SPRINGBROOK HIGH SCHOOL 2014 – 2015 Course Registration

2014 – 2015 Course Registration Form
Counseling Department: 301-989-5710
Student: ________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
Home Phone: _________________________________________________
Student Contact Information: _____________________________
Cell Phone
Parent/Guardian: ________________________________________
Work Telephone
Cell Phone
I am interested in the following programs at Springbrook High School. (If interested in more than 1 program, please prioritize by rating your top three
choices as 1, 2, & 3, with number 1 being your top choice.)
___ International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)
___ National Academy of Information Technology (AOIT)
___ Justice, Law & Society
___ Early Childhood Education
___ Horticulture Sciences
___ Hospitality Management
Please CHECK, CIRCLE, or HIGHLIGHT seven (7) courses for each semester. Completed forms are due to the Counseling Dept. by Feb. 10th. If this form is not
returned to the Counseling Dept. by the due date, counselors will pick the courses for the student based on credits needed & academic performance.
□ English 9
___ ___
□ Mathematical Approach to Problem Solving (ESOL only)
___ ___
□ English 9 Inclusion (Must have an IEP)
___ ___
□ Algebra 1 (2 year program – year 1)
___ ___
□ Honors English 9
___ ___
□ Algebra 1 (2 year program – year 1) Inclusion (Must have an IEP) ___ ___
□ Honors English 9 IBDP Cohort
___ ___
□ Algebra 1 (2 year program – year 2)
___ ___
□ English 10
___ ___
□ Algebra 1 (2 year program – year 2) Inclusion (Must have an IEP) ___ ___
□ English 10 Inclusion (Must have an IEP)
___ ___
□ Algebra 1
___ ___
□ Honors English 10
___ ___
□ Algebra 1 Inclusion
___ ___
□ Honors English 10 IBDP Cohort
___ ___
□ Algebra 1 ESOL
___ ___
□ English 11
___ ___
□ Geometry
___ ___
□ English 11 Inclusion (Must have an IEP)
___ ___
□ Geometry Inclusion (Must have an IEP)
___ ___
□ Honors English 11
___ ___
□ Geometry ESOL
___ ___
□ AP Language & Composition (Gr. 11 & 12)
___ ___
□ Honors Geometry
___ ___
□ IB English 1
___ ___
□ Bridge to Algebra 2
___ ___
□ English 12
___ ___
□ Bridge to Algebra 2 Inclusion (Must be an IEP)
___ ___
□ English 12 Inclusion (Must have an IEP)
___ ___
□ Quanitative Literacy
___ ___
□ Honors English 12
___ ___
□ Quantitative Literacy Inclusion (Must have an IEP)
___ ___
□ AP Literature & Composition (Gr. 12)
___ ___
□ Algebra 2
___ ___
□ IB English 2
___ ___
□ Algebra 2 Inclusion (Must have an IEP)
___ ___
□ ESOL 1 with the following 2 courses:
___ ___
□ Honors Algebra 2
___ ___
□ ESOL Level 1 ½
___ ___
□ Precalculus
___ ___
□ Developmental Reading
___ ___
□ Precalculus Inclusion (Must have an IEP)
___ ___
□ ESOL 1 (METS) with the following 2 courses:
___ ___
□ Honors Precalculus
___ ___
□ ESOL Level 1 ½
___ ___
□ Statistics and Mathematical Modeling (Algebra 2 prerequisite)
___ ___
□ Basic Reading
___ ___
□ Calculus with Applications
___ ___
□ ESOL 2 with the following 2 courses:
___ ___
□ AP Statistics (Precalculus recommended prerequisite)
___ ___
□ ESOL Level 2 ½
___ ___
□ AP Calculus AB
___ ___
□ Academic Reading
___ ___
□ AP Calculus BC (H Precal or AP Calc prerequisite)
___ ___
□ ESOL 3 Double Period
___ ___
□ Multivariable Calculus (AP Calculus BC prerequisite)
___ ___
□ ESOL 4
