***This is a work in progress. Make sure to take notes about what does/doesn’t work so we can modify it Summer 2014 Unit 1: Rational Number Operations: Addition and Subtraction (13 days) Order Lesson Standard Days 1 Comparing and Ordering Integers Course 2 Textbook Lesson 6.1 7.NS.1.A 1 2 Introduce +/- Integers Adding Integers Day 1: Course 2 Text pgs. 261-262 #2-40 evens (with number lines) Day 2: Integer Addition Worksheet (www.math-drills.com) Day 3: Punchline Bridge to Algebra 2nd Edition pg. 3.2 (with counting chips) 7.NS.1.B 3 3 Subtracting Integers Day 1: AIMS Integer Elevator Day 2: AIMS Riding the Elevator Day 3: Punchline Bridge to Algebra 2nd Edition pg. 3.5 Day 4: +/-multiple integers Punchline Bridge to Algebra 2nd Edition pg. 3.6 7.NS.1.C 3 4 Mini Quiz Course 2 Text pg. 271 #1-9 5 Comparing, Ordering, Rounding Decimals Course 2 Text pg. 54-55 #2-42 evens 7.NS.1.A 1 6 Adding and Subtracting Decimals Day 1: Course 2 Text pg. 60-61 #3-45 multiples of 3 Day 2: +/- integers with decimals PreAlgebra With Pizzazz p. 45 Day 3: +/- integers with decimals PreAlgebra With Pizzazz p. 46 7.NS.1.B 7.NS.1.C 3 7 EXTENSION ACTIVITY: Designing Candy Cartons Using Positive and Negative Numbers in Context http://map.mathshell.org/materials/lessons.php 1 1 Unit 2: Rational Number Operations: Multiplication and Division Order Lesson Standard Days 1 Multiplying Integers Day 1: Course 2 Text pgs. 274-275 #2-40 evens Day 2: PreAlgebra with Pizzazz p. 19 or 20 7.NS.2.A 2 2 Dividing Integers Day 1: Course 2 Text pgs. 280-281 #2-28 evens, 36-48 Day 2: PreAlgebra With Pizzazz p. 22 or 23 7.NS.2.B 2 3 Mini Quiz Course 2 Text 4 Multiplying Decimals Day 1: Course 2 Text pgs. 65-66 #3-30 multiples of 3 Day 2: PreAlgebra with Pizzazz p. 48 ***You need to make a copy of this one Day 3: PreAlgebra with Pizzazz p. 49 7.NS.2.A 3 5 Dividing Decimals Day 1: Course 2 Text pg. 68 #3-24, 33-39 multiples of 3 Day 2: 2.4 practice worksheet Day 3: PreAlgebra with Pizzazz p. 52 (division only) OR PreAlgebra with Pizzazz p. 51 (mix of mult. and div.) 7.NS.2.B 3 1 Unit 3: Proportional Reasoning Order Lesson Standard Days 1 Ratios: Course 2 Textbook Lesson 8.1 OR Stations Book Ratios and Proportional Relationships Station 4 p. 3, 12-13 7.RP.1 1 2 Rates: Course 2 Textbook Lesson 8.2 OR Stations Book Ratios and Proportional Relationships Station 1 & 2 pgs. 1-2,6-9 7.RP.1 1 3 Reality Math for Teen Book Mrs. Green’s 1 Million Math Problems 3 4 Writing and Solving Proportions: Course 2 Textbook Lesson 8.4 1 5 Solving Proportions Using Cross Products: Course 2 Textbook Lesson 8.5 1 6 Review: BOB (Back of Book) Problems 1 7 Glowing Rectangles 8 Assessment: Ratios, Rates, and Proportions 7.RP.1 7.RP.2 2 1 Unit 4: Proportional Relationships Order Lesson Standard Days 1 Math Shadows **You need to print this 7.RP.1 2 2 Ratios & Proportions: Station Activities p. 1-13 **Parts of this activity may have been used in Unit 3 3 Percent of Increase: Course 2 Textbook Lesson 9.6 7.RP.3 1 4 Percent of Decrease: Course 2 Textbook Lesson 9.6 7.RP.3 1 5 Discount, Markups, Sales Tax, Tips: Course 2 Textbook Lesson 9.7 7.RP.3 1 6 Simple Interest: Course 2 Textbook Lesson 9.8 7.RP.3 2 7 Reality Math for Teen Book Mrs. Green & the red convertible 2 8 Chapter Review: Course 2 Text pg. 461 1 9 Test – Proportional Relationships 2 3 Book Resources: ● Course 2 Book - McDougal Littell ● Mathematics Station Activities Book - Grade 7 Walch Education ● Punchline - Bridge to Algebra ● Punchline - Algebra ● Pre-Algebra with Pizzazz ● Algebra with Pizzazz ● Reality Math for Teens Internet Resources: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Mathmatics Vision Project--Utah http://www.mathematicsvisionproject.org/index.html Share My Lesson http://www.sharemylesson.com/teaching-resources/ Kuta software http://www.kutasoftware.com/index.html Howard County https://secondarymathcommoncore.wikispaces.hcpss.org Illustrative Math Project http://www.illustrativemathematics.org Thinkfinity http://www.thinkfinity.org/welcome Teaching Channel https://www.teachingchannel.org Common Core Tools http://commoncoretools.me/tools/ Math Drills http://www.math-drills.com Digital lesson http://digitallesson.com Free Math Worksheets http://www.mathworksheets4kids.com Better Lessons Site http://betterlesson.com/ Common Core Materials https://grade7commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org Live Binder Common Core materials http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=380192 NCTM illumination http://illuminations.nctm.org/ Opus Math http://www.opusmath.com/common-core Socrative http://www.socrative.com/