Research Summary Template

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Part I: Choose Your Workspace
Download this document as a MS Word document and either:
A) Save it to a Flash Drive to work on in MS Word
B) Upload it to Google Drive. Make sure the option to convert the document to
Google Drive format is checked in your Upload Settings. Otherwise the document
will unformat and you will lose the comments or you won't be able to edit it.
Part II: Develop the Template
After choosing your workspace, follow the template below EXACTLY as the format shows to
complete your Research Summary. It will have 5 main parts:
Research Questions and Support
Miscellaneous Research/General Supporting Information
Summary APA Reference List (Database Sources)
Summary Internet Resource List (Non-Database Sources)
You may use both databases and internet search engines, but you need a minimum of 30
sources and at least half must come from the databases. You are encouraged to exceed that
minimum number.
For any internet search engines, YOU are responsible for checking their reliability and
ALL websites you cite are expected to be reliable.
You can get as many points from one article as you find relevant, but each article only counts as
1 source.
If more than 1 article mentions the same point, try to organize the information for all the articles
that mention it one right after each other. You want to record this though because it is backing up
the information by multiple authors.
I have started the format below. You can finish the rest using the same format following the
instructions in the comments off to the side. At the end of your research summary, make a list
of your Database Resources and Internet Resources in two separate lists using the autonumber function of Word.
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Year-Long Research Summary Template
Formatting and Submission Instructions
Topic: (Type your topic here
What I/We Did This Week: Write a brief explanation of what you added to the template since
the last checkpoint.
Research Question 1: (type your question here)
1) (type a summary statement here of what the copied piece of text shows and how it
helps support an answer to your question)
a. Info from Article/Website exact text copied and pasted: (paste the exact
text from the article which you summarized or paraphrased above. Only paste
the relevant parts related to your summary/paraphrase above.)
b. Citation: (Paste the citation here. Use the citation function in Ebsco and Gale
to get the APA citation)
2) (type a summary statement here of what the copied piece of text shows and how it
helps support an answer to your question)
a. Info from Article/Website exact text copied and pasted: (paste the exact
text from the article which you summarized or paraphrased above. Only paste
the relevant parts related to your summary/paraphrase above.)
b. Citation: (Paste the citation here. Use the citation function in Ebsco and Gale
to get the APA citation)
Note: You should be as detailed as possible and can have MANY more than two articles or
pieces of information for each research question.
Research Question 2: (type your question here)
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1) (type a summary statement here of what the copied piece of text shows and how it
helps support an answer to your question)
a. Info from Article/Website exact text copied and pasted: (paste the exact
text from the article which you summarized or paraphrased above. Only paste
the relevant parts related to your summary/paraphrase above.)
b. Citation: (Paste the citation here. Use the citation function in Ebsco and Gale
to get the APA citation)
2) (type a summary statement here of what the copied piece of text shows and how it
helps support an answer to your question)
c. Info from Article/Website exact text copied and pasted: (paste the exact
text from the article which you summarized or paraphrased above. Only paste
the relevant parts related to your summary/paraphrase above.)
d. Citation: (Paste the citation here. Use the citation function in Ebsco and Gale
to get the APA citation)
Note: You need to follow this format for ALL your research questions. Do not only do two of
them. This is just an example.
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Miscellaneous Research/General Supporting Information
1) (type a summary statement here of what the copied piece of text shows and how it
helps support an answer to your question)
a. Info from Article/Website exact text copied and pasted: (paste the exact
text from the article which you summarized or paraphrased above. Only paste
the relevant parts related to your summary/paraphrase above.)
b. Citation: (Paste the citation here. Use the citation function in Ebsco and Gale
to get the APA citation. If it is an outside website, just paste the web address.)
Summary APA Reference List – Database Sources Only (Do not repeat any sources twice
in this list. It is just for us to see the total number of sources used.)
1) copy your first APA reference here
2) copy your second APA reference here
3) copy your third APA reference here
* Note: Continue numbering references until you get to the required number for the category you
desire to fall in on the rubric. You already have the full citation above, so it should be very easy
to do this section. Do not double up any resources in this list, meaning that if you found 5 facts
above from the same resource and cited it 5 different places, you just list it here once.
Summary Reference List – Internet Websites Not From Databases (Do not repeat any
sources twice in this list. It is just for us to see the total number of sources used.)
1) copy your first web address here
a. Brief explanation of whom or what organization runs the site and an
explanation of why you feel it is reliable.
2) copy your second web address here
a. Brief explanation of whom or what organization runs the site and an
explanation of why you feel it is reliable.
3) copy your third web address here
a. Brief explanation of whom or what organization runs the site and an
explanation of why you feel it is reliable.
* Note: Continue numbering references until you get to the required number for the category you
desire to fall in on the rubric. You already have the web address when you put the information in
the sections above, so it should be very easy to do this section. Do not double up any resources in
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this list, meaning that if you found 5 facts above from the same resource and cited it 5 different
places, you just list it here once.
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