Microsoft Word - Model VII.doc

Guidelines for Narrative Performance Appraisal
SUBECT: Annual Performance Appraisal for Administrative/Professional Staff
1. To take stock of the year and to report on significant accomplishments—both those projected
and those not anticipated. If there were goals set forward but not realized, this report may
provide an explanation.
2. To encourage the reporting, evaluation, and possible dissemination of procedural and
managerial initiatives. If there were procedural and managerial improvements envisioned but
not realized, this report may provide an explanation.
3. To provide a forum for the development and discussion of personal (as well as unit) goals.
4. To lay the groundwork for mutually evaluative discussion.
1. What is your job? Describe what you do: where your priorities lie, how your time is spent in
a typical day, how your job has developed during the period that you have held it, what you’d
like to do more of, what you’d like to do less of, etc.: in other words, everything that the
position description does not say. If you have completed one or more earlier reviews, you
may limit your response to changes in your job since your earlier reports. In what ways have
your priorities developed over time? Have you amended the balance among your
2. How do you do your job? Define in general terms your administrative values. How do you
initiate change? How do you motivate your staff? Are there parts of your job that make you
uncomfortable? If so, how do you deal with them? If you have completed one or more
earlier reviews, you may limit your response to changes since your earlier reports. Have you
developed or implemented new change strategies? Have you implemented new motivations?
Have you dealt with those parts of the job that make you uncomfortable? If so, how?
3. What have you done lately? Provide a selective discussion of three or four undertakings
that you consider to be either successful accomplishments or “learning experiences.”
Performance Review Form – Document1
(Approved 7/04) – updated 03/11
Reference: Policy 3342-6-73
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4. How are you making yourself effective? What competencies are essential to your job?
How do you rate yourself against these competencies? What forms of professional
development have you considered or undertaken? Read any good books? Attended a good
conference? Discovered any good ideas? Applied them? With what result? Are there
lessons in your experience that might be shared with your colleagues?
5. How do you seek feedback on your effectiveness? Who should be engaged in the
construction evaluation of your performance? What are the salient questions that should be
asked? How do you seek answers? If you completed this review last year, you may limit
your response to changes, i.e., what fresh feedback have you obtained on your effectiveness?
How did you respond?
6. Are there “external points of reference” with regard to your performance as an
administrator? Have you been invited to make presentations or to write on administrative
issues? Scholarly issues? What was the reaction? Is there evidence? Have you been elected
to a board? To an office in an association? Explain the significance of this recognition you
have received. If you completed this last year, you may limit your response to “external
points of reference” that you have developed this year.
7. What are your plans? What do you hope to accomplish by the end of the next academic
year? Three years out? Five years out? Are there long-term professional directions you wish
to discuss? What progress have you made towards achieving long-term goals described in
last year’s plan? What goals proved elusive? Which were completed?
8. What are your peeves? In what ways can I make your job more satisfying? What are the
elements in your job that occasionally make you want to pull out your hair? Are there ways
of dealing with them more effectively? If you completed this last year, you may limit your
response to concerns or annoyances that emerged since last year.
9. What kind of support do you need? Personally, that is, in your administrative capacity?
10. What kind of advice do you have to offer? Enable me to become more effective.
The review should be a carefully organized “essay” or collection of paragraphs reflecting the
above elements, no more than six pages, single spaced, in a non-condensed font of 11 or 12
pt. If you completed this format last year, this self-appraisal need not repeat elements covered
there to your satisfaction. Allow space for concluding remarks after this review is discussed.
Performance Review Form – Document1
(Approved 7/04) – updated 03/11
Reference: Policy 3342-6-73
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Overall Rating
Exceeds Expectations
Approaches Expectations
Meets Expectations
The annual administrative appraisal is scheduled for the period
Submit your essay to me by
We will meet on
SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONS: To be completed by employee as self evaluation questions.
What did you receive from your supervisor that you felt WAS HELPFUL and assisted you in your ability
to perform your job effectively
What did you receive from your supervisor that you felt WAS NOT HELPFUL and inhibited your ability
to perform your job effectively?
What did you NOT receive from your supervisor that you felt would have been helpful in performing
your job more effectively
Performance Review Form – Document1
(Approved 7/04) – updated 03/11
Reference: Policy 3342-6-73
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