Fresno Madera Continuum of Care Board Meeting Type: March 12, 2015 General Board Meeting Chair: 9am Jody Ketcheside Location: Clovis City Council Chambers, 1033 Fifth Street, Clovis, CA 93612 FMCoC Board of Director’s Attendance Log: Date: Time: May June July August September October November --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- December April Organization / Agency March Director February Executive Committee Position January 2015 Director Attendance Transitional Age Youth Member at Large Michelle Tutunjian Connie Clendenan Dual Diagnosis / Substance User Chair Jody Ketcheside Homeless Families with Children Nancy Horn Chronic Homeless Immediate Past Angie Nguyen Chair Sara Mirhadi Fresno EOC Sanctuary P AP Valley Teen Ranch A A Turning Point Central California AP P Fresno Unified School District AP AP Fresno Housing Authority AP A Poverello House P P Mental Health System, Inc. P AP County of Fresno P AP Deanna Kivett Persons with Functional Needs Duke Ramshaw Local Government Treasurer Andrew Haussler Regional Rep Vacant 10-Year Plan Leadership Jennifer Clark Madera Regional Homeless Coalition Regional Rep Elizabeth Wisener Veterans Vice Chair Domestic Violence Shawn Jenkins Genelle Taylor Kumpe At Large Representative Elizabeth Rocha-Lee Faith Based Community Member At Large Cate Casa City of Clovis P P --- --- City of Fresno A A Community Action Partnership Madera AP AP WestCare P P Marjaree Mason Center P P AspiraNet A AP Bishops’ Committee AP P Karen Goodman Wings - Fresno A P Pamela Hancock Fresno County Office of Education A AP Tanisha Sharp Fresno Community Dev. Coalition A AP Beverly Fitzpatrick Eco-Village Project of Fresno A P Beth Southorn Life Skills Training and Ed. Programs A AP Collaborative Applicant Representative Doreen Eley Fresno Housing Authority P A Member at Large Vacant --- --- P P ANNUAL PLANNING Seriously Mentally Ill Other CoC Attendees Other Appointees HIV Rep Secretary Laura Moreno County of Fresno Key: Present = P Alternate Present = AP Absent = A Attendees Connie Clendenan – Valley Teen Ranch Jody Ketcheside – Turning Point Nancy Horn – Fresno Unified School District Deanna Kivett – Mental Health Systems, Inc. Sara Mirhadi – Poverello House Andrew Haussler – City of Clovis Elizabeth Wisener – Community Action Partnership Madera Genelle Taylor Kumpe – Marjaree Mason Center Shawn Jenkins – WestCare Elizabeth Rocha-Lee – AspiraNet Cate Casa – Bishop’s Committee Pamela Hancock – Fresno County Office of Education Karen Goodman – Wings Fresno Doreen Eley – Fresno Housing Authority Laura Moreno - County of Fresno Beverly Fitzpatrick – Eco-Village Board Marianne LeCompte – Wings Fresno Cheryl Vieira – Fresno County Office of Education Heidi Crabtree – City of Clovis Judy Fletcher – Turning Point Maribelle Espinosa – AspiraNet Jenny Gonzalez – WestCare James Lujan – Veterans Administration MaryAnn Caldron – Naomi’s House Mollie Nicoletto – Bishops Committee Melissa Mikel – Fresno Housing Authority Gabriel Salazar - Community Action Partnership of Madera Melissa Daniels – Naomi’s House of Fresno Bill Lynam – Bishop’s Committee Lynn Pimentel – Turning Point Joe Martinez – Fresno EOC Sanctuary Sean Whitten – WestCare Doug Schorling – Turning Point Naomi Sosa – Clinica Sierra Vista Misty Gattie-Blanco – Fresno EOC Gwen Leauell – Fresno Comm. Dev. Coalition Dennis Reed – Turning Point Leticia Martinez – Poverello House Sharon Andrade – County of Fresno, Social Services Kathy Escamilla – Turning Point Michael Thomas – Turning Point of Central California Gabriela McNiel – WestCare *Please note those who signed in are listed Agenda/Minutes Agenda: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Approve March Annual Meeting Agenda Approve Minutes from February Meeting Approve Finance Committee Report Adopt FMCoC Policy letter Vote on Executive Committee positions A. Treasurer B. Secretary C. Member at Large (2 Positions) 6. Add County Regional Representative to Executive Committee 7. Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) update 8. Case Manager and Outreach Training on Coordinated Access 9. Data Dashboard 10. Committee information Session 11. Consolidated Plan Outreach 12. SWOT Analysis of CoC 13. Unscheduled Public Announcements Minutes: Meeting called to order by Chair Jody Ketcheside at 9:13am 1. Approve March Annual Meeting Agenda – Approved 2. Approve February Minutes – Approved 3. Approve Finance Committee Report – The current FMCoC cash balance is $13,026.87. Motion: Shawn Jenkins, Second: Laura Moreno. Unanimous Approval 4. Adopt FMCoC Policy Letter – Motion: Shawn Jenkins, Second: Elizabeth Wisener. Unanimous Approval 5. Vote on Executive Committee Positions – A. B. C. D. Treasurer – Michelle Tutunjian Secretary – Heidi Crabtree County Regional Representative – Laura Moreno Member at Large – Brooke Ashjian & Cheryl Vieira Motion: Cate Casa, Second: Connie Clendenan. Unanimous Approval 6. Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) update – 2015 Grant Inventory Worksheet from HUD indicates $7.5 Million in 28 projects. Of those 17 for Permanent Supportive Housing, Eight for Transitional Housing, One for Safe Haven and Two for HMIS. Competition starts after May, HUD’s main priority is Zero to 2016 which is designed to end Veterans Homelessness in December 2015. For us to reach HUDs goal we need to have 51 Veterans housed each month. If your agency is funded and filled out the GIW with Doreen and intending to renew; May 1st is the deadline. Is your agency willing to reallocate dollars? What are you willing to do? HUD allows reallocation of funds for Permanent Supportive Housing & Rapid Rehousing. If your agency is not renewing the program, need to know by May 1st deadline. Action Item #1: Sharon Andrade to distribute registration dates for 2015 National Conference on Ending Homelessness 7. Case Manager and Outreach Training on Coordinated Access – Coordinated Access in Fresno is currently participating in 25Cities and Zero to 2016. These two campaigns are running concurrently. 