Poetry Webquest

EDU 505
Ashley Dolengo
Poetry is an integral part of literature and art
and is actually referred to as literary art because
it uses language to create something that is
appealing to the ear.
It is used to tell stories, share thoughts and
feelings, teach themes and morals and can tell us
a lot about the poet, his/her life and the society
that the poet lived in.
This WebQuest is designed to help you learn
about the different types of poetry.
Your task is to read each poem on the
selected poems list and identify what type of
poem (free verse, haiku, limerick, ode, sonnet,
narrative etc) they are.
You must explain why/how you have identified
the poem.
After you have finished reading and identifying
each poem, you are to pick your favorite style of
poetry and write your own poem in this style.
You will read each poem on the selected poems list by
using the resources list and the Internet to search for
every poem.
After reading each poem, you will identify what type
of poem that you think it is and why/how you have
come to that conclusion.
You may refer to your poetry terms and definitions
list to help identify each poem.
When you are done identifying the poems, you will
pick your favorite style of poetry and write your own
poem. You may write on any topic you like, as long as
it is appropriate.
“Still I’ll Rise” by Maya Angelou
 “My Life had stood- a Loaded Gun”
by Emily Dickinson
 “The Summer Chair” by Jack Kerouac
 “To a Stranger” by Walt Whitman
 “How Do I Love Thee” by Elizabeth Barrett
 “The Red Wheelbarrow” by William Carlos
 “I, Too” by Langston Hughes
 “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost
Poetry Foundation www.poetryfoundation.org
Poem Hunter www.poemhunter.com
Poetry www.poets.org
Poems www.poems.com
Or you may google the title and author of the
Writing with Writers Poetry Edition
Web English Teacher
Purdue Online Writing Lab
Your poem can be about anything you wish to
write about. It can be about something that
happened to you today or recently, a feeling or
thought you have, a major theme in your life, a
friend or family member etc. The possibilities are
You are encouraged to use your senses when
writing your poem. What do you see, hear, smell,
feel, taste? Using your senses is a good
way to incorporate imagery into your
poem and be creative.
You will be evaluated in the following ways:
Poem Identification and Explanation is worth 45
Identification of each poem is worth 2 points.
Explanation of how/why you identified the poem is worth 3
Your poem will be worth 55 points and I will be
looking for the following:
Creativity: 25 points
Adherence to chosen style: 20 points
Spelling/Punctuation and Grammar: 10 points
You are encouraged to write a first draft and then go back
and look for spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.
Doing this after you have written the poem allows you to
be creative and carefree while writing.
When you are finished identifying the poems and
writing your individual poem, you are to hand
them both in to me. Poem identification must be
finished by the end of class but you may take
your poem home to finish if you need to.
 Poem identification will be graded and given back
to you to continue to learn and study.
 Your poem will be graded and then put into your
writing folder.
 I hope this WebQuest will allow you to learn
more about poetry and understand it’s forms and
uses. If you have any questions or concerns at
any point of the assignment, please ask.