___ ___
□ IB Math (SL)
___ ___
□ ESOL 5
___ ___
□ IB Math Studies
___ ___
□ Honors Geoscience
___ ___
□ U. S. Culture (METS 1 & 2 only)
___ ___
□ Honors Geoscience Inclusion (Must have IEP)
___ ___
□ U. S. History
___ ___
□ Honors Geoscience ESOL
___ ___
□ U. S. History Inclusion
___ ___
□ Biology (Geometry co-requisite required
___ ___
□ U. S. History ESOL (ESOL 2 & up)
___ ___
□ Biology Inclusion (Must have an IEP)
___ ___
□ Honors U. S. History
___ ___
□ Biology ESOL (ESOL 4 and up)
___ ___
□ AP U. S. History
___ ___
□ Honors Biology (Geometry co-requisite req)
___ ___
□ AP U. S. History IBDP Cohort
___ ___
□ Honors Biology IBDP Cohort (Geometry co-req) ___ ___
□ National, State & Local Government
___ ___
□ AP Biology DP (Bio Prerequisite & Chem coreq) ___ ___
□ National, State & Local Government Inclusion (Must have an IEP) ___ ___
□ IB Biology 1 (Bio. Prerequisite & Chem coreq)
___ ___
□ National, State & Local Government ESOL (ESOL 3 & up)
___ ___
□ IB Biology 2 (IB Bio. 1 Prerequisite)
___ ___
□ Honors National, State & Local Government
___ ___
□ Marine Biology (Gr 11-12)(H Bio/Chem rec)
___ ___
□ AP Government & Politics
___ ___
□ Chemistry (Alg. 2 co-requisite recommended)
___ ___
□ AP Government & Politics IBDP Cohort
___ ___
□ Chemistry Inclusion (Alg. 2 co-requisite rec)
___ ___
□ Modern World History
___ ___
□ Hon Chemistry (Alg. 2 co-req recommended)
___ ___
□ Modern World History Inclusion (Must have an IEP)
___ ___
□ AP Chemistry DP (Chemisty prerequisite)
___ ___
□ Modern World History ESOL
___ ___
□ IB Chemistry 1 (Chemistry prerequisite)
___ ___
□ Honors Modern World History
___ ___
□ IB Design Technology Science
___ ___
□ AP World History
___ ___
□ Physics (Algebra 2 co-requisite)
___ ___
□ IB History 1
___ ___
□ Honors Physics (Algebra 2 co-requisite)
___ ___
□ IB History 2
___ ___
□ AP Physics C (Calculus AB or Calculus BC co-req) ___ ___
□ Theory of Knowledge 1/Extended Essay (Gr. 11-12)
___ ___
□ IB Physics (Algebra 2 prerequisite)
___ ___
□ Theory of Knowledge 2 (IB Students Only)
___ ___
□ Anatomy & Physiology(Bio prereq & Chem coreq)___ ___
□ Integrated & Applied Physical Science
___ ___
(See separate handout & required application)
□ Forensic Science
___ ___
□ Environmental Science
___ ___
Program Choice #1 _________________________________________________
□ Horticulture
___ ___
□ Horticulture ESOL
___ ___
Program Choice #2_________________________________________________
□ Arabic 1
□ Arabic 2
□ IB Arabic 3
□ IB Arabic 4 (ab initio)
□ French 1
□ French 2
□ Honors French 3
□ Honors French 4
□ IB French 4 (ab initio)
□ French 5 (Advanced)
□ IB French 5
□ IB French 6
□ IB French 7
□ German 1
□ German 2
□ Honors German 3
□ Honors German 4
□ IB German 4 (ab initio)
□ General PE
□ Net Games
□ Step & Dance
□ Volleyball
□ Honors Health w/Baby
□ Family Life & Human Dev. (Health prereq)
Italian 1
Italian 2
Italian 3
Honors Italian 4
Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1
Spanish for Spanish Speakers 2
Spanish 1
Spanish 2
Spanish 3
Honors Spanish 3
Spanish 4
Honors Spanish 4
IB Spanish 4 (ab initio)
Spanish 5 (Advanced)
IB Spanish 5
IB Spanish 6
IB Spanish 7
AP Spanish Language
Technology in PE
Weight Training
Honors Health without Baby
□ Foundations of Technology
□ Foundations of Technology ESOL
□ LAN (Year 1) CISCO (Microcomp Tech prerequisite)
