Mānoa Faculty Senate Summary of Proposed M.A. in Hawaiian Studies from The KamakakUokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies - SHAPS November 22, 2004 Current situation: a. Majors (as of Fall 04) - 83 b. Current course offerings (Fall 2004): 27 sections of HWST 107 2 200 level courses 7 300 level courses 3 400 level courses 1 499 c. Enrollment (all classes) = 1,356 1,098 in HWST 107 d. The UHM 2004 catalog lists 11 faculty I. II. Objectives/rationalization A. The Hawaiian Studies M.A. will meet a number of international, national, state, community, and university interests. The most important is that it will recognize and give recognition to students studying our host culture. B. This will be the very first graduate program in the world that focuses on Hawaiian culture, history, politics, and resource management. (There is an existing MA in Hawaiian Language at Hilo.) C. UHM's interdisciplinary program will offer a range of foci and research opportunities to students interested in pursuing Hawaiian-focused graduate studies. D. In partnership with UH Manoa's College of Education, Hawaiian Studies will continue to train at the graduate level curriculum developers and translators for Hawaiian Studies programs and other academic units throughout the State, albeit with a focus on English as the teaching medium. E. It will build on the existing undergraduate program. Fit with Manoa A. Fits well with the mission of SHAPS B. High quality archival resources in things Hawaiian, much of them still untapped, on or near the university. Off campus resources include the Bishop Museum, the Hawai'i State Archives, the Mission Houses Museum, the State Department of Land and Natural Resources, and the State Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. On-campus, Hamilton Library houses the Hawai'i Pacific Collection, the largest repository of Polynesian materials in the world. Mānoa Faculty Senate III. C. The M.A. in Hawaiian Studies will support doctoral programs with Hawai'i and Pacific emphases. D. In partnership with the departments of Botany, Biology, and Zoology and the Schools of Engineering and Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, the Hawaiian Studies M.A. will enable students to explore Hawaiian Science and traditional concepts such as malama 'aina, malama kai, kia'i 'aina and kia'i kai - that is, the methods of caring for and guarding the resources of the land and sea. E. In conjunction with the Art and Music departments, the new Hawaiian Studies M.A. will allow students to explore traditional Native art forms and music from a Native point of view in order to perpetuate those aspects of Hawaiian culture. F. As part of an emerging network of indigenous universities, the Center for Hawaiian Studies M.A. program will increase opportunities for faculty, students, researchers and teachers from Hawai'i and other Indigenous Nations to share and increase their knowledge of Indigenous Peoples. Proposed Graduate Program. Students will be required to complete a minimum of 33 credits of course work which must include 18 credits in courses numbered 600 and above. All students must have fourthyear Hawaiian language proficiency before completion of the M.A. Both Plan A Thesis and Plan B Nonthesis programs will be offered. Key to courses status: (P) = Proposed (E) = Existing (IP) = Going through approval process (L) = To be proposed later. A. B. C. D. Required core HWST 601: Indigenous Methodologies for Graduate Research (P) HWST 602: Research in Hawaiian Archival sources (P) HWST 603: Survey of Literature on Hawai'i (P) HWST 695: A Practicum in Community Activism (P) Plan A Thesis 700 - a minimum of 6 units HWST 604: Research Design and Thesis Preparation (P) Plan B HWST 694: Visual and Performance Art Design (P) Written examinations in two fields. The examinations will be prepared by faculty members who are specialists in the fields. Fields and Courses (Syllabi for proposed courses available in Graduate Division) 1. Kukulu Aupuni: Envisioning the Nation a. HWST 690: Hawaiian National Issues (P) Mānoa Faculty Senate b. HWST 495: Kanawai: Western Law and Hawai'i (E) c. HWST 445: Hawaiian Institutions (E) d. AMST 613: Regionalism in America: the West (E) e. AMST 434: Politics in Hawai'i (E) f. EDEF 470: Ethnic Groups and Education in Hawai'i (E) g. ES 455C: Topics in Comparative Ethnic Conflict -- Hawaiian Sovereignty in Pacific Context (E) h. HAW 466: Kuleana Kula Kaiapuni (E) i. HIST 485: 20th Century Hawai'i (E) j. HIST 677: Seminar in the