KHAZAR UNIVERSITY Department of English Language and

Department of English Language and Literature
Advanced Study Skills
Spring 2015
Course Syllabus
Course Instructor: Khalida Gasimova
Number of hours: 6 hours per week
Office: 307 old
Office hours: Thursdays, 12 am-1 pm
Telephone number: (+994 12) 4211093 (exc. 230)
Course Description: The course aims to focus on skills necessary to succeed both inside and outside
the classroom by studying communication and interaction. Readings are introduced by the instructor.
Students are welcome to suggest topics for reading and discussion based on their sphere of interest. In
order to succeed in their future study, students will learn strategies for becoming a more effective
student. The academic skills gained in this course will help students in their future studies, especially
the subjects taught in English, which are basically students’ major courses.
Learning outcomes: Students will learn various reading strategies such as inference, context clues,
and collocations, recognize key terms and ideas in academic contexts, analyze and synthesize
information obtained from academic materials, such as books and articles, deliver lengthy
presentations on academic topics. Students will also have the opportunity to learn how to access,
appropriately use and cite various resources for their academics.
Class rules:
English is the only language we will use in the classroom. You are required to use English in all
classroom situations.
Come to class on time and prepared.
Attendance is vital to your success in class. You must attend all of the class. If you are late, or miss
more than 10 minutes, you will be marked absent. If you are late for the class (not be in the class
when the lesson starts), you will be marked tardy. If you have 3 tardy marks, you will receive 1
Late work is not accepted for any reason. Major assignments are not accepted late without penalty.
There are no make-up quizzes. If you miss a class discussion or other graded activity, you will not
be able to make it up.
Cell phones, laptop computers, I-pads and any other devices are not allowed while class is in
session. Students using any of the above mentioned devices during class for a non-academic
purpose will receive an absence for the entire class.
You may not leave the classroom while class is in session unless it is an emergency.
Show respect and treat your classmates as you want to be treated. Be kind, patient and nonjudgmental.
Please feel free to see me if you are overwhelmed or have other issues that are affecting your
Academic Dishonesty:
Plagiarism and cheating are crimes and will be severely penalized, including, the expulsion of a
student from the university. If you use any sources form the Internet or any other book, magazine, you
are required to cite it properly. Any material not cited is considered to be plagiarized and will not be
accepted or marked.
Grading Scale:
100 % - 90 % - A (Excellent)
89 % - 80 % - B (Good)
79 % - 70 % - C (Satisfactory)
69 % - 60 % - D (Poor)
59 % -below – F (Failing)
Grading: (based on a 100-point scale)
Tests (Quizzes)
Class discussions (activity):
Total 100%
Required Textbook: Ellis D. (2007) Becoming a Master Student, 14th edition, New York: Houghton
Weekly Schedule Calendar
Week 1
Topic and Activities
Introduction to the course. Getting
introduced with the course syllabus and
class policy.
Support material
The value of higher education. The master
student in you. Master student qualities.
Discover what you want. Classroom civility.
This book is worthless-if you just read it.
Introduction: pp. 3-30
Week 2
Chapter 1. First steps. Skills: Discovering
a leaning style & using it to succeed.
Claiming multiple intelligences. Choosing
your purpose.
Ideas are tools. A key to mastery. The discover
wheel. Learning styles. Develop your multiple
intelligences. Leaning by seeing, hearing and
moving; the VAK system. Practicing critical
pp. 31-62
Week 3
Chapter 2. Time. Using time wisely.
Skills: Strategies for planning & time
The time monitor. Setting and achieving goals.
Get real with your goals. Mastering technology:
use web-based tools to save time. The 7-day
anti-procrastination plan.
pp. 66-100
Week 4
Chapter 3. Memory. Skills: Memory
enhancing techniques. Acquiring and
utilizing learned information.
Quiz 2
Choosing an argumentative topic for
the presentation
Week 5
Chapter 4. Reading like a professional.
Skills: muscle reading and speed reading
techniques. Expanding vocabulary.
Quiz 3
Week 6
Take your memory out of the closet. 20
memory techniques. Use your computer to
enhance memory. Mnemonic devices. Move
from memory problems to solutions.
pp. 101-124
How muscle reading works. 3 phases of
reading: before you read, while you read, after
you read. A leaner’s approach to effective
reading. Word power-expanding your
Finding sources for the presentation
and learning citation rules
pp. 125-138
Chapter 5. Note-taking as a pathway to
success. Skills: Coding, annotation, and
concept mapping. Understanding and
using Power Point presentations
effectively. Quiz 4
The note-taking process flows. Create more
values from lectures. Reflect on your review
habits. Turn Power Point into powerful notes.
Taking notes while reading. Get to the bones of
your book with concept maps. Taking effective
notes for online coursework. Taking notes
under pressure. pp. 151-176
Preparing for the presentation
Week 7
Consolidation of the material covered
Quiz 5
Student Presentations
Week 8
Week 9
Chapter6. Tests. Skills: Leaning how to
prepare for the tests effectively, sharing
time for the test preparation, how to avoid
mistakes, cramming.
What to do before the test? How to cram. Ways
to predict test questions. Cooperative learningstudying in groups. Words to watch for in essay
questions. The high cost of cheating. Let go of
test anxiety. Studying across the curriculum.
pp. 177-202
Chapter7. Critical Thinking as a Process.
Skills: Inquiry, uncovering assumptions,
& problem solving.
Week 10
Preparing for a lengthy presentation
Choosing a topic with your group
Quiz 1
Week 11
Chapter8. Communicating. Skills:
politeness, conversation structures, &
managing conflicts, developing emotional
Researching various available sources
for the presentation
Critical thinking as a survival skill. 15 common
mistakes in logic. Think critically about the
information on the Internet. Asking questionsleaning through inquiry. Thinking about your
major. Four ways to solve problems.
pp. 203-234
Clear and effective communication. Five ways
to say no. “I” messages. Five steps to effective
complaints. Criticism is constructive. Text
message etiquette. Three phases of effective
pp. 235-270
Quiz 2
Chapter9. Diversity. Skills: choosing
conversations according to the
community. Leadership in a diverse
Week 12
Deciding on the material to be used for
the group presentation. Preparing the
first draft
Explore the influence of stereotypes. Building
relationships across cultures. Becoming a
culture learner. Seven strategies for nonsexist
communication. Removing barriers for
pp. 271-294
Quiz 3
Week 13
Chapter 10. Money. Skills: getting to
know the value of voluntary work for the
community. Learning how to apply for
grants and tuitions in foreign universities.
Quiz 4
Money monitor. Money plan. Education is
worth it-and you can pay for it.
pp. 295-309
Week 14
Chapter11. Health. Skills: Developing a
strong self-image. Tips for successful
Wake up to health. Choose to stay safe.
Warning: advertising can be dangerous to your
Writing a presentation report
pp. 321-350
Quiz 5
Week 15
Chapter 12. What’s next? Skills: Leaning
how to revise the course material, exam
preparation. Learning how to build a
resume, creating a career plan.
Create your career profile. Create your
academic plan. Build an irresistible resume.
Sample career plans. Jumpstart your education
with transferable skills.
Final draft of the presentation
pp. 351-384
Consolidation of the material covered
Week 16
Student presentations
Final quiz
Week 17
Good luck!