Ready, Set, Register: Using Course Over-Enrollment to Examine the Causal Impact of Mathematics Course on College Outcomes by Jenna Cullinane March 1, 2013 Abstract In response to insufficient degree completion and inequitable distribution of degrees, policymakers, philanthropists, and educators are calling on college and universities to dramatically improve their graduation rates. These education stakeholders seek levers to improve postsecondary student achievement through policy. Mathematics preparation and course-taking in college are key indicators of postsecondary degree completion; however, weaknesses in prior studies of this relationship raise concerns about the appropriateness of policies that encourage math course-taking as a means of improving college success. The fact that high achieving students are more likely to take mathematics early and often in college bias previous results. This paper examines how the timing and completion of math course-taking in college affects degree completion using regression discontinuity in course registration data. Surprisingly, descriptive statistics from a single large, public institution in Texas suggest students who take math in their first semester of college have a lower likelihood of graduation. This phenomenon may be explained by high performing students satisfying college requirements in high school through growing AP credit and dual credit opportunities in Texas. Among students who take math in their first semester, the likelihood of completion is positively correlated with the level of first math course taken. Students who begin their college career with more advanced mathematics are more likely to graduate. Quasi-experimental findings are forthcoming. Cullinane, College Math—1 Ready, Set, Register: Using Course Over-Enrollment to Examine the Causal Impact of Mathematics Courses on College Outcomes More than 75 percent of new jobs in the U.S. will require workers with a postsecondary credential, and 60 percent of the fastest growing jobs in the next five years will require at least a postsecondary certificate (The Whitehouse, 2009; BLS, 2007). Today, just 39 percent of Americans have earned any type of postsecondary credential. Degree completion is unequally distributed across racial, ethnic, and socio-economic subpopulations (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010; Dowd, 2003). In response to insufficient degree completion and inequitable distribution of degrees, policymakers, philanthropists, and educators are calling on college and universities to dramatically improve their graduation rates. In particular, education stakeholders seek levers to improve postsecondary student achievement through state and institution-level policy. Recent studies point to the sequence and timing of college courses and their alignment to programs of study as important factors in improving degree completion. They find that success in mathematics courses early and often in high school and college is predictive of later educational outcomes (Long et al., 2009; Xin Ma & Wilkins, 2007; Adelman, 2006). For example, advanced mathematics course-taking beyond Algebra 2 in high school and early math course-taking in college are associated with completing a bachelor’s degree (Adelman, 2005; Long et al., 2008). The completion of a first college-level course is also highly correlated with the probability of earning a two-year degree (Roska & Calcagno, 2008). The frequency and consistency of findings linking mathematics to later educational success has encouraged policymakers to mandate or otherwise incentivize colleges and schools Cullinane, College Math—2 to provide more mathematics instruction, more advanced content, to more students in hopes of improving attainment. The Algebra for All movement in K-12 education is one such policy that demonstrates the consequences of policymaking in the absence of sufficient causal research. Algebra for All accelerated entry into algebra courses for all students in the 8 th grade based on positive associations between Algebra and later educational outcomes for generally high-achieving students. The policy presumed the association between mathematics and later outcomes was causal, that is, mathematics is a mechanism that improves outcomes, and by increasing mathematics outcomes will increase as a result. Unfortunately, the studies upon which these policies are based have not addressed the problem of nonrandom selection of high ability or better-prepared students into mathematics courses in high school and college, nor did they account for student major in analyses of course-taking patterns and Algebra for All has largely been deemed a failure. At best, existing literature concludes that students that have completed degrees or enrolled in college also tend to be more successful in mathematics. When the standard for causal claims has not been met, researchers and policymakers must be cautious to accurately describe and interpret findings on the basis of associational research. Policymakers are already crafting performance funding policies and incentive funding policies for higher education that reward college math completion and the lessons of Algebra for All should not be forgotten. I attempt to address limitations in the mathematics educational literature and inform policies designed to improve college graduation by conducting a rigorous quasi-experimental study that identifies how first college-level mathematics courses and their timing affects the probability of graduation. A unique research design using as-if randomization of student Cullinane, College Math—3 mathematics course-taking at Texas university permits causal