Differentiation Lesson Plan(2) (1)

Teacher name:
Toni Baldwin
Differentiation Lesson Plan
# Students:
Content Areas:
Lesson Alignment to unit
Respond to the following items:
Grade Level: 4
Lesson # in Sequence: 4
a.) Identify unit objective addressed by this lesson.
Objective: Students will be able to refine and extend their understanding of geometric shapes and their
b.) Connect the objectives to KY Core Content Standards and other standards appropriate for your discipline.
CCR Math: MCC4.G.1 Draw points, lines,, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and
parallel lines. Identify these in two-dimensional figures.
C.) Describe students’ prior knowledge or focus of the previous learning. (attach prior knowledge) How will you use
your preassessment to help you differentiation.?
Students have been exposed to geometric shapes and how they make up other shapes. They are familiar with their
properties. Students have worked through Thoughtful Ed vocabulary strategies and hand on experiences that offered
them opportunities for exploration of the properties. Students have not been able to apply the properties to real
world examples as of yet. This lesson extends their understanding and allow for application of the skill. Types of
triangles is a new concept to fourth graders. Identyfinh types of polygons will be a reviews skill. Extending upon this
skill, student sill be required to draw shapes and justify why the shapes has a certain type of line and angle. Students
will be give a pre-assessment from the Common Core Coach Book Grade 4, . This preassessment is
based specifically on the Common Core standards for fourth grade geometry. This assessment covers all
needs skills to underatsn the unit, this pretest will be use in grouping students based on their level of
understanding. The 3 levels of learning will be basic, grade level, and advanced.
d.) Describe the characteristics of your students that will require differentiation to meet their diverse needs
impacting instructional planning in this lesson of your unit. Please note that differentiation is for ALL students, this
includes gifted students and special needs students. Adaptations are made for students who need extra help to be
successful. Explain why you are differentiating (choose one: learning profile, student interest or readiness level).
e) Materials: List any materials you might need to present this lesson. Also list any materials you used to create this
lesson including websites, tradebooks, and textbooks.
Common Core Coach Book-Triumph Learning
Compass Learning Program
Promethean Planet Lesson on ACTIV Board
Leveled Readers from Harcourt Math Series
Three Way Tie Template
Vocab, Image, and Real world cards
Math Journals
Materials for stained glass-consstruciton paper, scissor, glue
Used in creating:
f.) Hands-on, minds-on strategies: Explain how you will handle materials and group work.
Learning Objectives/Learning
Students will be able to refine
and extend their understanding
of geometric shapes and their
Lesson assessment description:
Tool: Preassessment
and Summative given at end of
Mastery Demonstrated with a
92% or higher.
Assessment accommodations:
Time and Readers.
Instructional strategy
Students will be grouped based on their
preassessment scores. The groups will be
Who: All students
What: The learning centers they are in are
based on the scores from the preassessement.
The Compass folder they do is based on the
level determined by the preassessment. The
leveled readers they work through are based
upon their level of readiness. The product of
the stained glass windows and geometry
gloasary consists of temrs baed upon their
Leveled Readers
Product of stained glass and glossary
Three Way Tie and Chosen Words
Objective/ Target:
Lesson assessment description:
Students will create a stained
glass window using the
Students will be able to refine
and extend their understanding
of geometric shapes and their
geometric terms and properties
learned throughout the unit. The
terms and properties they use
will demonstrate their
understanding on their readiness
Through: Content, Process or Product (circle
For: student interest, learning profile, or
readiness level (circle one)
Assessment accommodations:
Describe the sequence of strategies and activities you will use to engage students and accomplish
your objectives. Within this sequence, describe the differentiated strategies used to meet needs for diverse learners in
your plan. (Highlight the Content, Process or Product section you are differentiating. Note: You should have three
options for your students within the area of differentiation. Also tell why you are differentiating this area for your
students (student interest, readiness level or learning profile).
****A much more detailed explanation covering the Describe the sequence of strategies and
activities you will use to engage students and accomplish your objectives. Within this sequence, describe the
differentiated strategies used to meet needs for diverse learners in your plan. (Highlight the Content, Process or
Product section you are differentiating. Note: You should have three options for your students within the area of
differentiation. Also tell why you are differentiating this area for your students (student interest, readiness level or
learning profile). Is
found under each tab of lesson, CONTENT, PROCESS, AND PRODUCT.
