SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 230 Professional Leadership and Transition into Practice COURSE INFORMATION: Course Description: The focus of Nursing 230 is the theory and application of leadership and management principles in the clinical setting, including professional and ethical issues in nursing. The role of nursing is evolving as our health care system is changing. The new nurse must have the ability to care for multiple patients as a member of the health care team. The effective nurse must acquire knowledge and skill to work in complex organizations. The skills include critical thinking, decision making, establishing priorities, teaching, communication, supervision, and evaluation as a member of the health care team. Students learn how organizations work, to manage time and resources, to communicate in complex organizations, to deal with conflict, to motivate self and others, to safely delegate, and to think critically and problem solve. In addition students learn to speak with physicians, transcribe orders, initiate plans of care, interact with multidisciplinary teams and supervise unlicensed assistive personnel. Credits: 2 Quarter Credits Class Hours/Locations: Thursdays 10am – 12pm CCW 102 Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or above in Nursing 220 and Nursing 222, a “satisfactory” grade in Nursing 221 and Nursing 223, level C CPR card, current TB test, Flu Shot yearly, Hepatitis B vaccination or waiver. Health insurance may be required. Linked Courses: NURS 230, 231, 232, and 264 are linked. Failure in one course requires repeat of all concurrent courses. INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: Professor: Becky Ellis MN, RN Office Hours: Wednesdays 9am – 12pm and Thursdays 2pm – 4pm Phone: 360-992-6090 E-mail address: Mailstop: CCW 224 Office Location: CCW 225G Instructor: Linda Valenzuela MPH, BSN, RN Office Hours: Mondays 9am – 12pm and Thursdays 2pm4pm Phone: 360-992-6026 E-mail address: Mailstop: CCW 224 Office Location: CCW 220H ~1~ SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 230 Professional Leadership and Transition into Practice TEXT & MATERIALS NEEDED: Required Text: 1. American Nurses Association. (2010). Scope and standards of clinical nursing practice 2. American Nurses Association. (2008). Guide to the code of ethics for nurses 3. Ignatavicius, D. D. and Workman, M. L., (Eds.). (2010a). Medical-Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking for Collaborative Care, (6th ed., Vol.1) St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders. 4. Fowler, M. D. M. (2008). Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses American Nurses Association, Silver Springs, MD 5. Washington State Nurses Association. (2002). Guidelines for the Registered Nurse in Giving, Accepting, or Rejecting an Assignment 6. Washington State Law Relating to Nursing Care (2010) ( 7. Wilkinson, J. & Treas, L., (2011). Fundamentals of Nursing Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company 8. Yoder-Wise, P.S., (2011). Leading and Managing in Nursing (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby, Inc. 9. Oregon State Law Relating to Nursing Care PROGRAM OUTCOMES: 1. Knowledge: Integrate relevant theoretical knowledge. 2. Clinical Judgment: Demonstrate effective problem solving and decision making. 3. Caring: Integrate principles of diversity, holism, stewardship, dignity, and respect to reflect an environment of care. 4. Teamwork and Interprofessional collaboration: Model open communication, mutual respect and shared decision making. 5. Professionalism: Demonstrate personal accountability, ethical practices and continuing competence in nursing. 6. Patient Safety: Minimize risk of harm to patients and providers through both clinical system effectiveness and individual performance. COURSE OUTCOMES: 1. Comprehend the content and evaluate the quality of current research 2. Integrate principles of leadership and management and assimilate professional conduct and ethical behavior into your daily nursing practice, describe the legal and ethical rights and responsibilities ASSESSMENT OF COURSE OUTCOMES: SUPPORTED PROGRAM OUTCOMES: Published Research Critique Paper 1, 2, 1.Ethical Dilemma Paper 2.Nursing Philosophy 2, 3, 5 ~2~ SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 230 Professional Leadership and Transition into Practice inherent in nursing practice 3. Integrate principles of diversity, holism, stewardship, dignity, and respect to