Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning Standard 3.1 Focus Establish challenging learning goals Graduate Set learning goals that provide achievable challenges for students of varying abilities and characteristics. Evidence 1 The basis of knowledge in a student’s development (which I have built over the last 6 weeks at Darcy Road Public School) has enabled me to establish effective and challenging goals for students in my prac classroom in conjunction with the Australian Curriculum. One of the most effective ways to set challenging goals for students is to create them in conjunction with the Australian Curriculum and the capabilities of the students themselves, this is a strategy which I will venture to achieve throughout my teaching career whilst challenging myself. ..\Teaching Objectives\Teaching Goals (WK 1 - 2).docx ..\Teaching Objectives\Teaching Goals (Wk 3 - 4).docx ..\Teaching Objectives\Teaching Goals (Wk 5 - 6).docx Evidence 2 I will also encourage students to reflect on their learning and create their own goals in order for them to understand their personal learning style. When learning goals are set by the teacher, it is essential to understand how to assess students' progress in order to effectively set goals. (This will be covered in Standard 5). Below is a link to a lesson plan where you can view my learning outcomes. C:\Users\Antica\Desktop\Lesson Plans\Week 6 Term 2\June 6th 2014 - Reading.docx ..\OBJECTIVES\My Teaching Philosophy.docx 3.2 Plan, structure and sequence learning programs Plan lesson sequences using knowledge of student learning, content and effective teaching strategies. The ability to plan lesson sequences is an essential skill for teachers. While my opportunities in this area have been limited to 6 weeks this semester; I have had some short term experience on placement at Darcy Road Public School in lesson planning. I have also gained the ability to plan and structure learning programs while completing university assignments which shows my understanding of the processes required to plan for a classroom. C:\Users\Antica\Desktop\Lesson Plans\Week 6 Term 2\June 4th 2014 - Reading.docx ..\Assignments Semester 1\Assignment 2 - Curriculum Through Literacy by Antica Skorin.docx C:\Users\Antica\Desktop\Lesson Plans\Week 6 Term 2\June 5th Reading.docx C:\Users\Antica\Desktop\Lesson Plans\Week 6 Term 2\June 6th 2014 - Reading.docx 3.3 Use teaching strategies Include a range of teaching strategies. In order to effectively teach students, a variety of teaching strategies is required. Throughout my placement at Darcy Road Public School, I have utilised a range of teaching strategies. Teaching Approaches as per my Lesson Plans: Authentic focus on learning. Beneficial Activities. Promote Student Motivation. Encourage students to use their own minds. Encourage student responsibility. Encourage student selfawareness. ..\Assignments Semester 1\Assignment 1 - Teaching Philosophy, Lesson Plan & 2 Reflections by Antica Skorin.docx These in-class teaching strategies include: Grouping strategies i.e. Reading Groups (as per capabilities) and Literacy Groups (mixed capabilities) Styles of learning i.e. multimodal learning using iPads and smart-board. Utilising students' knowledge and experience each of these strategies is influenced by the class, the content, and the teaching environment, i.e. speaking and listening lessons where students partake in a speech. Maintaining a happy learning environment. Create engaging activities which will assist students academically and socially. ..\Assignments Semester 1\Assignment 1 - Orientation to Curriculum by Antica Skorin s268540.docx ..\OBJECTIVES\My Teaching Philosophy.docx 3.4 Select and use resources Demonstrate knowledge of a range of resources, including ICT, that engage students in their learning. There are many resources available to teachers to aid them in the planning and teaching processes. I have been fortunate enough to have access to many valuable resources in the Darcy Road Public School teacher’s resource room, which I have used in my lessons. For example: School Magazines for 4R reading groups. ..\ASSIGNMENTS\Assignment 2 Curriculum Through Literacy by Antica Skorin.docx ..\4R SAMPLES\20140530_131007.jpg ..\4R SAMPLES\20140528_121850.jpg It is important to be able to uncover and select relevant resources which will in turn enhance the learning of students, and offer the flexibility to adapt existing resources where necessary. In saying this, I also use teaching resources found online from particular teaching websites where I can download material and adjust it to the capabilities of the students in my prac class. C:\Users\Antica\Desktop\Super Teacher\English\mainidea_WDDWW.pdf C:\Users\Antica\Desktop\Super Teacher\English\there-theirtheyre_WBRNW.pdf C:\Users\Antica\Desktop\Super Teacher\English\syn-antmixed_WDWWQ.pdf 3.5 Use effective classroom communication 3.6 Evaluate and improve teaching programs Demonstrate a range of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to support student engagement. Demonstrate broad knowledge of strategies that can be used to evaluate teaching programs to improve student learning. Communication is essential in the classroom, and can take a variety of forms. Knowledge and use of these forms of communication (verbal and non-verbal) can help students to develop and perform in their learning. I have used representations of tasks in worksheet form and occasionally a daily timetable list on the white-board for 4R (challenging as I only conduct a couple lessons). I have also used my own white-board to communicate writing lesson instructions, and have communicated poor discipline on the class white-board. ..\4R Observation Forms\20140602_133036.jpg Teaching and learning is a process which is constantly being revised and adjusted. In turn lessons and teaching sequences will constantly need to be revisited, evaluated, and changed if required. ..\4R Observation Forms\201005.JPG ..\4R Observation Forms\201039.JPG ..\4R Observation Forms\201110.JPG ..\4R Observation Forms\201141.JPG Through my lesson planning and tertiary studies I have a growing knowledge of these forms and how and when to best use them. I hope to develop this skill further over time as I practice my teaching next semester in 5/6C. C:\Users\Antica\Desktop\Reading Instructions June 12 2014.docx ..\4R SAMPLES\20140528_121850.jpg I have had the opportunity while on placement to observe my mentor teacher assess teaching programs. For example swapping Information Reports from term 1 to term 2. Additionally, I reflect often on my teaching experiences and use this information to improve my practice. ..\4R Observation Forms\201215.JPG ..\4R Observation Forms\201246.JPG ..\4R Observation Forms\201316.JPG ..\4R Observation Forms\201347.JPG 3.7 Engage parents/carers Describe a broad range of in the educative process strategies for involving parents/carers in the educative process. Students are the main aspect in the classroom, however parents play an authentic and relevant role in the learning. These roles can include assistance in classrooms (helping-hands etc.). These visitors generally help out in small reading groups allowing them to take place in the classroom in the role of experts. I have worked closely with Aziz, which is Reya’s father quite often in the past 6 weeks. ..\4R SAMPLES\photo 2.JPG While I have not had a great deal of experience in this area outside of the classroom, I am aiming to develop relationships with parents in my second prac next semester, and encourage their contributions and assistance in the classroom. I have also engaged in conversation with Jaiden’s mother and father, Tavleen’s mother etc. ..\4R SAMPLES\photo 1 (1).JPG