□ Design Tech Solutions (Geometry co-requisite)
□ AP Computer Programming 3
□ Research Project in Computer Science
□ Foundations of Computer Science
□ National Academy Foundation Internship (AOIT)
□ Marketing (Must take A before B)
□ Entrepreneurship & Business Management
□ College & Career Seminar (Concurrent enrollment with CCRD)
□ Internship PM 2 periods (Gr 12: Application required)
□ Internship PM 3 periods (Gr 12: Application required)
□ Digital Art
□ Digital Art 2
□ Digital Art 3
□ Art & Culture
□ IB Visual Arts 1
□ IB Visual Arts 2
□ AP Studio Drawing
□ AP Studio Art 2D
□ Chorus 1
□ Honors Chamber Singers (Audition req. Contact Ms. Detroye)
□ Symphonic Band (Marching Band required 1st quarter)
□ Symphonic Orchestra (Strings)
□ Hon Jazz Ensemble (Audition req. Contact Mr. Jones)
□ AP Music Theory
□ IB Advanced Music
□ IB Film Studies 1 (Not for Fine Arts Credit)
□ IB Film Studies 2 (Not for Fine Arts Credit)
□ Blueprint (Newspaper)
□ Read 180
□ IB Global Issues
□ IB Philosophy
□ IB Psychology
□ IB Info Tech in Global Society
□ Sociology
□ East Asian History
□ Educorps
□ Advanced Child Development 2
□ Advanced Education/Child Development Internship
□ International Cultures & Cuisine
□ Hospitality Management Internship
□ Design Technology Solutions (Geometry req)
□ Introduction to Engineering Design
□ Microcomputer Technologies
□ Computer Science Principles
□ AP Computer Programming 2
□ Advanced Computer Programming 3
□ IB Project in Computer Science
□ Personal Finance (Choose 1 Semester only)
□ College, Career, Research & Development (CCRD) ___
□ Site Based Work Training DP
□ Ceramics/Sculpture 1
□ Ceramics/Sculpture 2
□ Ceramics/Sculpture 3
□ Drawing & Design
□ Photography 1
□ Photography 2
□ Studio Art 1 (Pre IB)
□ Studio Art 2 (Pre AP)
□ AP Studio Art 3D
□ Guitar
□ Guitar 2
□ Honors Symphonic Band (Gr 11-12)
□ Honors Symphonic Orchestra (Gr 11 & 12)
□ Piano 1
□ Piano 2
□ Theater 1
□ Theater 2
□ Theater 3
□ Journalism
□ Trident (Yearbook)
□ Africa South Sahara
□ African American History
□ AP Psychology
□ Student Leadership
□ Comparative Religion
□ Introduction to Justice, Law & Society
□ Law & the Administration of Justice
□ Child Development 1
□ Advanced Child Development 3
□ Food Trends
□ Culinary Essentials
□ Resource
ALTERNATIVE SELECTIONS (Must select 3 in case of schedule conflicts)
Choice #1__________________________
Choice #2__________________________
Choice #3__________________________
We encourage students to challenge themselves with Honors, International Baccalaureate, and Advanced Placement classes. If you disagree with a teacher’s recommendation
and wish to take another level course, please complete the Springbrook High School Course Placement Appeal Form and attach it to this form. Please consult the MCPS Course
Bulletin for course descriptions or visit the website at www.mcpscourses.org. The selection of teaching staff is based on student course selections. Therefore, all course selections
for the 2014-2015 school year are considered final. No other changes can be made after April 25, 2014. In the case of schedule conflicts with elective courses, the alternative
courses will be used in the priority identified.
I have read the above and reviewed the recommendations and selections made for the 2014 – 2015 school year. Required signatures: