
Civic Government
In Florida
Table Of Contents
What governs U.S. citizens?
What governs Florida citizens?
How are Florida cities established?
What is a city charter?
What is the role of city government?
Who governs a city?
Who helps run a city?
How can we learn what cities are doing?
What Governs U.S. Citizens?
What Governs U.S. Citizens?
 As citizens of the United States, we are all
governed by the United States
 The United States Constitution is the
supreme law of the United States of
America and outlines our rights and
obligations as citizens.
What Governs U.S. Citizens?
 The very first paragraph of the
Constitution begins with the Preamble.
 The Preamble consists of a single
sentence that introduces the document, its
purpose and the reason for the U.S.
Preamble To The United States Constitution
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a
more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic
Tranquility, provide for the common defense,
promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings
of Liberty, to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain
and establish this Constitution for the United States of
What Governs Florida Citizens?
What Governs Florida Citizens?
State of Florida Constitution
 In order for a territory to become a state, it must
draft a constitution of its own and be approved by
the U.S. Congress.
 The original constitution for the State of Florida
was first signed into law in 1838.
 Similar to the U.S. Constitution, the Florida
Constitution begins with a Preamble and
Declaration of Rights.
Florida Constitution’s Declaration Of Rights
 SECTION 1. Political power - All political power is inherent in the
 SECTION 2. Basic rights - All persons, female and male alike, are equal
before the law and have inalienable rights, among which are the right to
enjoy and defend life and liberty, to pursue happiness, to be rewarded for
industry, and to possess and protect property; No person shall be deprived of
any right because of race, religion, national origin, or physical disability.
 SECTION 3. Religious freedom - Religious freedom shall not justify
practices inconsistent with public morals, peace or safety. No revenue of the
state or any political subdivision or agency thereof shall ever be taken from
the public treasury directly or indirectly in aid of any church, sect, or
religious denomination or in aid of any sectarian institution.
 SECTION 4. Freedom of speech and press - Every person may speak,
write and publish sentiments on all subjects but shall be responsible for the
abuse of that right.
Government In The Sunshine
 Any gathering of two or more members of the same board
to discuss some matter which will possibly come before
that board for action is governed by the Sunshine Law.
 Under the Sunshine Law, meetings of a public board must
be open to the public.
 Reasonable notice of such meetings must be given.
 All meetings of the city commission and City Advisory
Boards are governed by the Sunshine Law.
How Are Florida Cities Established?
Today there are more than
cities, towns and villages in
How Are Florida Cities Established?
 In Florida, the procedures for forming a city or
town are governed by the State of Florida
 Cities are established to
provide citizens with a variety
of services and a close level of
 To create a city, a community
must first create a city charter.
What Is A City Charter?
What Is A City Charter?
 The city charter is the document that
governs and controls each city.
 Every charter is unique and reflects the
characteristics of each municipality.
Items Found In A City Charter
 Articles of Incorporation
 Boundaries
 Powers of city officials
 Structure and form of government
 Administrative organization and function
 City election procedure
 Financial powers and general government
Can A Charter Be Updated?
years the City Commission appoints a group of
volunteer residents to review the city’s charter and
make recommendations for revisions or changes.
 The current city charter was originally adopted in
 A great deal has changed affecting our community
and the charter since [INSERT FOUNDING
Example: [YOUR CITY]
 Created by [HOW] on [DATE]
[YOUR CITY] Founder:
 Named for him/her because….
 City was founded in ….. [INSERT INFORMATION]
What Is The Role Of City Government?
To protect the health, welfare and safety of the residents of
the city.
Who Governs A City?
[YOUR CITY] Elected Officials
 Commissioners:
Powers Of The Mayor And Commissioners
 Determine tax rate needed in order to operate the city.
 Approve the spending of money in order for the city to
provide services to the residents.
 Approve plans for building of new homes and businesses.
 Provide public parks and recreational facilities.
 Provide public safety services – police, fire and code
Mayors And Commissioners Promote Community
Input And Involvement
 Commission meetings are held monthly to promote
dialogue between elected officials and residents.
 Public workshops are held to invite community input on
city issues.
 City Advisory Boards are created to provide valuable
information on citywide issues to its residents.
 Residents are recognized for outstanding achievements
in the community.
Who Helps Run A City?
City Departments
 City Manager
 Public Works
 Legal Counsel
 Public Safety
 City Clerk
 Recreation
 Finance Department
 Utility/Engineering
 Growth Management
 Building Department
Role Of The City Manager
 The city manager is the chief administrative officer
(CAO) of the city.
 The city manager is held
responsible to the city
commission for the
administration of city
business on a daily basis
as outlined by the city
Role Of Legal Counsel
The city attorney represents the city in all
legal matters and provides legal advice
concerning city affairs.
Role Of The City Clerk’s Office
 Official custodian of the city’s seal and keeper of all records
covering everything that has happened in the city through
the years.
 Along with the mayor, the city clerk signs all ordinances
and resolutions.
 The city clerk’s office coordinates all elections in cities.
 Most residents go to the clerk’s office for assistance with
city needs. The clerk’s office has the highest volume of
contact with citizens.
Role Of Finance Department
The finance department is responsible for:
 the accounting and recording of all revenues and
expenditures for all city financial activities;
 overseeing purchasing and the acquisition of items
for city use and property control;
 handling all utilities customer services.
2010/2011 Budget
Role Of Growth Management:
Planning And Zoning Division
 The growth management department reviews
development applications and permits for
compliance with a city's comprehensive plan and
its zoning code of ordinances.
 The department works closely with residents and
prospective residents, developers, business owners
and other real estate industry professionals.
Role Of The Building Department
The function of the building department is to review
permits and inspect structures for compliance with
the Florida Building Code and a city’s code of
Role Of The Public Works Department
The public works department is responsible for the
maintenance of city-owned buildings, parks,
roadways, sidewalks and swale trees.
Role Of Public Safety
Cities have their own
forces, or work with the
Broward Sheriff's Office
to offer residents
services for the provision
of police, fire rescue
and code compliance.
Role Of The Recreation Department
 The goal of the parks and recreation department is to
provide a broad range of quality park facilities and leisure
and enrichment activities for all community residents.
 Cities offer fields,
public parks, sports
complexes and
other sports venues
for residents to use.
Role Of The Utilities Department
The utilities department operates water
treatment plants and wastewater treatment
plants to meet the
needs of all residents. City
crews also maintain the
water distribution
system and wastewater
collection system.
How Can We Learn What Cities Are Doing?
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