June 22, 2011 Alice Programming Adventures – Follow-up Workshop Outline Welcome, Introductions, and Motivation History of our workshops Usage of Materials for Integration Alice into K-12 o Computer Science concepts o Animation and Special Effects o Tutorials, template worlds and classes o Discipline Specific Future Work Motivation Few women in computer science: 56% AP test takers female, only 15% CS takers female Lower number of test takers for CS in general Low levels of women at all levels in CS: high school, college, grad school, professors Many students don’t know what CS is when they enter college b/c not taught in middle and high schools, think “keyboarding, spread sheets, word processing” – not very exciting Alice Virtual Worlds Hands-on, interactive, visual, less error prone, exciting results right away Potential to excite kids about CS like experiments excite them about chemistry/physics/biology The Social Network / Facebook also getting more kids interested in CS. History of 5-12 NSF grant, three-work workshop in 2008 Integrate Alice by training teachers Six sites: Durham NC, Charleston SC, Virginia Beach VA, Denver CO, Oxford MS, San Jose CA Durham site focused on NC middle schools 2008: 3-week teacher workshop 2009/10: one week workshops Over 130 teachers, mostly middle school, some high school o Only a few have programmed before o Developing lesson plans 2008: two 1-week middle school camps o Taught Alice, building own Alice worlds Alice Symposium, June 17, 2009 o 25 papers presented, over 120 attendees, Rachel Brady from DIVE – keynote speaker Targeting all subject teachers: language arts, math, science, history, foreign language, music and art, media and technology, business New NSF ITest Scale-up Grant, 2011-2016 Three states: NC, SC, MS – reach throughout three states 3-week workshops spread over 2 summers 5 years funding, 2.5 million Provide lodging, food, small stipends Another Alice Symposium in 2012/2013 Usage in middle/high schools Teachers: lecture examples, interactive quizzes, worlds on concepts for students to view Students: projects (instead of poster, a model), take or build quizzes, view and answer questions about a world Free Materials / Introductory Tutorials Simple, short 15-min tutorials to try Alice – add object, use built-in methods o Astronaut on moon One hour starting tutorials – write methods, simple events, camera o Getting Started with Alice – Mac glitch with fairy wing Longer starting tutorials – 4 parts o Skater World o Princess and Dragon – glitch with color change with speech Short tutorials on CS topics o Programming – sequential and “at the same time” o Methods – teaching characters how to walk o Events – buttons and birds o Looping o Conditionals – making a choice o Functions – how tall are you o Lists – objects moving in unison o Variables – timers/scores Other Fun/Animation Topics blended in o Storyboards o Changing camera views o Scene changes and lighting o Fading in and out o Making billboards o Making objects invisible and visible o Sounds o Gluing objects to others Math Example o Danica McKellar o Improper Fractions Story Speech bubble awkward placement – have character part “say” instead o Rounding Numbers world Quiz Worlds o Number of animals o Several template worlds English as Second Language example o Putting pictures in order to tell a story o Practice English: go through and type in a phrase for each picture o Teacher can modify by using 10 other pictures in an array or list Other Quiz templates o Template world – click on object that is answer o Template Class – quiz with “ask user” function built in Alice used as Projects o Historical Tour project: Brooklyn Bridge o Book report: Charlotte’s Web o Pong Game – breaking games into manageable sections o Adventure Game o Getting the Grade: a point and click game Using yellow arrows to move through rooms in a house to find homework Multistep: find remote to turn on TV, get code to safe, get match and light fireplace, burn painting and key falls down, unlock door and get homework o Using Pearls to Understand Variables – inspired by Danica McKellar Demonstrates how to solve a linear equation o Creating a Boat Racing Game in Alice Originally created by a student Bug: “You lose” – continue and finish game – “You win” Examples in Science o Created a bar chart o More examples by Liz This Summer’s Focus Running two-week beginner workshop and one-week follow-up workshop in 2012 Focus with research students is “how to integrate computing into mathematics” o Tutorials for mat worlds students can build o Looking at NC state standards and CSTA recommendations Idea from Durham Tech professor Angry Birds – as a model to learn trigonometry Using angles for shooting Discussion initiated Kathleen Christopher Middle School club that teaches Alice Four Thursdays “Explore passions” not a class 10-15 minute demo, give handout - some kids do own thing Game with these 5 elements: pull in kids that want to do step-by-step and the boys that want to learn specific things covered in the tutorial Do whatever you want as long as it contains these elements Making it clearer what the prerequisites and topics covered in a game are Sometimes kids are unable to articulate what they want the program to do Greater emphasis on importance of storyboarding – getting teachers to understand Nate Schular (accident on 147) Teaches AP U.S. Government, European & World History Political cartoon assignment: kids use billboards for faces AFTER LUNCH Professor Rodger demonstrating creating a world with buildings and rooms, teacher discussions about game development World has a threshold function that measures distance from the boundary box of an object rather than the center of the object – Liz Melissa’s presentation Matrix Multiplication o Teacher asks about building world to add smaller integers Inequalities / Weighing Simple random sample o Teacher asks about possibility of expanding world to model randomness in polling, like with gender, educational level, salary Teacher Discussion Class: full-year elective for 11th and 12th graders, all Alice Mostly do games, but looking for ideas on what else to do Using Alice to make projects for other classes o Geometry teacher: has students take pictures of various shapes around building Peggy’s presentation Distributive Property world Scientific Notation Teacher discussion Fran, art teacher? Problems installing Alice on school computers One-to-one: one Mac per kid? $25 deposit with school-approved laptop cases, $50 damages Difficulties transferring files via email due to lack of admin privileges on computers Liz’s presentation Bar Chart – generalized template so teachers don’t have to create a bar chart each time Atmospheric Layers – bar chart application, earth science request from teachers Treasure Hunt Game – gets guy onto island to find the treasure o Teaches picking up objects and storing them in an invisible visualized array Problem with renaming methods on a Mac Teacher : couldn’t get objects exactly right; chicken wouldn’t fit perfectly somewhere Liz: Alice is not conducive to perfectionist tendencies; need to just accept that things won’t be perfect Teacher discussion: semester course that exposes students to Alice, Java, etc. Chitra’s presentation Ice Cream store for linear functions Toy Store for percentages General tutorial for small things like adding special characters (accents)