inference and addresses selection problems that previous studies have struggled to overcome. Excess demand for courses and new data on student efforts to register for courses provide a unique opportunity to compare students who enroll in a college level mathematics course with those who were not able to enroll in the first semester due to the class size limitations using a regression discontinuity research design (Thistlethwaite and Campbell, 1960). These students have the same revealed preference for taking a particular course—that is, they all attempted to register for a math course in the first semester—and we can assume successful enrollment among this population is random. The present study will further address shortcomings of the existing literature by examining effects by major and within a single institutional context. I hypothesize that early math course-taking has only a modest impact on graduation, as I suspect selection effects have inflated previous findings. Further I expect the effect of early math course-taking will vary by major. Literature Review A review of the college persistence and degree completion literature indicates that mathematics course-taking in high school and college are among the most important, stable indicators of later success. I began my literature review with searches on JSTOR, Google Scholar, and the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) using key words degree completion, mathematics, predictors, courses and pathways. Initial articles led me to subsequent resources. Cullinane, College Math—4 Theory of Student Achievement in College Human capital theory (Becker, 1975) establishes that education outcomes depend on perceived future labor market returns to schooling investments. Education and training increase student ability, therefore we expect that the length, type and quality of schooling to influence student skills, postsecondary outcomes, and subsequent productivity. Previous research consistent with the human capital approach suggests mathematics courses build academic skills and that more highly skilled students will have better outcomes in postsecondary education. Lessons from the human capital literature at the postsecondary level are well summarized in the Institute for Higher Education Leadership and Policy’s study, Student Progress Toward Degree Completion (2009). The authors explain the significant, positive relationships between mathematics and the likelihood of degree completion (Adelman, 2006; Cabrera, Burkum, La Nasa, 2005), retention (Herzog, 2005), and transfer (Roksa & Calcagno, 2008; Cabrera, Burkum, & La Nasa, 2005; Adelman, 2005) as the result of developing key academic skills necessary for subsequent coursework. Human capital theory explanations are also consistent with findings that taking more math credits and more advanced math in high school is associated with higher enrollment and college grades (Schneider, Swanson, and Riegle-Crumb, 1998; Deming, Hastings, Kane & Staiger, 2011) and choice of major (Federman, 2007). There is ample evidence that patterns of math course-taking, credit accumulation patterns, and choice of major differ for subpopulations of students such as women and minorities, as do the returns to math courses that explain variable outcomes across populations (Adelman, 2005; Bailey, Jeong, and Cho, 2008; Spade, Columba, and VanFossen, 1997; Jacobs, 1996; Kahn & Nauta, 2001). Cullinane, College Math—5 Economic theory provides a second explanation of the relationship between math and later college outcomes. Math course taking may serve as a signal, or screening device for unobserved student ability that admissions officers or faculty use to determine the quality in applicants to colleges and majors (Benard, 2001). Students with higher achievement tend to take mathematics courses earlier than students with low achievement. Seventy-one percent of students who ultimately earn a bachelor’s degree take at least one college-level math course within the first two years of college enrollment, while just 38 percent of students who not earn a degree do so (Adelman, 2005). This finding may suggest that mathematics course completion differentiates high-ability from low-ability students, not that mathematical learning somehow causes an increase in college ability (Stiglitz, 1975). The previous literature has struggled to separate the effects of human capital and signaling, and in fact, both theories may be playing a role. For instance, the fact that recent high school graduates that complete a first college level mathematics course are four times more likely to complete a two-year degree and older students who do so are two times more likely to complete a two-year degree (Calcagno et al., 2007) could be explained either by signaling theory or human capital theory and remains untested empirically. Causality and Implications for Policy While there have been many studies concerning the role of mathematics course-taking in developing student skills and signaling quality, these studies are uniformly non-experimental and do not offer opportunities for unbiased causal inference by design or by method. Causality has three basic requirements: the cause must be related to the outcome, no other alternatives Cullinane, College Math—6 can explain the effect, and the cause must precede the effect (John Stewart Mill in Robinson et al. 2007). Valid causal inference requires comparison of treatment effects among like populations to overcome the problem of not being able to see the same subjects under both conditions of treatment and control (Holland, 1986). The validity of causal claims can be threatened by the effects of history, maturation