After a mini lesson using http://www.prometheanplanet.com/en-us/Resources/Item/26282/blast-off-withgeometry#.Un-XPflwrvk, students will then be split into the centers. Differentiation based on content will be based on
rotations through learning centers. The lesson will begin with the conent. Students will be in small groups with
leveled readers that focus on geometry in the real world. From there the studetns will move into learning centers
based on ehteir readiness level. The centers will be mixed ability but each studetns will know their readiness level.
Students will be grouped into one of three groups, basic, on level, and advanced. There will be 2 learning centers.
Each learning center will have 3 levels of learning within. One center is a COmapss Center ehre the activity is based
pon their pretest score and the other center is a vocabulary center with teacher where the words they use are
differentiated based on their level. Lastly, the product will be the creation of a staned glass window and geometry
golasry. The terms and shapes used in the window and gloassry will be based upon readiness level.
Engage: This is the hook to start your lesson as well as to review your previous lesson content.
As students enter the room, pass out cards to them that are words of shapes, types of lines, and types of angles. Pass
out images of shapes, types of lines and types of angles. Pass out real world images of shapes, types of lines and types
of angles. Have the students get into a large circle. Explain to them that have a card that is meant to go with someone
else. This is a great time to differentiate based on the preassessment, the student shat are on basic may be given the
image, the students that are on grade level may be given the word and the students that are advanced may be given
the real world image of the concept. After the students are in the circle, have them hold the card up in front of them
so that thy can start to see who they need to group with. Give the students 2 minutes to try to fin their partner. Tell
them that they will end up in groups of 3 and that some may find a way to end up in groups of 6. After they have
grouped and discussed their grouping have them go back to their seat with their card. Have the students get out their
math journal and create an I wonder statement about their card that will be their focus during the lesson.
After the students have been given a preassessment, the 3 levels of readiness will be established. The groups will be
BASIC, ON LEVEL, AND ADVANCED. Students will know their level of readiness. Content differentiation will occur
through the use of Blooms Taxonomy. Students will be work through a mini lesson using leveled readers based on
their level. They will identify their objective (in the back of the book) in their math journal. We will discuss the
different objectives we all have. Students will then get into their readiness groups. Small group reading instruction will
occur. The teacher will monitor the reading groups. The focus of the reading groups will be to use the readers to
answer the question developed by the objective. For example, if the BASIC group’s objective is I can identify angles
and lines in two dimensional shapes. They would turn that into What are the angles in squares, triangles, and
hexagons? If the ADAVANCED group’s objective is I can identify types of lines in real world objects then they would
have the question of How do types of lines Name as many kinds of lines in daily life as you can. Would any of
the lines you named extend forever? Explain. Students are familiar with this activity. If students are not, the
teacher can identify the objective and the differentiated focus question.
LC ONE-Compass Learning: Students will login into their Compass Learning account where they will open their
backpack. In their backpack will be an activity based upon their score on the pretest. Through the activity students
will delve deeper into the common core standard and practice the skill on both real world and 2 dimensional images.
The activity will take approximately 10-15 minutes. See sample activities http://www.compasslearning.com/sampleactivities
LC TWO-Students will have a center with me. This will be a note-taking organizer center. Students will become an
expert on a geometric object. The organizer that they will be using will be the Three-Way-Tie. Since this is done with
me, I can monitor differentiation and assess their understanding and make changes as needed. To begin
differentiation, I will give the students words based upon their level, BASIC, ON, and ADVANCED. For example, the
basic may be given the words square, parallel, and right. The ON level may be give the words triangle, acute, and
________. The ADVANCED may be given the words house, intersecting, and obtuse. The students will then follow the
following steps.
1. Identify an important mathematical concept.
2. Graphically “triangulate” the concept with two related terms or concepts. Alternatively,
you can have students generate the three terms themselves by selecting the three most
important ideas in a reading or unit.
3. Along each side of the triangle, the student writes a sentence that clearly relates the two
4. Have students use their three sentences to develop a brief summary of the concept.
5. Allow students time to share and explain what they wrote on their organizers.
PRODUCT Evaluate: Make sure you have a paper assessment here. It must be premade by the teacher.
