FahrenheiT 451 visual

Block: C
Guy Montag is a fireman. His
job is to burn books, which is a
legal act in his society. Even
so, Montag is unhappy; there is
discord in his marriage. Are
books hidden in his house?
The Mechanical Hound of the
Fire Department, armed with a
lethal hypodermic, escorted by
helicopters, is ready to track
down those dissidents who
defy society to preserve and
read books.
Compare with Mildred and
Mildred symbolizes the typical person in this society. She only cares about her “polar
walls”(Television) and even though her own husband is finally interested in her, she
would rather put a barrier between each other with the "sea shells". She’s just like a
child, always whining, and doesn't see the main problem in her life. She lives in her own
illusion of their society.
On the other hand, Clarrisse was different than Mildred in many ways . Because she
was unlike other kids her age, she takes her time to think and use her mind. Her “antisocial” character is ironic as she is the one who encourages Montag to take the next
path into his life.
Compare Heroic Journey Between
Wall-E and Montag
Wall -E
Guy Montag
• Wall-E’s actions arise from love, because even if Wall-E wanted to save the plants,
he realize that he does is for Eve. He went to space, because he realize he could
not leave Eve’s side.
• In addition, we could seen in fahrenheit 451, Montag’s curious about his society,
this made him to think of himself and reads books. Because of Clarisse’s
inspiration, Montag crosses the threshold(the river), he noticed that the society was
divided into two.He realizes he will become a part of the legacy to share
knowledge,and shared back the society he left.
Compare censorship with two
current society
“It was a special pleasure to see things
eaten, to see things blackened and
changed” ( Page 3 )
The computer server chose
which website should be block
These two pictures are doing different things, but they both are a
form of censorship. They have the ability to influence our people
and society.
“everyone must leave something
behind when he dies” (pg. 156)
• Granger’s reflection of his grandfather’s life and words affects
Montag in that they show what Montag does is “nothingness.” (pg.
156) Montag thinks about how Mildred, who represents the typical
person of his society, has hands that do nothing or carry a
cigarette. He only contributes ashes through burning books.
Faber’s quote
• “But remember that the Captain
belongs to the most dangerous
enemy to truth and freedom, the
solid unmoving cattle of the
majority. Oh, God, the terrible
tyranny of the majority.”( Page
• This is one theme in this novel,
Faber is speaking to Montag,
pandering to the majority leads to
a reduction in the quality of
information available.
Granger’s quote
• “We're going to go build a mirror
factory first and put out nothing
but mirrors for the next year and
take a long look in them.” ( Page
• In this quote, Granger was
suggesting to Montag about the
importance of introspection.
Granger invited Montag to build
the new society, and people
could start to read books and
highlights the importance of
shared knowledge in order for
society to improve.
Impact of mindless stimulation
“rhythm of Denham’s Dentifrice,
Denham’s Dandy Dental
Detergent…one two, one two three,
one two, one two three.” (Page 79)
“If your brain is always multi-tasking or
responding to techno prompts, there is
no time or energy for undirected
mental play.” (David Brooks: Time to
Everything, but Think)
David Brook’s explanation shows us how
the advertisements that are placed in
Montag’s society reduce the people to
mental simplicity.
• “Empty the theaters save for clown and furnish the rooms
with glass walls and pretty colors.” ( Page 56)
• This quote in Fahrenheit
451 shows the society
lacks critical thinking skills.
In my opinion, the society
lack critical think
skills,because people only
focus on what directly in
front of them, but they don't
care about what’s
happening around them.
• “You don’t have to think ….. highways full of crowds going
somewhere, somewhere, somewhere, nowhere.” ( Page 57)
• The society using sport to
let people tired so that they
don’t have to think
anymore. Also it restricts
people to read book, so
they have no sense of self,
this forces them become a
simple mind. They loss
ability to build knowledge
they already knows and
improve, this made them
keep doing same thing
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