TEACHER: BROOKS CLASS: Integrated Science I WEEK: 08/17/15 to 08/21/15 UNIT I: Scientific Thinking in Experimental Settings 1. Identify and define experimental variables prior to investigation. (DOK1) 2. Design and conduct an investigation that includes predicting outcomes, using experimental controls, and making inferences about relationships that exist. (DOK3) 3. Distinguish between qualitative and quantitative observations and make inferences based on observations. (DOK3) 4. Utilize analog and digital equipment to collect, compare, and analyze data. (DOK2) 5. Report numerical data following the rules of significant digits and the accuracy limits of the measurement devices. (DOK2) 6. Construct manual and digital graphs of data that include a title, axes labels and units, correct scaling, and plotted points. (DOK 2) 7. Create test plots on digital graphs to linearize data for analysis. (DOK3) 8. Create a mathematical expression from graphical data to express the relationship between plotted variables. (DOK3) 9. Analyze data collected from a scientific investigation to construct explanations and draw conclusions about the relationships present in the investigation. DOK3) 10. Present oral and written conclusions using multiple representations of the investigated relationship and use data to support findings. (DOK3) 11. Account for the causes of precision and accuracy errors revealed by the graph. (DOK3) 12. Define the new quantity revealed in the investigation by the slope of the graph. (DOK2) 13. Communicate scientific procedures and final conclusions of investigation in a written lab report. (DOK3) Monday Tuesday Wednesday OBJECTIVE/ OUTCOME/ GOAL TEACHING STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS CLOSURE ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS 1-2;1-4; 16; 1-7; 18;1-9 TSWBAT make a data table; use basics of logger-pro; create a white board BW: Students write down three observations about the objects for the lab– lab fees will be collected. Teacher will lead Pre-lab discussion asking essential questions and what is required for a data table The students will complete data collection for circle lab and create hand drawn graph of data The teacher will instruct on requirements of a graph and use of Logger Pro circle lab data will be entered BW: Students will perform graphing application with line of best fit As a class, create white board rules and consequences Discuss requirements for each white board section (reference posters) Students will create whiteboard presentation (15 minutes) Students will present whiteboards with instructor questioning (20 minutes) The teacher will perform post lab discussion (10 minutes) BW: Significant figures reading Significant figures presentation/ demonstration Students will perform significant figures worksheet Students will whiteboard selected answers Students will present whiteboards Informal check of group work Group and individual review during white - boarding Have each student write a note to a new student explaining the rules for presentati ons. How do I measure and record precise data? How do I use my data to create a graph? Students have one week to complete the survey on school rack Group and individual review during white- boarding Informal check of work on sheets. Have students sign rules of white board presentati ons How do I use my graph and data to draw conclusions? Formal check to see that each student has completed the worksheet. Informal check of group work How do you know if your measurements are precise and accurate? Sig fig practice worksheet 1-2;1-4; 1-5; 1-6; 1-7; 1-8; 1-9 TSWBAT make a graph with line of best fit; describe the experiment 1-2, 1-3, 14 1-5, 1-6, 1-8, 1-9, 1-10, 111, 1-12 TSWBAT identify significant figures in a measurement; create a white board to represent data Each student writes down 1question about significant figures then passes it to another student to write down an answer HOMEWORK Thursday Friday 1-2, 1-3, 14 1-5, 1-6, 1-8, 1-9, 1-10, 111, 1-12, 1-13 1-6, 1-8, 1-10, 1-13 TSWBAT communicate their findings to the class BW: Significant figures practice Significant figures activity o Create a card for significant figures rules o Students explain sig fig rules in their own words Wing span activity Begin significant figures worksheet 1 BW: Students will answer question on board Students will present whiteboards with instructor questioning The teacher will perform post lab discussion Students will practice calculating slope, yintercept and writing equations Assess participation and work during lab exercise Students make up a rhyme to remember one of the sig. fig. rules How and when do you need to use significant figures? Bring Lab Fee and return Parent Letter Understanding checked during wb presentations What relationship is defined by the slope of a graph? Answer essential question