Students will create a product based on their level readiness with interest embedded. Students wil be creating a
stained glass window using two dimensional geometric shapes. As they work thoruhg the projects they will make a
gloassry of the terms they use. They will create a stained glass window baed on a rubric for their readiness level. This
acitivyty is differenteiated for the readiness level because they will have a set of shapes they are required to use and
explain. Once they have used all of the reuired ones, they will have the opition to expand their thinking and add others
to their window.
Example of Geometry Gloassary for the ADVANCED GROUP. The ON AND BASIC Groups would not do the application
tab. All groups will have different words to sue in their glossary based upon their readiness level.
Acute Angle
An angle with a
measure between 0
degree and 90 degrees.
The measure of the
angle = 60 degrees
Acute Angle
An angle with a
measure between 0
degree and 90 degrees.
In a right triangle, you
will have one 90 degree
angle and two acute
The measure of the
angle = 60 degrees
The Stained-Glass-Window Project
You will need to create your own stain-glass-window design. You will need to purchase an 8
in. X 10 in. picture frame and will paint your final design on the glass of the frame. The
design must include at least one of each of the following geometric figures:
Acute triangle
Perpendicular lines
Complementary angles
Regular polygon
Corresponding angles*
Equilateral triangle
Right triangle
Exterior angles*
Scalene triangle
Interior angles*
Similar angle
Intersecting lines
Straight angle
Isosceles triangle
Supplementary angles
Obtuse triangle
Parallel lines
Vertical angles
Directions for project:
1. Complete the geometry terms assignment by filling in the Geometry Glossary sheet for
your readiness level.
2. Begin your rough draft. Your image will only have the shapes you used in your
Geometry glossary. Create a rough draft of your design. (Remember that regular paper
is 8 ½ in. x 11 in., so you will need to cut the paper to fit the 8 in. x 10 in. dimensions.)
Your teacher must approve this before you proceed.
3. Create a final paper copy of your design (use dark lines).
4. Color your design.
Acute triangle (red)
Acute triangle (red)
Equilateral triangle (green)
Complementary angles (green)
Intersecting lines (green)
Corresponding angles (blue)
Isosceles triangle (orange)
Equilateral triangle (green)
Acute triangle (red)
Equilateral triangle (green)
Obtuse triangle (blue)
Exterior angles (purple)
Parallel lines (purple)
Interior angles (orange)
Perpendicular lines (red)
Intersecting lines (green)
Regular Polygon (brown)
Isosceles triangle (orange)
Rhombus (orange)
Obtuse triangle (blue)
Right triangle (yellow)
Parallel lines (purple)
Scalene triangle (brown)
Perpendicular lines (red)
Similar figures (blue)
Regular Polygon (brown)
Intersecting lines (green)
Isosceles triangle (orange)
Obtuse triangle (blue)
Parallel lines (purple)
Perpendicular lines (red)
Regular Polygon (brown)
Rhombus (orange)
Right triangle (yellow)
Straight angles (red)
Straight angles (red)
Trapezoid (purple)
Trapezoid (purple)
Rhombus (orange)
Right triangle (yellow)
Scalene triangle (brown)
Similar figures (blue)
Straight angles (red)
Supplementary angles (brown)
Trapezoid (purple)
Vertical angles (yellow)
Closing: Review the content of the lesson by asking HOT questions. Build a bridge to the next lesson.
After students have completed their project, discuss with them the application fo the project in the realword. Review
with the studetns in their journal something thin learned from the the Compass Center, The Three Way Tie Center and
the small group reading instruction. Use the following questions in group discussion or as a Parking Lot Pass to exite
the room.
• If two segments do not intersect, does that mean that they are parallel? Explain.
• If someone tells you the measure of an angle, how can you tell if the angle is an
acute angle, a right angle, or an obtuse angle?
• Name something that is the shape of a quadrilateral, a pentagon, a hexagon, and
an octagon.
• Quadrilaterals can be classified based on whether or not their opposite sides are
parallel. Can triangles also be classified in this way? Explain.
Reinforce the application of concepts learned in real worlds applciations. Begin having the studetns look around the
room and see if anything they leanred today acan help to better undertasnd the shapes withint he calssomr. Thi s wil
building to the photography scavenger hunt during the next lesson