Choice #3 GA Constitution

Performance Task (Choice #3)
GA’s Constitution/Articles of Conf.
Name: ____________________
Date: _____________________
Due Date: _________________
Standard - SS8H4: The student will describe the impact of events that led to the ratification of
the United
States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Element a.: Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of both the Georgia Constitution of 1777 and the Articles of
Confederation and explain how weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation led to a need to revise the Articles.
1. Research the first documents that governed the state of Georgia and the newly formed United States of
America. This research should include both of the following documents and should include the creation of the
two documents and the strengths and weaknesses of each:
1. Georgia Constitution of 1777
2. The Articles of Confederation
2. Use your textbook, notes from class, and the Internet to help you find information. If you are using the
Internet, you may only use the websites listed below:
 Cobb Virtual Library -
 New Georgia Encyclopedia -
 World Book Online Encyclopedia -
3. Create a Double Bubble Thinking Map to compare and contrast the Georgia Constitution of 1777 and the
Articles of Confederation. The similarities section of the Double Bubble should focus on strengths and
weaknesses that are present in both of the governing documents. The differences section of the Double Bubble
should focus on strengths and weaknesses that are specific to only that document. The Double Bubble Thinking
Map will be collected and graded as part of the project grade (25%) and will also serve as the prewrite for your
Compare and Contrast writing assignment.
4. Once you have completed the prewrite (Double Bubble Thinking Map), students should complete a writing
assignment comparing and contrasting the Georgia Constitution of 1777 and the Articles of Confederation. In
order to receive full credit for the writing assignment you must follow one of the two formats listed below for
writing a Compare and Contrast Essay. You will be graded based on the Revolution, Statehood, and Westward
Expansion Project Rubric (focusing on your completion and accuracy of information contained in the Double
Bubble Thinking Map and the Compare and Contrast Essay). The Double Bubble will be graded as 25% of you
final project grade and the Compare and Contrast Essay being graded as the remaining 75%.
Compare and Contrast Essay Format:
Format 1:
Paragraph #1: Introduction – Your introduction paragraph. Like most five-paragraph-essays, a Compare
and Contrast essay should open generally, and lead into the thesis statement.
Paragraph #2: Topic 1 – This next portion of your essay should cover only the first topic of the
comparison and contrast. Compare/Contrast essays take two topics and illustrate how they are similar
and different. Do not mention Topic 2 in this first portion.
Paragraph #3: Topic 2 – This next portion of your essay should cover the second of the two topics. Do not
discuss Topic 1 in this section. Since you have already gone into great detail about it, you may make
reference to Topic 1 briefly; however, do not analyze Topic 1 in this section. This portion of the writing
assignment is to discuss Topic 2 in great detail.
Paragraph #4: Topics 1 and 2 Together – Now that you have analyzed both Topic 1 and Topic 2
independently, now it is time to analyze them together. This section may be one or several paragraphs in
length and should focus on directly discussing the similarities and differences of the two topics.
Paragraph #5: Conclusion – The conclusion — like the introduction — should be a generalization of the
thesis. This paragraph should express your certainty and absolute knowledge on the subject matter. You
should reaffirm your thesis (essentially restate it in new words) and show how you've proven it.
Format 2:
Paragraph #1: Introduction – Your introduction paragraph. Like most five-paragraph-essays, a Compare
and Contrast essay should open generally, and lead into the thesis statement.
Paragraph #2: All Comparisons/Similarities (Topics 1 and 2) – This section, which can consist of one or
several paragraphs, should go through all similarities you find in the two topics on which you are
writing. There should be at least three comparisons in which you give an example from both topics of
comparisons in each.
Paragraph #3: All Contrasts/Differences (Topics 1 and 2) – This section, which can consist of one or
several paragraphs, should go through all differences you find in the two topics on which you are
writing. There should be at least three contrasts in which you give an example from both topics of
comparisons in each.
Paragraph #4: Conclusion – This conclusion is wrapping up everything you have just proven in your
paper. It should restate the thesis in a new, more official way, and you should feel quite confident in
your writing.
Compare and Contrast Essay – Write an essay that Compares and Contrasts the
Georgia Constitution of 1777 and the Articles of Confederation. This written
response should be a minimum 4 or 5 paragraphs (depending on whether you are
using Format #1 or Format #2) with each paragraph containing an average of 5
sentences. Be sure to use correct grammar and mechanics in your final draft. This
sheet can be used for final drafts (written in blue or black ink) or as a rough draft if
you plan on typing and printing your final draft.