NURS 364 Nursing of the Adult I Catalog Entry NURS 364. Nursing

NURS 364
Nursing of the Adult I
1. Catalog Entry
NURS 364. Nursing of the Adult I
Four hours lecture; six hours practicum (6).
Prerequisites: NURS 340, 342, 343, 352
Semester offered: Fall and Spring
Develops the student’s theoretical knowledge of holistic nursing care of the adult. Practicum
provides opportunity to promote, protect, and restore health of acutely and chronically ill adults
through application of theoretical knowledge in a variety of settings.
2. Detailed Description of Content of the Course
The objectives and content of this Level 2 Course are derived from the School of Nursing’s
philosophy and conceptual framework, and facilitate achievement of the School’s program
objectives. Additionally, the major topics and skills covered in this course are common to major
leadership and professional development nursing textbooks, and represent areas covered on
standardized achievement examinations and the NCLEX-RN Test Plan. Current research and
advancement in theory and clinical practice also determine content.
Peri-operative Period
Overview of Oncology
Cardiac Output
Tissue Perfusion
Digestion, Nutrition, and Elimination
Regulation and Metabolism
3. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
The following teaching strategies will be employed:
Lectures, discussion, multimedia, case studies, guided clinical practice, and lab
4. Goals and Objectives of the Course
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
Apply skills basic to the nursing process in an interdependent manner when working in
partnership with individuals and families.
Adhere to established standards of professional nursing practice, accepting individual
responsibility for nursing interventions.
Demonstrate increasing skill in the use of health care and information technologies.
Utilize critical thinking and research findings in the provision of nursing care.
Demonstrate increasing competency in the implementation of therapeutic nursing
interventions with individuals and families.
Refine written, oral, and non-verbal communication skills.
Demonstrate ethical decision making in an interdependent manner in a variety of settings.
Demonstrate an appreciation of cultural variations and diversity in clients and families.
Identify the importance of life-long learning and professional development.
Accept accountability for actions and apply basic leadership skills.
Examine legislative and policy issues that affect the provision of nursing care with
selected populations.
5. Assessment Measures
May include:
Exams; Quizzes
Project, Individual or Group
Care Plan
Oral Presentations
Class Participation
The course grade is determined by an evaluation of the extent to which the student meets the
stated course objectives. Students must have a minimum of 75% (“C”) in theory, measured
through testing. Other written or class participation work will be included in the final grade after
the minimum 75% (“C”) has been attained through testing.
Final Grades are a combination of at least 75% (“C”) on both theory and clinical/lab
components. Clinical/lab performance must be satisfactory to pass the course.
6. Other Course Information
Honor Code: By accepting admission to Radford University, each student makes a commitment
to understand, support, and abide by the University Honor Code without compromise or
exception. Violations of academic integrity will not be tolerated. This class will be conducted in
strict observance of the Honor Code. Refer to your Student Handbook for details.
Students with Disabilities: If you are seeking classroom accommodations under the Americans
With Disabilities Act, you are required to register with the Disability Resource Office (DRO).
The DRO is located in Room 32, Tyler Hall, telephone 540-831-6350. To receive academic
accommodations for this class, please obtain the proper DRO forms and meet with me no later
than the second week of the semester.
Attendance: For Attendance policies and other course-related requirements, see School of
Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook and Course Description.
7. Review and Approval
Date Action Reviewed by
April 2006 Undergraduate Curriculum Marcella Griggs, Director
NURS 364
Nursing of the Adult I
1. Catalog Entry
NURS 364. Nursing of the Adult I
Four hours lecture; six hours practicum (6).
Prerequisites: NURS 340, 342, 343, 352
Semester offered: Fall and Spring
Develops the student’s theoretical knowledge of holistic nursing care of the adult. Practicum
provides opportunity to promote, protect, and restore health of acute and chronically ill
adults through application of theoretical knowledge in a variety of settings.
2. Detailed Description of Content of the Course
The objectives and content of this Level 2 Course are derived from the School of Nursing’s
philosophy and conceptual framework and the Essentials for Baccalaureate Education for
Professional Nursing Practice and facilitate achievement of the School’s program objectives.
The major topics and skills covered in this course represent areas covered on standardized
achievement examinations and the NCLEX-RN Test Plan. Current research and
advancement in theory and clinical practice also determine content. Emphasis is placed on
the following concepts/theories:
Overview of Oncology
Cardiac Output
Tissue Perfusion
Digestion, Nutrition, and Elimination
Regulation and Metabolism
Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
The following teaching strategies will be employed but are not limited to.
Lectures, discussion, multimedia, case studies, guided clinical practice, and lab
simulation experiences.
4. Goals and Objectives of the Course
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Apply knowledge of the biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors to the
care of diverse medical-surgical populations.
Utilize scientific principles of nursing knowledge in an interdependent manner when
working in collaboration with individuals and families to promote health, manage
illness and disease, and care for the dying.
Deliver compassionate, patient-centered evidence-based care that respects patient
and family preferences.
Provide nursing care based on evidence that contributes to safe and high quality
patient outcomes within healthcare and assumes accountability for personal and
professional behaviors.
Utilize written, verbal, non-verbal, and emerging technology methods to
communicate effectively with all members of the healthcare team, including the
patient and the patient’s support network and assumes accountability for one’s
professional behavior.
Demonstrate skill in using patient care technologies, information systems, and
communication devices that support safe nursing practice
Demonstrate an understanding of the basic elements of the research process and
models for applying evidence to clinical practice
Demonstrate ethical decision-making in an inter-dependent manner in ethical
dilemmas faced by individuals and families and assumes accountability for personal
and professional behaviors. Demonstrates the professional standards of moral,
ethical, and legal conduct.
Apply knowledge of legislative and regulatory processes within the health care
delivery system in the provision of safe, high quality, and cost-effective nursing care
with selected populations.
5. Assessment Measures
May include but not limited to:
Exams; Quizzes
Project, Individual or Group
Concept mapping
Oral Presentations
Class Participation
The course grade is determined by an evaluation of the extent to which the student meets
the stated course objectives. Students must have a minimum of 75% (“C”) in theory,
measured through testing. Other written or class participation work will be included in the
final grade after the minimum 75% (“C”) has been attained through testing.
Final Grades are a combination of at least 75% (“C”) on both theory and clinical/lab
components. Clinical/lab performance must be satisfactory to pass the course.
6. Other Course Information
Honor Code: By accepting admission to Radford University, each student makes a
commitment to understand, support, and abide by the University Honor Code without
compromise or exception. Violations of academic integrity will not be tolerated. This class
will be conducted in strict observance of the Honor Code. Refer to your Student Handbook
for details.
Students with Disabilities: If you are seeking classroom accommodations under the
Americans With Disabilities Act, you are required to register with the Disability Resource
Office (DRO). The DRO is located in Room 32, Tyler Hall, telephone 540-831-6350. To
receive academic accommodations for this class, please obtain the proper DRO forms and
meet with me no later than the second week of the semester.
Attendance: For Attendance policies and other course-related requirements, see School of
Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook and Course Description.
7. Review and Approval
Date Action Reviewed by
April 2006 Undergraduate Curriculum Marcella Griggs, Director
February 2011, Kim Carter, Director