A Close Call by Sofia Salerno

It was the summer of 2005, my parents and my oldest sister
Carina were going to go visit Argentina for two weeks. So my sisters
Analia, Natalia, my brother Joshua, and I stayed with my Uncle Jeff and
Aunt Jenifer and their tree kids Jeffry, Sarah, and Hannah.
Jeffry was the oldest of my Aunt and Uncle’s kids ant that
time he was ten years old like my sister Natalia. Sarah was eight years
old, she was a tall blond haired girl. Every time that we would come
over to their house Sarah would always play a prank on someone.
Hannah was the youngest she was two.
Uncle Jeff had come to our house to pick us up around
5:30pm. My mom, dad, and my sister Carina were leaving that
afternoon to Argentina. So we said our goodbyes and we were off to
have two fun weeks with my cousins.
We did lots of thing that week with our cousins, we played
Nintendo, we jumped on the trampoline while this sprinkler system
thing was spraying us, one night there was a big thunderstorm so
Jeffry told scary stories and we played hide and go seek in the dark.
The girls played prank on the boys while they were sleeping we put
shaving cream all over their faces. That week we did so many fun
One hot afternoon all of us kid were sitting on the sofa
watching a movie and then Aunt Jenifer walked in the room asked us,
“Do you kid want to go to Uncle Jonny’s tomorrow to swim?”
“Ya!” we all said together. We all couldn't wait to go to
Uncle Jonny’s house.
The next day we all woke up at 10:30am. Josh woke up with
some shavingcream on his face. We all laughed about that even
Hannah! We left the house at 11:00 so we could get there at 1:00. It
took a while to get there because my Aunt and Uncle lived in Ports St.
Lucie and my Uncle Jonny lives in Ft. Lauderdale, and it take two
hours to get to one place from the other.
Finally we got to Uncle Jonny’s. We all had our swim
suits on so we went into to the pool. Uncle John and Aunt Joan
were waiting for us at the pool. Then Aunt Jenifer asked us,” Do
any of you kids need to go to the bathroom before you go
“No,” we answered and then jumped in the pool
immediately. A few minutes later Sarah, Jeffry, Natalia, and I all
had to go to the bathroom. So we walked up the out side stairs
together except for Jeffry he was a story above us. Suddenly we
hear this loud defining noise. We all looked behind us and we saw
this plane about to crash into the apartment. But then we see the
plain fly right over us and the crash a block away. For a second we
are all were just staring at the plain and then the other second we
were running down the stairs to where everyone was by the pool.
We go to the poll and then we hear my Aunt Joan
babbling on about, "The plain had brushed the top of the
pine trees on the other side of the canal. The pine trees
where only a few feet taller then the apartment that
Johnny's lives in.”
All of the kids came out of the pool, and we
rushed up the stairs to Johnny's apartment. When we go
there we turned on the TV and we saw the plain crash.
Then we rushed out side and saw all the ash in the air
and the plain lying on the street on fire. We stared at
that for a wile and then went back in side to watch the
news. The news said that no one died, that there where
four people in the plain and they jumped out of the
plane before it crash.
After this happened we spent one more week with
our family. We had such a good time! Eventually my parent
and carina came back.
And that was the best but the scariest vacation