and selection when a plausible counterfactual is not available (Campbell, 1979). In the mathematics course-taking literature, selection is the most challenging of these threats because more prepared students, students with higher levels of family income, male students, and students from certain race or ethnic groups are more likely to be placed in, enroll in, and complete college mathematics courses, as well as, complete math-intensive degrees (Jacobs, 1996; Parker, 2005). Standard regression techniques on the impact of math course-taking on later educational outcomes that do not address these factors will produce biased results. The prior literature relies primarily on OLS regression, logistic regression, and eventhistory analysis methods (Adelman, 2005; Herzog, 2005; Roska & Calcagno, 2008; Calcagno, Crosta, Bailey, & Jenkins, 2007). Without random assignment to treatment or random sampling, these techniques have a limited ability to control for all preexisting differences between students (Calcagno et al, 2007). Student and family characteristics are correlated with math registration and enrollment, but also selection into colleges and majors (Ferguson, 2009). Students with higher levels of academic preparation or who come from more advantaged backgrounds tend to attend more selective colleges and to cluster in science and mathintensive majors (Adelman, 2005, 2006; Bailey & Alfonso, 2005; Cabrera et al., 2005). Cullinane, College Math—7 Without accounting for these factors, the impact of math on outcomes may be driven by course-taking patterns at more selective institutions, which also have higher graduation rates. Few studies that use system-level or state-level datasets control for between-institution variation in math course-taking patterns and various educational outcomes (Calcagno et al., 2007; Adelman, 2006); however, there are single-institution studies, such as Herzog’s 2005 study, that suggest the impact of mathematics is not solely a between-institution phenomenon. The impact of math course-taking may also be confounded by student major—a factor that affects GPA and other outcomes, as well as, whether a student takes math in the first semester. The endogenous role of major is largely unaccounted for in the higher education literature, although there is evidence of its importance in many economic returns-to-education studies. For example, Paglin and Rufolo (1990) find that 82 percent of the variance in entry-level wages across majors can be explained by average math GRE scores. Rose and Betts (2004) find that more advanced math courses in high school produce higher earnings using both OLS and an instrumental variables approach, while Levine and Zimmerman (1995) use OLS in their study of how math and science course-taking affects major. They find that taking more credits of math increases the probability of selecting a STEM major. These effects are not unbiased due to selection problems, but do contribute to the evidence-based rationale for including major in the current study. When correlational studies are misinterpreted as causal for the purposes of policymaking, unintended policy consequences, like those surrounding K-12 mathematics and the Algebra for All movement, are likely (Robinson et al., 2007, Clotfelter et al., 2012). The Algebra for All movement was based on research that was interpreted to mean advanced Cullinane, College Math—8 mathematics courses and earlier course-taking increase student achievement (Smith, 1996). Despite the fact that studies were based on the practices of schools placing more successful or higher ability students in more advanced math courses earlier, major policy changes were made to place more students, many of them less academically prepared students, into Algebra in the 8th grade (Loveless, 2008). Newer evaluations have demonstrated that conflating the association between math and later success with a causal interpretation has produced unintended outcomes including higher rates of failure, drop out, lower grades, and that students affected by the policy were not likely to outperform peers in states without Algebra for All policies nor attend college at higher rates (Clotfelter et al., 2012; Allensworth, 2009; Loveless, 2008). Mathematics literature has consistently found mathematics course-taking to be positively, substantively, and statistically significant predictor of a variety of postsecondary educational outcomes at both two-year and four-year institutions. The topic is ripe for further research, in particular, by designing studies that can help identify causality as a basis for policymaking to support degree completion and by addressing the important role of major in influencing outcomes. To do so requires comparing like populations, most satisfactorily accomplished through randomized-control trials. While randomized control trials are largely impractical for the question at hand, we can take advantage of natural experiments where “assignment” to treatment and control stem from an exogenous factor. In the next section I describe just such a research design which relies on class size limitations to “assign” students randomly to treatment and control. Cullinane, College Math—9 Design As discussed above, prior studies have made claims that early success in college math courses increases the likelihood of degree completion. While the literature has convincingly asserted there is a relationship between math completion and degree completion, it has been unable to differentiate the selection effects from treatment effects. The challenge is that students who are more prepared for college mathematics, more intrinsically motivated, or whose selected