reflect a caring environment 4. Analyze their role as the professional nurse in disaster situations 5. Analyze and objectively critique unit staffing assuring that quality care is maintained at a high level Actively participate in class discussions 3, 5 Written Personal Disaster Plan 1, 6 Oral Staffing Presentation 2, 4, 6 GRADING SYSTEM: A. Five Unit Post-tests 25% B. Weekly Pop Quizzes 10% C. Nursing Philosophy 5% D. Ethical Dilemma Paper 10% E. Resume 5% F. Cover Letter 5% G Career Map 5% H. Research Critique *** 10% I. Change Paper 20% *** J. Oral Staffing Presentation 5% ***The Research Critique and the Change Paper grades are linked since they address the topic of Evidence Based Practice. The total of both papers is 30% of your total grade for NURS 230 Theory. If plagiarism is discovered in one of the papers, both papers will receive a grade of “0” and will result in a failure of NURS 230*** EVALUATION: ~3~ SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 230 Professional Leadership and Transition into Practice Your final grade theory grade is based on the following scale: A 90-100% D+ D D- 67-69% 63-66% 59-62% B+ B BF 87-89% 83-86% 80-82% 0-59% C+ 77-79% 75-76% C C- 70-74% COURSE POLICIES: Withdrawal from NURS 230: Withdrawal from the course while in academic or clinical failing status will be considered the same as a course failure for readmission to NURS 230. IF YOU CHOOSE TO WITHDRAW FROM THE CLASS YOU MUST DO SO BY THE END OF THE 7 TH WEEK OR YOU WILL RECEIVE AN “F” ON YOUR TRANSCRIPT. THIS IS CLARK COLLEGE POLICY. Portfolios: As the final course in the nursing program, your completed portfolios must be presented to your clinical instructor for review before the final conference. Students must have a grade of “complete” on their portfolios to meet the program’s requirements for graduation. Portfolio content for N230 includes the Nursing Philosophy, Ethical Dilemma Paper, Resume and Cover Letter, Research Critique and Change Paper. Academic Honesty and Plagiarism: Violations in academic honesty and plagiarism will result in a grade of “0” for the assignment and may subject the student to further disciplinary action resulting in a failure of NURS 230 according to the Nursing Department and Clark College Code of Student Conduct. Examples of Plagiarism include but are not limited to: 1. Copy another person’s work or allowing someone else to copy yours. 2. Submitting another’s work as your own. 3. Inadequate documentation of information and copying directly from the source without citing the source of the information. If you are caught cheating on any test you will be removed from the course and subject to disciplinary action according to the Nursing Department and the Clark College Code of Student Conduct. Examples of cheating include but are not limited to: 1.Sharing test content 2.Identifying specific test questions 3.Asking anyone about any test or test question 4.Offering information about any test or question. Late Paper/Assignment Policy: Late papers are assessed 10 points plus a point penalty for each day it is late including weekends and holidays. Missed Exam/Late test policy: If a unit test is missed a make-up test will be arranged at the discretion of the faculty and availability of space in the testing center. If a student is more than 10 minutes late for any test, an alternate test will be scheduled at the professor’s convenience. HIPAA Violations: Naming of patients, staff, facility, and/or City and State in any written assignment will result in an automatic 5 point deduction for the grade for that assignment. Research Critique Assignment Policy: ****The PDF of the actual research paper must be submitted with the research critique. If not submitted prior to the due date and time, 10 points will be deducted from the paper’s grade and 1 point for each day after including weekends and holidays ***** ~4~ SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 230 Professional Leadership and Transition into Practice SUPPORT SERVICES: ADA Accommodations: If you have emergency medical information which should be shared; or if you require assistance in case the building should be evacuated; please make an appointment to see me as soon as possible during the office hours indicated in this syllabus. Any student with a disability who may require accommodation in order to fully participate in this class should contact the Disability Support Services Office at (360) 992-2314 or (360) 991-0901 (VP) or stop by GHL 137. COLLEGE-WIDE