Give Me Liberty! Chapter 13 Reading Guide Academic Vocab Manifest Destiny The Santa Fe Trail Californios Indios Gente de razon “common good” Tejanos Chapter 13 – A House Divided - Introduction How did the issue of slavery impact even art and design by the 1850s? FRUITS OF MANIFEST DESTINY (493-506) Continental Expansion Oregon Territory> The Mexican Frontier> New Mexico > California > The Texas Revolt > Stephen F Austin The Election of 1844 > Santa Anna The Alamo John Tyler > Henry Clay > James K Polk > Whigs “Fifty-four forty or fight!” > The Road to War > Dark horse Four-Point Plan > The War and Its Critics > Herman Melville Ulysses S Grant > Henry David Thoreau > Abraham Lincoln > Bear Flag Republic Combat in Mexico John C Fremont > Battle of Buena Vista > 1 Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo Mexican Cession > Race and Manifest Destiny “free enjoyment of their liberty and property” John L O’Sullivan Redefining Race > Gold-Rush California El Dorado Johan A Sutter > California and the Boundaries of Freedom “foreign miners” Impact on Calforinia’s Indians > The Other Gold Rush Opening Japan > Commadore Matthew Perry Answer: What were the major factors that contributed to U.S. territorial expansion in the 1840s? A DOSE OF ARSENIC (506-512) The Wilmot Proviso > Missouri Compromise Zachary Taylor > Free Soil Appeal > Free Soil Platform 1848 > Crisis & Compromise> World View > Free Soil Party U. S. View > The Great Debate > Daniel Webster > John C Calhoun > William Seward > Millard Fillmore > 2 Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 The Fugitive Slave Issue > Emerson > Margaret Garner Douglas and Popular Sovereignty > “The great triumvirate” Popular sovereignty The Kansas-Nebraska Act > Appeal of the Independent Democrats > Impact of Kansas-Nebraska Act > Answer: Why did the expansion of slavery become the most divisive political issues in the 1840s & the 1850s? THE RISE OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY (513-519) “balloon frame” houses The Northern Economy > 1843-1857 & economic growth in the North > Industrial production The Rise & Fall of the Know-Nothings =The American Party > nativism The Free Labor Ideology free society v slave society The Republican Party > William Seward > Bleeding Kansas & the Election of 1856> Andrew H Reeder Election irregularities > Rep Preston Brooks & the caning of Charles Sumner > James Buchanan > Answer: What combination of issues and events fueled the creation of the Republican Party in the 1850s? 3 Residence on free soil… THE EMERGENCE OF LINCOLN (519-528) The Dred Scott Decision > Case history & ruling > Chief Justice Roger Taney The Decision’s Aftermath > Dred Scott & Harriett > President James Buchanan’s comments > Lincoln & Slavery > George Fitzhugh Lincoln-Douglas Campaign Illinois > Lincoln > L/D Debates > Douglas> Henry A Wise Thoreau Pierre Sole John Brown at Harpers Ferry events and actions > Impact on the South > The Rise of Southern Nationalism > Filibuster William Walker > “fire-eaters” 4 Southern leaders > The Lecompton Constitution The Democratic Split > The Nomination of Lincoln The Election of 1860 > Candidates > Election Results/Impact > Answer: What enabled Lincoln to emerge as president from the divisive party politics of the 1850s? Ultimatum Declaration of the Immediate Causes of Secession THE IMPENDING CRISIS (528-532 The Secession Movement The Secession Crisis President Buchanan > Senator John J Crittenden & Compromise > Abraham Lincoln takes office, March 4, 1861 > And the War Came 5 First shots of the Civil War Lincoln’s Inaugural Address & first months > Ft Sumter> Henry Wadsworth Longfellow > Chapter 14 Review Questions: 1. Explain the justifications for the doctrine of manifest destiny, including material and idealistic motivations. 2. What economic forces promoted continental expansion in the 1830s & 1840s? 3. Why did many Americans criticize the Mexican War? How did they see expansion as a threat to American liberties? 4. How did the concept of “race” develop by the mid-nineteenth century, and how did it enter into the manifest destiny debate? 5. Explain the factors behind the creation of the Republican Party? 6. What three questions did the Supreme Court address in the Dred Scott case? Assess the Court’s arguments. 6 7. Based on the Lincoln-Douglas Debates, how did the views of both men differ on the expansion of slavery, equal rights, and the role of the national government? 8. What were the international implications of southern nationalism? 9. Explain how sectional voting patterns in the 1860 presidential election allowed southern “fireeaters” to justify secession. Chapter Vocab Santa Fe Trail Tejanos Know-Nothing Party Californios Henry Clay Preston Brooks the Texas revolt Santa Anna manifest destiny Wilmot Proviso Free Soil Party Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 John Frémont William Walker Kansas-Nebraska Act Fugitive Slave Act Ostend Manifesto appeal of the Independent Democrats filibustering John Brown “fire-eaters” Dred Scott Abraham Lincoln Free Soil Party the caning of Charles Sumner Dred Scott decisions Lecompton Constitution Harpers Ferry “filibustering” expeditions Compromise of 1850 Henry David Thoreau David Wilmot gold rush John Breckinridge Stephen Douglas “reannexation” of Texas and “reoccupation” of Oregon popular sovereignty Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 “balloon frame” houses Know-Nothing Party the Slave Power “Bleeding Kansas” Martin Van Buren 7