History of Hawai'i (E) k. LAW 581: Native Hawaiian Rights (E) l. POLS 682: Indigenous Politics (E) m. PACS 690: Change in the Pacific (E) n. SW 631: Social Work Practice in Communities and Organizations (E) o. SW 708: Social Work Practice with Peoples of Hawai'i (E) 2. Mo'olelo Kahiko: Native History and Literature a. HWST 640: Mo'olelo 'Oiwi and Western History (P) b. ANTH 464: Hawaiian Archaeology (E) c. ANTH 485: Pre European Hawai'i (E) d. HAW 425 Mo'olelo Hawai'i (E) e. HAW 426: Ka'ao Hawai'i (E) f. HAW 445: Nupepa Hawai'i (currently listed as HAW 345) (E) g. HIST 484: The Hawaiian Kingdom (E) h. HIST 485: History of 20 Century Hawai'i i. HIST 677: Seminar in the History of Hawai'i (E) 3. Malama 'Aina: Living in Harmony with the Land Resource Mgmt. a. HWST 650: Kuleana Konohiki: Seminar on Resource Mgmt. (P) b. HWST 440: Mahele Land Awards (E) c. HWST 441: K a'i 'Aina - Ceded Lands Inventory (E) d. HWST 456: Malama Kai - Ocean Resource Management (IP) e. HWST 462: Pana O'ahu (E) f. ANTH 645: Historic Preservation (E) g. ANTH 464: Hawaiian Archaeology (E) h. BOT 446: Hawaiian EthnoBotany (E) i. BOT 450: Natural History of the Hawaiian Islands (E) Mānoa Faculty Senate j. GEOG 728 Seminar in Resource Management in Asia-Pacific (E) k. GEOG 405: Water in the Environment (E) l. GEOG 326: Environment, Resources and Society (E) m. GEOG 314: Tropical Agrarian Systems (E) n. LAW 582: Environmental Law (E) o. PLAN 632: Planning in Hawai'i and Pacific Islands (E) 4. Halau 0 Laka: Hawaiian Academy for Visual and Performing Arts. (To be introduced as resources permit.) a. HWST 670: Seminar on Creative Expressions and Indigenous World Views (L) b. HWST 478: Mele Au Hou: Music and Native Hawaiian Identity (E) c. ART 389: Hawaiian Studio Art (E) d. GEOG 425: The Geography of Film (E) e. HAW 428: Ka 'Olelo Kalai'aina a Politika Hawai'i (E) f. HAW 484: Hawaiian Poetry (E) g. MUS 410B: Hawaiian Chorus (E) h. MUS 412: Hula/Chant Ensemble II (E) i. MUS 413: Hula/Chant Ensemble III (E) j. MUS 478B: Musical Cultures (Hawai'i) (E) k. MUS 670 (C): Regional Music -- Oceania (E) l. PACS 462: Drama and Theatre of Oceania (E) m. THEA 462: Drama and Theatre of Oceania (E) 5. Kumu Kahiki: Comparative Polynesian and Indigenous Studies (To be introduced as resources permit.) a. HWST 680 (alpha): Seminar on Polynesian Society. (A) Tahiti (B) Marquesas (C) Samoa, (D) Tonga (E) Maori (F) Rapanui (L) b. AMST 417: Native Peoples (E) c. AMST 440: Race and Racism in America (E) d. ANTH 470: Folklore (E) e. ES 392: Change in the Pacific -- Polynesia (E) f. GEOG 757: Research Seminar in Cultural Geography (E) g. GEOG 409: Cultural BioGeography (E) h. GEOG 321: Regional Analysis (of Hawai'i) (E) i. HIST 675D, HIST 675E: Reading Seminar on major themes and issues, 19 & 20 century respectively (E) j. HIST 481 - History of the Precolonial Pacific (E) k. HIST 482 - History of the Colonial and Postcolonial Pacific (E) Mānoa Faculty Senate l. E. HIST 495D - History in Oceania (E) m. HIST 675D - Seminar in 19th Century Pacific Islands History (E) n. HIST 675E - Seminar in 20th Century Pacific Islands History (E) o. IP 427: Topics in Samoan Literature (E) p. PACS 691: Approaches to Pacific Islands Studies (E) Admission. 0. Required documents: a. College transcripts. b. Three letters of recommendation. c. A sample of the applicant's scholarly writing. d. An essay on the student's commitment to the field of study that highlights past community, educational, political and research activities on behalf of Native Hawaiians and the Hawaiian culture. 1. Optional F. a. GRE and other standardized test scores may be submitted but are not required. b. A CV or resume may also be submitted but not in lieu of either essay or sample of scholarly writing. Students will be recruited from five general bodies: 0. UHM Hawaiian Studies' graduates. 1. Native Hawaiians in the University of Hawai'i system. 2. Graduates from related fields and subjects. 3. Professionals in Hawaiian-serving institutions. 4. Pacific Islanders and foreign academics. IV. Resources A. CHS Faculty 0. Lilikala Kame'eleihiwa, Professor; PhD in History, University of Hawai'i at Manoa. (1986). Graduate Faculty. 1. George Terry Kanalu Young, Associate Professor; PhD in History, University of Hawai'i at Manoa (1995). Graduate Faculty. 2. Jonathan Osorio, Interim Director and Associate Professor; PhD in History, University of Hawai'i at Manoa (1996). Graduate Faculty. 3. Carlos Andrade, Assistant Professor; PhD in Geography, University of Hawai'i at Manoa (2002). 