest 1828 (pg 247) – 8 resolutions calling the tariff unconstitutional. “Doctrine of Nullification” (The doctrine is based on the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions - p. 207) The Democratic Republicans Jackson – 178 E. Votes vs. Calhoun – V.President 647,286 56% The National Republicans John Q. Adams – 83 E.Votes Richard Rush 508,064 44% Philosophy of the emerging two new political parties pg.240 Jackson Democrats Strict Construction States rights Anti Tariffs Anti Bank Pro Slavery Big City political bosses Common man party Equality/Egalitarianism Western Farmers Plantation Owners Immigrants Jackson: Leader National Republicans (Whigs-1831) Loose Construction Federal Government Supreme (nationalists) Pro Tariffs Pro Bank anti slavery/abolition Pro-business + Laissez-faire p. 255 Businessmen + Southern Bankers + Industrialists Jackson Haters/Federalist Ambitious Western Farmers & factory Workers of the East Anti-Mason and Anti-Immigrant p.252 Webster + Calhoun + Clay : Leaders *March 4, 1829 – Inauguration – “King Mob” replaced law and order in America. (Jackson movie: The New America) “Political Machines” and the spoils system resulted from UMS (Universal manhood Suffrage) Repeat voters, stuffing ballot box, and “creative counting”). 2. Jackson the Man – “Old Hickory” p. 243 6’1’’ 140 lbs, 2 bullets / 1st President born in the West / called “King Andrew” by his enemies. 3. “The Spoils System”- Jackson is the Father of the Spoils System = (“Jobs for Votes”) pg.242 Gerrymandering Logrolling p.242 Caucus Lobbying Mudslinging p.243 Rotation-in-office (Amsco pg 186) Jackson’s personal platform: How Jackson won the support of the Masses!!! p. 242-243 *1) Suspicion of the upper classes and big business, typified by BUS, which Jackson vetoed in 1832 *2) Freedom of economic opportunity, including elimination of Indians to open up their lands for white expansion. Helped the western farmer get free or cheap land. *3) Increased voting rights (for white men, at least). *4) General opening of the political process to the lower and middle classes = “rotation in office.” 4. The Webster / Hayne Debate: 1829-1830 (Internet) -a debate that began over public land policy that degenerated into an argument over whether slavery should be allowed to expand into the Louisiana Purchase; this involved the nature of The Union. (Remember the Tallmadge Amendment! Pg. 229) this was a sectional fight over slavery = SECTIONALISM – being concerned with the economic and social interests of one geographic region of a country over other regions. = The States Rights Position (Robert Hayne of South Carolina) Vs. The Position of the Nationalist (Daniel Webster of Massachusetts) *Daniel Webster = “Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable.” * Put speech on your graphic organizer. 5. April 1830 – Jefferson Day Dinner (pg. 248) *Jackson – “Our Federal Union it must be preserved…” (Federal Government Supreme) *Calhoun – “The Union – next to our liberty the most dear…” (States Rights) 6. 1831 – The Kitchen Cabinet (pg. 243) / and the Eaton Affair *Secretary of War Eaton/his wife Peggy Eaton. * Calhoun’s wife and other cabinet wives refused to attend gathering when she was present. 7. De Tocqueville (a Frenchman who came to America). He wrote a book, “Democracy in America” its premise – what makes American society so different from European society?????---Americans do not seem to categorize people into social classes. He notes the effects of a democratic society in providing equality and opportunity. He notes the impact access to land ownership has on individual citizens of all classes. P. 255 8. 1831 – 1833 “Trail of Tears” p.246 The Indian Removal Act *”By the end of the 1830s virtually all important Indian societies east of the Mississippi had been removed to the West. They lived, divided by tribe into a series of reservations in a territory surrounded by a string of US forts, in a region whose climate and topography bore little relation to anything they had known before.” (Brinkley p.234) = The Oklahoma Territory. *The objective of Jackson’s Indian Policy: Jackson the Indian fighter before he became President, simply removed Native Americans to reservations in the West as President. = Removal to reservations In the West! * Supreme Court told Jackson he could not remove the Indians: Worcester v. Georgia = Supreme Court decision that dealt directly with Native American territorial rights! MAP p. 248 9. Nullification Crisis – 1832 – The “Nullies” pg. 247 The Tariff of 1832 did not meet the demands of the South for lower tariffs. So In November a popularly elected convention met and nullified the tariffs of 1828 and 1832!!!!! *Secede- to withdraw from!!! *Force Bill or Force Act – act of Congress, March 1833, allowing Jackson to use the military to enforce the tariff. (Like Washington in the Whiskey Rebellion) *Quote: “If one drop of blood be shed there in defiance of the laws of the United States of America, I’ll hang the first one of them I find to the first tree I can find." *Compromise Tariff – 1833 / Clay’s second Great compromise!!!!! 