major requires more numerous or advanced math are more likely to take math early, more likely to complete it, and also more likely to complete a degree. The current study will address the non-random selection of students into college mathematics courses through the use of a regression discontinuity design. Regression discontinuity is a quasi-experimental research design used when assignment to treatment and control takes place on the basis of a numeric threshold or cut-off point. This so-called forcing variable in my regression discontinuity design will be class size limitations in college mathematics courses. The forcing variable serves as an exogenous source of variation and random assignment to treatment that does not directly affect the outcome of interest, in this case, degree completion. Using the forcing variable enables identification of the unique effect of early math course taking (Bloom, 2009). Assignment to treatment is essentially random under these conditions and I can assume students in the control group and students in the treatment group are equivalent in all observed and unobserved characteristics. Assignment to treatment occurs during the course registration process. There are fewer seats available in entry-level mathematics courses than there are students interested in enrolling for them. The system of registration at the university Cullinane, College Math—10 permits enrollment on a first come, first serve basis at assigned times. Once the flood gate opens, registration takes place extremely rapidly, often within the first day or first couple of hours. Students that attempt to enroll and are successful are no different than students that attempt to enroll and are unable to do so because of space limitations in a class. Students who are unable to register may be placed on a waitlist and later allowed to enroll, placed on a waitlist and later denied access, or may be denied access entirely at the time of attempted registration. For the purposes of this study, students who successfully enrolled in the course (via waitlist or directly) will be compared to students who were waitlisted and denied enrollment or directly denied enrollment in the first semester. These control students may take math in a subsequent semester or may not ever enroll in a math class. Enrollment limitations vary across different math courses and sections, so data will be centered around the class size cut-off, regardless of whether the course serves 50 students or 300 students. Within a small window of time (perhaps the first day of registration) or a small range of students (say the first 5 students on the waitlist compared to the last 5 students enrolled in the course), I can make a valid contrast between treatment and control populations (Bloom, 2009). Possible limitations are that particularly motivated or persistent “control” students may successfully enroll in a different section or course than they first attempted to enroll and for which they were either waitlisted or unable to enroll. These are the “always takers” Bloom (2009) describes. There may also be differences among students who are taking College Algebra and those taking Calculus with Differential Equations in terms of prior academic coursework. Also, the true effect of early math course taking may be obscured by students Cullinane, College Math—11 taking math, either through dual enrollment or transferred from another institution of higher education, in places other than the institution in the study. These students will not appear in my study. Neither will students who would like to register or intended to register but see a class and waitlist are already full. This student may not even attempt to register, thus they will not appear as they should in the control group. To address these limitations, I will systematically examine the registration patterns of enrollees to determine whether students that were denied access in a course and subsequently enrolled in a different course or section systematically differ from students that were denied access and delay math course enrollment until a later semester. I will further check for the robustness of my findings by examining high level and lower level math courses separately and comparing these to the average effect of early math course-taking on graduation. Finally, I will control for whether a student has received credit by exam or transfer credit prior to enrolling as a freshman. Data This study uses 10 years (2001-2010) of administrative, admissions and financial aid data from a large public institution in Texas, which includes pre-college characteristics identified during the admissions process and college-level student characteristics and experiences. The number of observations is 18,585. This study focuses on freshman students who entered the university between AY 2001-2002 and AY 2003-2004. Data are limited to these years to examine 4-year and 6-year graduation rates. The unique feature of this dataset is the robust registration information which captures not only successful enrollment but unsuccessful attempts to register for a course and the exact time of attempted registration. Cullinane, College Math—12 The key variables in this study are student attempts to register for a math course in the first semester, whether a student enrolled in a math course in the first semester, and class size. First semester freshman in the sample took 38 unique math courses, 11 of which are very high enrollment and serve 94 percent of all freshman in the entering classes in 2001, 2002 and 2003. Attempting to register is a dummy variable coded 1 if a student tried to enroll in a math course in the first