4. April Drexel, Acting Assistant Professor, MFA, PhD Candidate in History(adb) 5. Rochelle Pi'ilani Ka'aloa, Acting Assistant Professor, M.ED in Educational Technology, PhD Candidate in Education 6. Ivy Maile Andrade, Assistant Professor, MFA in Art Mānoa Faculty Senate 7. Haunani-Kay Trask, Professor; PhD in Political Science, University of WisconsinMadison. (1981). Graduate Faculty. (Dr. Trask will be available to teach undergraduate Hawaiian Studies courses, but has elected not to participate in the graduate program.) B. Under the Chancellor's Hawaiian Studies 107 HAPS Initative, 8 TA positions were made available C. Additional Resources Required 0. Ten new graduate courses are proposed. 1. Program predicts an estimated enrollment of at least thirty students over the next four years. In order to meet this demand and maintain the progress of the undergraduate major, the program anticipates having to hire three additional assistant professors to teach courses now being taught current, full-time faculty. They recently filled an assistant professor position in Hawaiian visual culture. The Center for Hawaiian Studies has been developing teaching assistants and instructors who are capable of qualifying for permanent faculty positions. There are now a core of six such individuals pursuing degrees at UH Manoa. In 2004 SHAPS included a request for 2.5 FTE for the Center for Hawaiian Studies to strengthen the proposed Graduate Degree Program. 2. CHS plans to offer 10 teaching assistantships and two graduate research assistantships each year. In addition to those funded by the Chancellor, it is anticipated that these will be funded by such agencies as the Native Hawaiian Leadership Program, Kamehameha Schools, and Office of Hawaiian Affairs. 3. The program states that they currently have sufficient resources to implement the program V. Proposed Cooperating or Affiliate Graduate Faculty (The actual appointment will require formal nomination, review and approval by Graduate Division, and acceptance by the nominees.) Dr. Michael Graves - Anthropology Dr. Terry Hunt - Anthropology Dr. Kim Bridges - Botany Dr. Will McClatchey - Botany Dr. Isabella Abbott - Botany Dr. Julie Ka'omea - Education Dr. Margie Maaka - Education Dr. Tep Dobry - Engineering Dr. Cristina Bacchilega - English Dr. Craig Howes English Mānoa Faculty Senate Dr. Brian Murton - Geography Dr. Everett Wingert Geography Dr. Lyndon Wester - Geography Dr. Jon Goss - Geography Dr. Krisnawati Suryanata - Geography Dr. No'eau Warner - Hawaiian Languages Dr. Emily Hawkins - Hawaiian Languages Dr. David Chappell - Religion Dr. Lawrence Foster - Law Dr. Denise Antolini - Law Dr. John Van Dyke - Law Casey Jarman - Law Dr. Nanette Judd, Ph.D. in Medical Geography Dr. Healani Chang - Medicine Dr. Amy Stillman, Ph.D in Ethnomusicology [Harvard], Director of Asian & Pacific Studies, University of Michigan Dr. Barry Raleigh - Ocean Science Dr. Gordon Grau - Ocean Science Dr. Judith Vergun - Ocean Science (Oregon State) Dr. David Hanlon - Pacific Island Studies Dr. Vilsoni Hereniko - Pacific Island Studies Dr. Terrence Wesley-Smith - Pacific Island Studies Dr. Noenoe Silva - Political Science Dr. Deane Neubauer - Political Science Mānoa Faculty Senate Dr. Jon Matsuoka - Social Work Dr. Valli Kanuha - Social Work Dr. Luciano Minerbi - Urban and Regional Planning Dr. Karl Kim - Urban and Regional Planning VI. Kumu Kaiaulu [ Resources]: Robert Cazimero, Kumu Hula, Kumu Oli Leina'ala Kalama Heine, Kumu Hula, Kumu Oli John Keola Lake, Kumu Hula, Kumu Oli Edith Mckenzie, M.A. in Pacific Studies Nalani Olds, Hawaiian Musician Nainoa Thompson, Master Navigator Kawika Trask, Hawaiian Musician VII. CHS Pool of Instructors and Lecturers: Noelani Goodyear Ka'opua, Instructor, Ph.D. Candidate in History, B.A. in Hawaiian Studies Levon Ohai, Instructor, M.A. Education Wendell Kekailoa Perry, Instructor, Juris Doctor, B.A. in Hawaiian Studies Leilani Basham, Summer Lecturer in HWST 107, M.A. Candidate in History, B.A. in Hawaiian Studies Pomaika'i Kaniaupio-Crozier, Lecturer in HWST 297, B.A. in Hawaiian Studies Kuuipo Cummings, Lecturer in HWST 107, M.A. Candidate in Pacific Island Studies, B.A. in Hawaiian Studies Kapa Oliveira, Summer Lecturer in HWST 107, Ph.D. Candidate in Geography, M.A. in Geography, B.A. in Hawaiian Studies Manuwai Peters, Summer Lecturer in HWST 107, M.A. in Education, B.A. in Hawaiian Studies Thomas Pohaku Stone, Lecturer in HWST 107, M.A. in Pacific Islands Studies, B.A. in Hawaiian Studies Mānoa Faculty Senate