pages 237 through 255

Evaluate the historical perspective and purpose of U.S. public education.
4.1 Compare educational practices across the history of American public education.
4.2 Evaluate the impact of historical movements on American public education.
Unit 3 Key Words Introduction Activity
You will find the answers to the following on pages 237 through 255 in the Teachers, Schools, and Society
Please write your answers in complete sentences
unless otherwise instructed.
1. Write
5 descriptive sentences about Christopher Lamb’s duties and/or classroom.
2. Write a definition/description of a dame school.
3. Once a girl finished her studies at a dame school, what did she typically learn after that?
4. Describe the apprenticeship program for boys, some as young as 7.
5. Why was the Massachusetts Law of 1647 referred to as the Old Deluder Satan Law?
(Hint: Thwart means to prevent someone from accomplishing something.)
6. The Massachusetts Law of 1647, or Old Deluder Satan Law required what two actions?
7. Write three descriptive sentences of a Latin grammar school.
8. Many consider the Boston Latin Grammar School to be the first step on the road to creating the
American _________ _______________.
9. In what year was Harvard College established?__________
10. What was the specific purpose of Harvard College when it first opened? (complete sentence please)
11. __________ children, _____________ children, and _______________ children typically did not
receive an education during colonial times.
12. The colonial experience established what four of today’s educational norms (or what we consider
routine or expected in education)? You may bullet these.
13. Explain Thomas Jefferson’s ideas about who should be educated.
14. Write two descriptive sentences about Benjamin Franklin’s academy.
15. By charging tuition at his academy, what category, or type, of children would be excluded (or left out)?
16. The original Franklin Academy eventually became the University of _________________________.
17. _____________ _________ became the nation’s leading advocate for the establishment of a common
18. ______________ ___________ is referred to as “the father of the public school.”
19. A common school is a public ___________________ school.
20. On the bottom of page 241, the last paragraph discusses opposition Horace Mann faced to his common
school idea. Describe, using complete sentences, three major groups that opposed him and why.
21. Now skip to page 246. The English Classical School was the first free ___________ school in the U.S.
22. What was a major stumbling block to the creation of free high schools?
23. In the Kalamazoo, MI case in 1874, the courts ruled that taxes could be used to (finish the sentence). .
24. Skip to page 251. What prompted (or caused) Congress to pass the National Defense Education Act
25. Under the ________ _______________, any area not specifically stated in the Constitution as a federal
responsibility is automatically assigned to the states.
26. What two reasons are stated by the author (of this textbook) for the framers (writers) of the
Constitution not including education?
27. The Land Ordinance Act of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 required townships in the
newly settled territories bounded by the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and the Great Lakes to reserve a
section of land for ________________________purposes.
28. With the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court decision, __________________became a legally
accepted part of American life.
29. This court case established the doctrine of _______________ _____ ______________.
30. Define de jure segregation:
31. Define de facto segregation:
32. Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka overturned Plessy v. Ferguson decision. What did this
decision mean for education?
33. Define second-generation segregation:
Summary: Based on your research, what three topics stood out or grabbed your interest the most?
Explain, using complete sentences, why these 3 topics stood out to you.
Topic 1:
Topic 2:
Topic 3: