Lope De Vega (1562-1635)

Jennifer Kirk, Tatiana Herrera, Jonathan Couch
 Women
 Religion
 Spain
 Married Twice
 At least 16 children
 Some biographical sketches arrange his life by the
women he was with, rather than by years or his
 Took holy orders in 1614
 Elected judge by the Spanish Inquisition
 1622 Pope Urban VIII made him a member of the
Order of St. John of Jerusalem and an honorary doctor
of theology
 His devotion to Spain led him to fight in two battles
 He dedicated many of his plays to historical event that
took place in Spain
 Fuente Ovejuna subplot was dedicated to King
Ferdinand and Isabella
 Published 1619
 Based on actual historical events
 Fuente Ovejuna is the village where it took place
 Located in Cordoba
 Events happened in 1476
 In the village of Fuenta Ovejuna, there is a corrupt
Comendador. In this village, the Comendador is very
ruthless and corrupt in his treatment of the villagers.
Some of the abuses that he commits include the rape
of women both married and non married. The
villagers rise up and kill both the Comendador and his
men. When news of this event reaches the King and
Queen, they send a judge to the village to torture and
find out who was behind the killing of the
Comendador. The villagers only reply Fuente Ovejuna,
the name of their village.
 After the judge reports back to King Ferdinand and
Queen Isabella, the villagers are granted clemency.
 Examines Social Classes
 Political Philosophy
 Frondoso defies the law and sticks up for Laurencia in
the woods against the Comendador.
 During the Comendadors return from war he is
showered with gifts because of his social power
 Comendador using his rank to rape and pillage the
people of Fuente Ovejuna
 Comendador is speaking to the Maestre about what he
feel is owed to him.
 Class relevance
 Self exploration
 P. 2786
 Lines 20-24
 P.2792