10. The Whig Party 1833 - The Anti Jackson/Anti-Mason Party (Pg. 254-255) -They opposed Autocratic Rule of King Andrew!!) * “The political philosophy that became known as Whiggery favored expanding the power of the federal government and encouraging industrial and commercial development.” (Brinkley p. 238) Whigs were strongest among the more substantial merchants, and manufacturers of the Northeast, the wealthier planters of the South, and the ambitious farmers and rising commercial class of the West. (They opposed “King Andrew”) Jackson’s Second Term 1832--1836 Robert Remini – Biographer of A. Jackson. Theme: “I will kill the Bank” NO NO NICKO Political Issue: 1. The Nullification Crisis. = (the Nullies) 2. The Spoils System 3. The Bank of the United States 1. The Election of 1832 *Don’t know much about history. (p.127) – The Whigs The National Republicans) The Whigs (in the next election) *Henry Clay The Democrats Democratic Republican * Andrew Jackson * Martin Van Buren Third Party The Anti Masons William Wirt *The First National Nominating Convention * America’s first third party Issues: 1. The Bank- Attempt to re-charter the Bank early – sponsored by Henry Clay p. 249-251 2. Tariff of 1832 3. “King Andrew” 4. 2nd Great Awakening – 1790 = Anti-Masons (p. 252) 5. Unions in The Jacksonian Era demanded Public Education p. 241 Anomaly – Jackson the advocate of “Rotation in office p. 243” decided he needed to stay in office.*1st 3rd Party = Anti-Masons (Jackson was a Mason!) 2. The Force Bill (The Act of congress that allowed Jackson to use U.S. troops to collect tariffs in South Carolina) = Compromise Tariff of 1833 3. The War on the Bank = The Monster is Destroyed!!! p. 251-252 Jackson could not legally abolish the Bank before the expiration of its charter (1836). But he weakened it by removing the government’s deposits from it. He did this during the Congressional Recess of 1833. (the summer of 1833.) This caused Congress to Censor Jackson, he is the only President to be censored. His secretary of the Treasury believed that such an action; would destabilize the financial system and refused to give the order to move Federal funds. Jackson fired him and appointed a replacement. When the new secretary of the Treasury similarly procrastinated, Jackson fired him too. Then Jackson named Roger B. Taney, the new Secretary of the Treasury. (Taney was a close friend and loyal ally of the president.) *The consequence of Jackson’s war on the Bank was: 1833-34 a recession plagued the USA. *Jackson blamed Nicholas Biddle (the president of the BUS) for the recession. The Banks charter ran out in 1836- THE Second BANK of the USA Died! *Wildcat Banks *Nicholas Biddle – The President of the BUS *Plutocracy *Roger B. Taney (3rd Sec. of Treasury) *Pet Banks-Pg 272 *Specie Circular (Payment for loans in gold or silver coin only.) = pg 272 *Over speculation 1835-36, plus The species circular, plus Jackson’s War on the Bank – Will cause The Panic of 1837. 4. The Indians: Oklahoma is Indian Territory Immigration – the flood of Irish immigrants coming to America had begun. The History of U.S. Indian Policy: 1) Colonial Indian Policy – regulate trade with the Indians and purchase the Indians’ land. 2) Post-Revolutionary War Indian Policy – buy Indian lands, separate the Indians from the Whites, punish any Whites who violated the boundaries; 3) The Indian Removal Act of 1830 – set up a plan for Indian resettlement west of the Mississippi River, it gave the President the power to negotiate with various Indian groups, Jackson administered 94 Indian treaties, and by 1840 most Indians had been forced from their lands east of the Mississippi River (the American Tradition – p. 176) i.e.The Cherokee / Seminole = Trail of Tears 1814 1818 1831 1832 1835-1842 - Jackson defeats Creek Indians First Seminole Indian War Trail of Tears Indian Rebellion in Illinois and Wisconsin Jeff Davis and Abe Lincoln Vs. Black Hawk Rebellion 2nd Seminole Indian War (1837 -Osceola Captured) 5. Jan. 30, 1835 – Richard Lawrence – tried to assassinate Jackson 6. The War for Texas Independence!! Texans will fight against Mexico. *Read 278-279- “Mexican or Texican” WHO OWNED MEXICO?!! 1823- The “Old 300” – Steve Austin began settlement; by 1825 there were only 1800 Americans in Texas. 