semester. Enrollment is a second dummy variable that is coded 1 if the student successfully enrolls in the course. Class size is a transformed continuous variable where the maximum class capacity is centered at 0.1 Finally, there is another dummy indicator to denote whether registration for the course met or exceeded capacity. Only courses that exceeded capacity will provide sufficient data to conduct the regression discontinuity and will be included in the analysis. Interviews with registrar staff suggest Calculus I and II are oversubscribed every fall and particularly well-suited to the analysis. Outcomes variables include first year GPA, credits accumulated, graduation and time to degree. First year GPA is a cumulative total for the first two semesters of college in residence at UT, adjusted for student major. Credits accumulated measures the total number of college course credits a student has accumulated after four and six years. A dummy variable equal to 1 indicates graduation if the student completes all requirements and graduates. Time to degree is calculated as the likelihood of graduating in 4 years, also coded with a positive dummy indicator. 1 An alternative representation of class size is course registration time, centered at the time maximum enrollment capacity was reached. I will examine class size first as the number of students because I believe it to be more easily interpretable, but will check the stability of estimates and the appropriateness of bandwidths using both measures of class size. Cullinane, College Math—13 Finally, I include a host of control variables. In theory, the students in treatment and control groups should be statistically indistinguishable from one another based on the as-if random assignment of class size limitations in college math courses. To check whether assignment is random or near random, it will be necessary to compare observable characteristics of students in the two groups. In addition, even when assignment is random, sometimes there are factors that by chance differentiate treatment and control groups. For this reason, I will also include covariates in the subsequent analysis. Covariates include whether a student completed the recommended high school courses, SAT score (or ACT converted to SAT score), gender, percentile rank of high school graduation, race, mother’s education, family income, unmet financial need for college and major. The recommended high school program indicates students completed four years of English, mathematics, science, and social studies in high school. Percentile rank of high school graduation is calculated by high school rank divided by graduating class size. Racial groups include white, black, Hispanic, Asian, and other. Mother’s education is a categorical variable that indicates whether a student’s mother had less than a high school degree, a high school degree, some college, a bachelor’s degree, or a master’s or higher level education. Family income is a categorical variable that identifies annual incomes less than $20,000, between $20,000 and $40,000, between $40,000 and $60,000, between $60,000 and $80,000, between $80,000 and $100,000, and more than $100,000. Unmet need is a continuous variable that indicates the amount of financial resources remaining net of expected family contributions and financial aid. Cullinane, College Math—14 Table 1: Cullinane, College Math—15 Summary statistics are included in table 1. Column 1 provides summary data for all students in the analytic sample. Columns 2 and 3 describe the characteristics of students who took a first-semester math course and those who did not. More detailed information on Cullinane, College Math—16 mathematics course-taking is listed in table 2, including number of unique math courses, total enrollment, and percent of students taking math in the first semester. First Semester Mathematics Courses (2001-2002 AY - 2003-2004 AY) Enrollments Proportion Differential and Integral Calculus Elementary Functions and Geometry Sequences, Series, and Multivariate Calculations Differential Calculus Introduction to Mathematics Calculus I For Business & Economics Seminar Course Applicable Mathematics Calculus II For Business & Economics Integral Calculus Conference Course Emerging Scholars Seminar TOTAL Cumulative Proprotion 3,984 28% 28% 2,557 1,967 1,574 1,561 595 387 355 234 234 217 207 18% 14% 11% 11% 4% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% 46% 59% 70% 81% 85% 88% 90% 92% 94% 95% 97% 14,348 Table 2 Methods I estimate the effect of early math course-taking on first-year GPA, credits accumulated, graduation and time to degree using graphical analysis, differences in means tests, and regression techniques. I will begin by using graphical analysis of student participation based on class size2 (x-axis) and the four educational outcomes of interest (y-axis). First, I confirm student assignment to treatment follows sharply from the class size forcing variable. I then examine the relationship between the enrollment limit and the outcomes to determine whether the assumption of continuity of conditional regression functions is met and whether 2 Or registration time. Cullinane, College Math—17 model specification is linear, low-order, or higher order polynomial (Imbens & Lemieux, 2008). Finally, I examine the differences in means at the point of discontinuity for treatment and control. I hypothesize early math course taking will be negatively related to freshman GPA and positively related to college completion. I suspect it will also decrease time to degree and the number of accumulated credits. Effects will appear graphically as a separation between predicted trend lines