English II Pre-Ap - Lesson Plans Monday Tuesday - Week of 11/10-11/17 Wed/Thur Friday Daily Objective: The Daily Objective: The Daily Objective: The student will write opening, student will pose their student will guiding, and closing opening, guiding, and demonstrate their questions to pose to their closing questions knowledge of literary classmates for the their classmates to devices Socratic Seminar. drive an analytical discussion Daily Objective: The student will demonstrate their knowledge of literary terms, and the student will demonstrate their knowledge of rhetorical appeals How Assessed: Fahrenheit 451 test, raft project Materials Needed: copies of Fahrenheit 451, student’s Fahrenheit 451 discussion questions How Assessed: Fahrenheit 451 test, raft project Materials Needed: copies of Fahrenheit 451, student guiding question worksheet How Assessed: Julius Caesar test, timed writing Materials Needed: Rhetorical appeals power point, Vocab quiz Daily Activities: 1. Do First – MUGS Monday(7min) 2. Work on AP style questions (10min). 3. Break up into groups and work on Fahrenheit 451 discussion worksheet Daily Activities: Daily Activities: 1. Do First – Talk 1. Do First – Begin 2. about the rules for working on the a Socratic Seminar Fahrenheit 451 test. 3.Divide into inner/outer circle to participate in a Socratic Seminar Daily Activities: 1.Do First – Revising and Editing sheets 2. Pass out vocab sheet #3 2. Vocab quiz #2 3. Rhetorical appeals power point Homework: Study for test, raft project due Homework: Study for Homework: None! test Homework: Vocab sheet #3 due Tuesday How Assessed: Fahrenheit 451 test, raft project Materials Needed: AP style questions, Short passages from Fahrenheit 451