POLICIES: Non-discrimination Policy: Clark College affirms a commitment to freedom from discrimination for all members of the college community. The college expressly prohibits discrimination against any person on the basis of: Race, color, national origin, disabled veteran status, sex, sexual orientation, age, gender identity, creed, gender expression, Vietnam-era veteran status, religion, marital status, and presence of physical, sensory or mental disability. The responsibility for, and the protection of, this commitment extends to students, faculty, administration, staff, contractors, and those who develop or participate in college programs. It encompasses every aspect of employment and every student and community activity. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Important College-Wide Student Information: Visit for important college-wide student information. ~5~ SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 230 Professional Leadership and Transition into Practice Emergency Plan for Clark College and Clark College at WSU-V Campus In emergencies, students should do the following: Inclement weather or emergency information: 1. Go to or call 360-992-2000 as your first means of getting information. The College does send notices regularly to radio and television stations, the College’s web site and switchboard are the official platforms for the most accurate information. Clark College Nursing Program at WSU Campus will follow WSU campus information which has a link from the Clark College web site. Immediate emergency communication alert: 2. To receive immediate notice on emergencies, you can register your cell phone number to receive text pages and your email address to receive email messages. To do this, go to, select “subscribe” on the left, and follow the instructions. Mass communication will also be sent to all college employee phones and computers. Fire Alarm: 3. Evacuate the building through closest exit; evacuation maps are located in the hallways. Take personal belongings only if it is safe to do so. Remain at least 50 feet from the building. Notify others of evacuation. Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so. Parking Lot Identifiers: 4. New parking lot identifiers using colors and numbers have been assigned to all Clark parking lots. To help emergency or security personnel locate you, please refer to these identifying features. 5. Clark College Nursing must follow WSU parking regulations. Security Escort: 6. Security Officers are available for escorts please call 360-992-2133 WSU 360-546-9001 select #0 ~6~ SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 230 Professional Leadership and Transition into Practice Wk Date Sept 26 1 Oct 3 2 TENTATIVE COURSE OUTLINE Topic Read Assignment Unit 1 Leadership and Yoder Chaps 1, 2, Nursing Philosophy due October 4 Management in Nursing 3, and 4 Introduction Yoder Ch 5 Wilkinson Ch 44 & 45 Ethical Dilemma Paper due October 11 Unit 3 Career Mapping Yoder Ch 29 Resume, Cover Letter, Career Map due October 18 Unit 4 Evidence-Based Practice; Evaluating Research Test 2 (2:15-3pm) YoderWise Chaps 17, 23, and 25 Research Critique due Nov 1 Unit 5 Change and Conflict Resolution YoderWise Ch 21 Wilkinson Ch 8 Change Paper due Nov 15 YoderWise 13, 14, and 19 Oral Staffing Presentation Unit 2 Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing Test 1 (2:15-3pm) Oct 10 3 Oct 17 4 Oct 24 5 Oct 31 6 Unit 6 Resource Utilization and Collective Bargaining Test 3 (2:45-3:30pm) Nov 7 7 8 YoderWise Ch 9, 18, and 26 Unit 7 Delegation (NCLEX Practice Test 2pm6pm) Nov 14 Unit 8 Nurse’s Role in Quality and Fiscal Management YoderWise Ch 12 and 20 ~7~ SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 230 Professional Leadership and Transition into Practice Test 4 (2:45-3:30pm) Nov 28 9 Dec 5 10 Unit 9 The Problem Employee YoderWise Ch 12 Unit 10 Disaster Preparedness Test 5 (2:15-3pm) Iggy Ch 12 11 ~8~ Personal Disaster Plan SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 230 Professional Leadership and Transition into Practice N230 Syllabus Table of Contents Unit 1 Introduction to Leadership and Management Unit 2 Ethical Decision Making and Legal Issues Unit 3 Career Mapping Unit 4 Research/Evidence-Based Practice Unit 5 Change Process/Conflict Resolution Unit 6 Resource Utilization Unit 7 Communication and Delegation Unit 8 Nursing’s Role in Quality Control Unit 9 Problem Employees/ Advocating for Yourself and Others Unit 10 Emergency Preparedness ~9~