25Cities’ focus is coordinated access. Its initiative is to end Chronic Homelessness and Veterans Homelessness by 2016. The Zero to 2016 initiative is data focused, e.g. learning to use your data to make improvements with the system and getting people housed. Community Solutions (the consultant on the 25Cities Campaign) put Coordinated Access together with the following process: 1) complete the intake tool “VISPDAT” on client; 2) VI-SPDAT entered into Data base Performance Management Communication Platform (PMCP) and then scored on a scale of zero – 20, based on vulnerability. Fresno’s most vulnerable are those scoring from 10 – 20 on the PMCP. Once client is identified in that ranking they are assigned a navigator. The navigator will help the client get their documentation prepared for housing. Once completed, client will be matched for housing through the same system. To get set up in PMCP email Amanda Brear at Fresno Housing Authority with your email and a password. Upcoming training on Coordinated Access coming soon. 8. Data Dashboard – 2015 PIT Count was a success, with 35 participating agencies. Day one had 94 volunteers, and 1178 unsheltered homeless were counted. Day two had 112 volunteers, and 463 surveys were completed. Day three had 66 volunteers, and 276 surveys were completed. There were 218 total volunteers, traveling 2414 miles to complete the PIT Count. In the first phase of 25Cities, 103 people were housed. From January 2014 to December 2014, 992 surveys were conducted using the VI-SPDAT; 169 (17%) are Veterans, 61 (6%) are Transitional Age youth (TAY) and 762 (77%) are general population. Action Item #2: Sharon Andrade will email a copy of presentation 9. Committee Information Session – Sub-Committee signups will be held at our next meeting on April 9th. The following are: Finance Committee is responsible for the development and review of fiscal procedures, and annual budget with staff and other Board members. Evaluation Committee is responsible for the outlining and coordination for evaluation of member agency housing programs, and coordinating the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) competition evaluation of applications, by utilizing members of the committee that are not representatives of competing agencies. Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Committee is responsible for management of data collected and/or published by the FMCoC, the tracking of subpopulations. Coordinated Assessment Committee organizes and evaluates the effectiveness of Fresno and Madera's Coordinated Assessment/Coordinated Entry process. Outreach Committee is responsible for the organization and coordination of outreach efforts for the Continuum, including Mini Homeless Connect events, active involvement in Point in Time Count efforts, and the implementation of innovative outreach efforts based on new trends. 10. Consolidated Plan Outreach – The Consolidated Plan is a HUD outlined 6 phase process that is created every 5 years and is used to determine the needs of the jurisdiction. Fresno has 29% of people living below the poverty level (compared to 16% statewide) and 44% of children in Fresno under the age of 5 are living in poverty (compared to 24% statewide). The City of Fresno receives federal funds to invest in improving local communities. These funds must assist low- to moderate-income (LMI) individuals and families. Examples are education programs, crime prevention and public safety, housing rehabilitation, home purchase activities, rental housing activities, infrastructure improvements (construction or installation) including streets, curbs, and sidewalks, and facilities for persons with special needs such as domestic violence shelters, nursing homes, or group homes for the disabled. Make your voice heard and help identify Fresno’s housing priorities, economic development priorities, and community development priorities. You are encouraged to please complete a Community Needs Assessment Survey at Action Item #3: Sharon Andrade to email outreach survey 11. SWOT Analysis of CoC – We will conduct a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats (SWOT) for the FMCoC at are next meeting on April 9th. 12. Unscheduled Public Announcements – Sara Mirhadi – Poverello House 2nd Annual Block party will be on May 30th. Come enjoy some food and music. This is a great way for the agencies to interact with the clients through a festive act. Joe Martinez – EOC is celebrating their 50th Anniversary. On March 16th, the Sanctuary is kicking off National Safe Place Week by holding an open house at the shelter, with a tour starting at 10:30am. Gabriela Salazar – Please take a look at the Shunammite Monthly Gazette; it includes stories, poetry, a codebreaker and much more information. Karen Goodman – Wings now has welcome boxes (pots, pans, utensils, shampoo, wash soap, etc.) for clients being housed using the coordinated access system. Please call 559-287-5432 Beverly Fitzpatrick – Lisa, a Liberian at the Downtown Library, had homeless individuals interview other homeless individuals with cameras. The resulting documentary will be shown on April 10, 2015 at the Unitarian Church Fresno. Meeting adjourned at 9:58am. Next Meeting: Thursday April 9th at 8:30am WestCare, 2772 S. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Fresno Status Description Responsible Open Send out registration dates for 2015 National Conference on Ending Homelessness Sharon Andrade Closed 03/24/2015 Distribute Cassie Morgan PIT Count Data presentation to listserv Sharon Andrade Closed 03/12/2015 Distribute City of Fresno Consolidation Plan Outreach Survey Sharon Andrade