1830 – New law – Mexico enacted a new colonization policy – no more immigration, slavery was declared to be illegal 1835 – Sporadic fighting begins between Texicans and Mexico; Texas sets up a provisional government 1836 – Feb. – Santa Anna attempts to destroy the rebellion in San Antonio, Texas. Texans resisted at the Alamo - Davy Crockett, Colonel Travis, Jim Bowie 1836 – March – The Mexicans defeat the Texas army at Goliad and kill 300 prisoners 1836 – April 21st – Sam Houston leads the Texans to a victory at the battle of San Jacinto- Santa Anna is captured. 1837 – March – U.S. recognizes Texas as an independent Nation * Sam Houston- will become the President of Texas/Washington on the Brazos = the capital of Texas. * Texas will become an independent nation = Lone Star Republic 7. Back to the Bank Specie Circular issued by Jackson/ Death of the Bank – 1836 pg. 252 Martin Van Buren 1836 – 1840 “The Little Magician” Theme: “New York City!” or The reign of the fair haired boy 1. The Election of 1836 Issues: 1.Texas 2.Public Land Boom 3. 1836-Distribution Act-federal government gave “surpluses” to the states. 4. Jackson’s “Species Circular” The Election: Democrats Run – Martin Van Buren *He was the favorite of Andy Jackson (p.250-251) The Candidates . The Whigs – Choose* Favorite Son – candidates in 1836 -The Whigs 1st emerged in 1833-previously they were the National Republicans. – Run their 1st national campaign as Whigs in 1836. - National Republicans – former name - Opposed to King Andrew as early as 1828. - First emerged as an identifiable group in the Senate in 1834 (leaders: Clay and Calhoun). -Strategy: Run regional candidates / split the vote / let the house pick the president!!! Term: Party Platform –a Statement of Party Principles. Whigs (Three Regional Candidates) William Henry Harrison – Ohio Daniel Webster – Massachusetts Hugh Lawson – Tennessee 124 votes( as a group) Democrats Martin Van Buren Richard M Johnson V. 170 –E.C. Vote . 2. The Legacy of A. Jackson * Andrew Jackson was nicknamed King Andy because of the way he increased the power and the influence of the presidency and executive branch. * He killed the Bank * He led the common men into national politics. *He united common men into a powerful party. (Irish and German Catholics joined the Democrats) – The Jacksonian Democratic Party. *He proved common men could be trusted with the vote. *He encouraged” the spoils system” *His financial policies were unsound – they caused thousands of Bank Failures. 3. Martin Van Buren – “The Little Magician” Not a self-made man / “First class second-rate man” / Easygoing *1st President born under the American flag. *Nicknamed the Wizard of Albany. *Intelligent, *Educated, *Experienced. *Resented by most Democrats – because he was made a candidate as a spokesperson for the machine. He was not a self made man. He IS the Father of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY 4. Rebellion in Canada 1837 *Frontier troubles – led to friction once again with England. *Frontier problems in Texas – made Anti-Slavery men angry!! – Texas applied for Statehood and she might become a slave state. 5. The Panic of 1837 p. 252 Cause: #1 Overspeculation *By Get-Rich-quick-gamblers in Western Land. *Money used was “Wild cat bank” paper currency. *Not only did speculators invest in land but also in canals, roads, railroads, and slaves. #2 The Specie Circular: Gold or Silver Coins ONLY #3 Failure of Wheat Crops – Mobs broke into New York City warehouses to steal flour – Because the price of wheat was so high. #4 1836 – Two British banks failed – British investors needed money – so they told Americans who had borrowed money from them to repay their loans immediately! ***Consequence of the financial crunch (or The Panic) – Shortage of money!!!! #1 Banks collapsed – some of the “Pet Banks” #2 Money collected as customs taxes – dried up. #3 Factories in the U.S. closed down. #4 Unemployment followed. MassiveUnemployment/ Business failures/Few loans/High Interest Rates/Breadlines ***A Depression hit America An Economic slow down. In 1837 the Oregon Trail opened the Northwest to Massive settlement!!!! Many who had lost everything went west to start over *Philosophical Problem: Van Buren + ( Andy Jackson )– Opposed to Hamiltonian “Big Business” Ideas, Van Buren could not bring himself to use tools of the Whigs to help the situation. i.e… - 1.Expansion of Bank Credit - 2.higher tariffs - 3.Subsidies for internal improvements. 6. So Van Buren Created the “Divorce Bill” *Take U.S. funds out of the Banking System Altogether. *Put U.S. Government funds in Vaults in large cities – Keep it safe – But don’t let private Bankers use the government money. This killed available credit at a time when businesses were desperate for CAPITAL !!! ****1840 – The Independent Treasury Bill passed Congress. ****Martin Van Ruin – failed to deal with the Depression. But by 1840, The Country’s Economy was Rebounding.