on either side of the discontinuity (Imbens & Lemieux, 2008). This is the average effect of intent--to--treat at the cut-point (ITTC) (Bloom, 2009). I use logistic regression to model the binary outcome of graduation and OLS to model the continuous outcomes of freshman GPA, credits accumulated, and time to degree (Calcagno & Long, 2008). Assuming a sharp regression discontinuity at the class size limitation, I examine a basic model, then add student covariates to control for any lingering differences between treatment and control students. Standard errors are clustered by course. I will assess the fit of lower-order and higher order polynomials in model specification and use a non-parametric kernel smoother in the case of nonlinearity (Calcagno & Long, 2008). Finally, I will examine variable bandwidths both for the number of students near the cut off as well as for a limited period of time to see whether my results are sensitive to these changes (Imbens & Lemieux, 2008). Without access to the detailed registration data at the moment, I cannot yet tell if the relationship between the earliest registrants will be different from the later registrants. If the registration process takes place more slowly, it is possible I will see a general negatively sloping trend in the relationship as in Example Figure 1. If the registration process takes place very quickly, within the first day of registration, there may be no relationship between the order in Cullinane, College Math—18 which students register for a particular course and their later outcomes (Example Figure 2) (Calcagno & Long, 2008). Each alternative is described graphically below in its hypothesized relationship with freshman GPA. The nature of the relationship between order of registration and outcomes will influence whether assignment is as-if random at the point of discontinuity only or whether the registration process is more akin to a randomly selected lottery. If the latter is true, a regression discontinuity design may not be necessary and a simple differences in means test would provide statistically rigorous results. This determination will be made after examining the registration data. Example Figure 1: Example Figure 2: Cullinane, College Math—19 Freshman GPA Class Size Class Size Results This section includes the descriptive statistics of the impact of math course-taking on college outcomes. Because math courses are challenging, I expect in the short run that early math course-taking may decrease freshman GPA. Over the longer term, I expect that completing math would clear students of a key hurdle in their academic journey, thus the early math completers are also more likely to complete college than those that avoid or delay math, with shorter time to degree and fewer total credits accumulated. Students that are able to directly enter key freshman courses required for entrance into a major are more likely to satisfy all graduation requirements in a more timely manner. Students delayed from entering math courses in their first semester may need to wait a full year before certain classes are available again, thus slowing time to degree and increasing extraneous credit accumulation. First I examine the descriptive statistics and graphical analysis. I do not yet have access to registration data, so the descriptive statistics are limited to showing the differences between Cullinane, College Math—20 all students who took math in their first semester and students who did not take math in their first semester. I do not expect these students to be similar, and in fact we find that students that do not take math in their first semester have slightly higher GPAs, higher graduation rates, and more accumulated credits. These students graduated lower in their high school graduating classes (78th percentile compared to the 81st percentile) and are much more likely to be female (64 percent versus 48 percent). Asian students are more likely to take math in their first semester. Students that do not take math in their first semester have higher levels of parent education and family income. Most of these results conflict with my prior expectations and the prior literature on this topic. These pooled statistics mask key differences between students that begin in more advanced math courses relative to students that begin their college careers in more elementary math courses. In Table 2, I present graduation rate data, broken down by math course, using the five highest enrollment first-semester math courses to illustrate the phenomenon. The courses are listed in ascending order of difficultly. Elementary Functions and Geometry is the lowest level course and students that begin their math course-taking at this level have the lowest graduation rate—72 percent. As math courses advance, we see that graduation rate generally increases with each step. Students that took Introduction to Mathematics graduated at a rate of 76 percent, Differential Calculus at 81 percent, Differential and Integral Calculus at 76 percent, and Sequences, Series, and Multivariate Calculus at 84 percent. Accounting for just these five courses, the data reveal a more expected relationship between mathematics coursetaking and outcomes for students that did not take math in the first semester. Students who did not take math graduated 81 percent of the time, compared to 84 percent for students in all Cullinane, College Math—21 Seminar Course 0.01 0.09 0.13 0.05 0.22 Applicable Mathematics 0.10 0.31 0.14 0.22 0.41 Calculus II For Business & Economics 0.22 0.41 0.18 0.36 0.48 Integral Calculus 0.44 0.50 0.33 0.23 0.42 Conference Course 0.22 0.41 0.19 0.12 0.33 Seminar 0.01 0.10enrollment 0.02courses listed. 0.02 At this 0.13 other firstCourse semester math courses besides the top five point, Emerging Scholars Seminar 0.053 0.223 0.059 0.040 0.197 it appears that which math course students take first may signal prior academic preparation or other factors that are associated with graduation in ways that fit my prior expectations and align with previous studies. Table 3: Graduation Rates by First Semester Mathematics Courses (2001-2002 AY - 2003-2004 AY) Graduated Total Graduation No Yes Rate No First Semester Math 1,300 5,453 6,753 81% Elementary Functions and Geometry 662 Introduction to Mathematics 601 Differential Calculus 288 Differential and Integral Calculus 934 Sequences, Series, and Multivariate Calculations 311 1726 1933 1198 2920 1613 2388 2534 1486 3854 1924 72% 76% 81% 76% 84% Other First Semester Math Courses 2,074 2,489 83% 415 The next two issues I need to check is whether some of the most advanced or most advantaged students do not take math in their first semester because they complete AP or dual enrollment courses before matriculating to the university. Students that have already satisfied college mathematics course requirements are likely very different from students who need to take math but avoid it. AP course participation and dual enrollment are rapidly growing in Texas, and it may be the case, the strongest students or students who come from very high quality high schools do not need to enroll in mathematics during their first semester, or ever, in college. The unexpectedly lower high school rank among the students who do not take first semester math seems to substantiate this hypothesis. The top ten percent law in Texas Cullinane, College Math—22 guarantees automatic admission to the state’s public universities for students graduating in the top ten percent of their class. Prior research on high school quality in Texas using the top ten percent law indicates that high quality schools tend to matriculate students with slightly lower high school ranks, while low quality tend to matriculate students with higher high school rank (Black, Lincove, Cullinane & Douglas, 2012 forthcoming). At this point, the data on credit by exam is not differentiated by level, year, or location in ways that allow me to differentiate dual enrollment, AP, and other forms of test-based credit without additional information from the university. This will be an important step in the subsequent analysis. The final issue is around major. I am interested in examining whether students that do not take math in their first semester may be concentrated in non-STEM majors that may also have higher graduation rates. Again, the current data does not permit this analysis readily. Some students are admitted to majors as freshman, others must apply and be accepted to a major after completing a series of required courses. The timing therefore is not uniform, nor is the major declaration process consistent across majors. I also encounter a “success bias” in that students with information about a declared or intended major are likely more successful than the many students for whom I have no information about choice of major. I am exploring the possibility of totaling STEM credits accumulated in the first year as a proxy for concentration or intended major. Without access to the necessary registration data, I am unable to complete my examination of the effects of math on each of the four outcome variables as identified through graphical and regression techniques, first using basic models and then adding student controls. Cullinane, College Math—23 The future analysis will be limited in its generalizability because inferences can only be made to students who are motivated or interested to take math in their first semester. The findings in this paper will tell us little about the effectiveness of early math on college outcomes of students who satisfy college math requirements in high school or who are unmotivated or uninterested in taking math early in college (Bloom, 2009). Conclusion At this point it is premature to make definitive claims about my results. At a minimum, my review of the prior literature should raise concerns about the robustness of findings and about making policy on the basis of correlation studies. The initial trends I see in the descriptive data raise questions about average math completion and its predicted causal impact on ultimate success as prior studies have asserted. In this university setting, the level of courses seems to be differentiating student outcomes in more predictable ways. I suspect choice of major and pre-college math credits are also complicating the story and I will control for these two important factors in the regression discontinuity analysis. Whether early math success significantly influences GPA, credits accumulated, graduation and time to degree are important considerations for university administrators concerned about organizational efficiency and increasing graduation rates. At this point I would recommend policymakers do not craft incentives or mandates to influence math coursetaking without valid causal evidence of its effectiveness. While this study is designed to contribute precisely to this gap in the literature, preliminary examination of the data suggests math course taking is a complex phenomenon and that policy should not presume causality or external validity where research cannot support it. Cullinane, College Math—24 Further research is required to determine whether my anticipated findings reveal mathematics courses influence later outcomes due to student acquisition of human capital or signaling. 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