Class #23 of 30 Tennis racket demo Euler’s equations Motion of a free body No external torques Response to small disturbances Tennis racket theorem Nutation Chandler wobble Inertia tensor redux Inertia tensor of a cube Inertia tensor of a rectangle Lamina theorem 1 :02 Inertia Tensor I xx L I yx I zx I xx I yy I zy I xz x I yz y I zz z 1 0 0 I 0 0 2 0 0 3 L I If choose principal axes, Inertia tensor is diagonal L (11 , 22 , 33 ) 2 :02 Inertia Tensor – U-solve it Calculate elements of an inertia tensor for a rectangular lamina. B A I 2 2 ( y z )dxdydz ( xy)dxdydz (xz)dxdydz ( yx)dxdydz ... etc. ... ... 2 2 ( x y )dxdydz 3 Vectors expressed in rotating frames r r S ri eˆi i For fixed e-sub-I dri r eˆi S0 i dt For rotating e-sub-I dri deˆi r eˆi ri S0 dt i dt i Because eˆi is any arbitrary FIXED vector in frame S 0, it transforms deˆi Imagine same axes in S as eˆi dt (x,y,z) expressed in two frames S0 dri r eˆi ri eˆi S0 stationary) and S (fixed i dt i to earth). ri eˆi ri eˆi r i r i S0 dri eˆi r r r S i dt 4 :60 Euler’s Equation r S0 S L L L L r r S0 S external L L S 1 11 (2 3 )23 2 22 (3 1 )31 3 33 (1 2 )12 11 (2 3 )23 22 (3 1 )31 33 (1 2 )12 5 :60 Small perturbations L 11 (2 3 )23 22 (3 1 )31 33 (1 2 )12 Let 0 ( , , 0 ) 0 1 2 (2 3 ) 1 (3 1 ) 2 3 0 0 0 11 (2 3 )0 22 (3 1 )0 33 (1 2 ) 0:60 6 Small perturbations -II 1 (2 3 ) 1 20 11 (2 3 )23 (3 1 ) 22 (3 1 )31 2 01 2 33 (1 2 )12 3 0 3 0 (3 2 ) (3 1 ) 2 1 0 1 2 1 (3 1 ) (3 2 ) 2 2 0 2 1 2 7 :60 Class #23 Windup - I Euler external L L S Without external torques 11 (2 3 )23 22 (3 1 )31 33 (1 2 )12 •Rotations about the “middle-valued” principal axis are unstable 8 :60 Home stretch #12 – Supplement H, Taylor 9.11, 10.7, 10.18 23 11/12 Ch. 10 Euler’s equations – “tennis racket theorem” 24 11/14 Exam review + Ch. 11 Coupled Oscillators and Normal modes 25 11/19 Test #3 Central force and accelerated frames 26 11/21 Coupled Oscillators / Nonlinear Mechanics and Chaos 11/26 27 11/26 Ch. 12 Nonlinear Mechanics and Chaos 12/5 11/28 THANKSGIVING 28 12/3 Ch. 13 Hamiltonian Mechanics 29 12/5 Test #4 30 12/10 Review problems for Final 11/14 11/21 This exam was moved to 11/19 from 11/14 Inertia Tensor / Normal Coords / Chaos - 9 :02 Class #23 Windup - II Thursday bring problems you want to see worked Homework is due day of exam (next Tuesday) – A few more problems will be added to assignment Will go over old homeworks and your q’s in class Thursday 10 :60 Class #24 of 30 Exam -- Tuesday Additional HW problems posted Friday (also due Tuesday). Bring Index Card #3. Office hours on Monday 3:30-6:00 Topics Central Force Kepler’s Laws Gravitational PE and Force Small Oscillations about equilibrium Reduced Mass Momentum conservation Pseudopotential 11 :02 Class #24 of 30 Central Force Polar form of orbital equations Elliptical orbits Hyperbolic orbits Parabolic / Circular Orbits Scattering Accelerated Reference Frames Effective Gravity Centrifugal force Coriolis force 12 :02 Problem Review KKR9-4 Holy Earth KKR9-6 Eccentric comet KKR9-8 Escape to the moon Taylor 8-9 Small oscillations Taylor 9-1/9-2 Buoyant doughnuts Taylor 9-9 Tilted Plum-line Taylor 9-10 Spin the bucket 13 :02 Gravity and Electrostatics Gravity Universal Constant Force Law Gauss’s Law Potential G 6.673(75) 10 11 Nm 2 kg 2 F G Electrostatics 1 4 0 6.987551... 109 Nm 2 Coulomb 2 m1m2 rˆ 2 r F 1 4 0 1 Fg 4 G mass m E mm U G 1 2 r U 1 0 1 4 0 q1q2 rˆ 2 r ch arg e q1q2 r 14 :08 Kepler’s 1st, 2nd and 3rd laws 2 3 4 r 2 GM r 2 const. 1st Law – Planets move in ellipses with sun at one focus Third law demonstrated previously relates period to semi-minor radius 2nd law is direct consequence of momentum conservation “Equal areas are swept out in equal times” True for ALL central forces So r const. dA 1 1 bh ( r )(r ) dt 2 2 b1 " const. 2 ' (1610) h1 h2 b2 15 :37 E, L and Eccentricity r ( ) 2 Gm1m2 (1 cos ) Gm1m2 E 2 E 1 2 2 2 2 2 Gm1m2 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 The physics is in E and L. Epsilon is purely a geometrical factor. Epsilon equation applies to ALL conic sections (hyperbolae, ellipses, parabolas). 16 :30 Central Force 2 c r ( ) ; c (1 cos ) rmin c ; Gm1m2 1 E 2 rmax 2 2 2 1 c ; 1 b 1 2 a <- Completely general for inverse square forces … All types of orbits. <- “Gamma” makes it specific for gravity. Key constants are, (E and L), OR (c and L) or (L and epsilon) or (c and epsilon) <- Specific for elliptical orbits. 17 :30 Planetary Scattering Angle Epsilon 2 r ( ) 1 1.001 1.02 1.05 1.1 1.3 2 5 20 50 100 Gm1m2 (1 cos ) r (max ) 1 cos max 0 r ( ) 360 2arccos 1 rimpact r ( ) -1/eps 2*arccos Omega -1.00 -1.00 -0.98 -0.95 -0.91 -0.77 -0.50 -0.20 -0.05 -0.02 -0.01 360.0 354.9 337.3 324.5 310.8 280.6 240.0 203.1 185.7 182.3 181.2 0.0 5.1 22.7 35.5 49.2 79.4 120.0 156.9 174.3 177.7 178.8 Sketch for epsilon=2 2max 18 :37 Reduced two-body problem r2 r1 mmoon mEarth rrelative 19 :15 Equivalent 1-D problem m1m2 1 2 2 2 L rel (r r ) G 2 r m1m2 r : r G 2 r 2 r 2 m1m2 r G 2 3 r r Total Radial Force Ftotal U pseudo Relative Lagrangian Radial equation r 2 2 m1m2 G 2 r 2 r Ftotal dr U pseudo 20 :30 Class #24 Windup mr Fexternal 2mr m( r ) U pseudo U actual 2 2 r 2 for any Central force. 21 :60 Parameter Sim. Time Comment (s) Lightly damped, undriven 15 More damping, undriven (dies in 5 secs) 15 Lightly damped, state space 15 Same damping, driven 15 Same damping, state space 15 Different drive frequency 15 Drive freq~res. Freq. 15 Drive freq>res. Freq. 15 Drive freq>>res. Freq. 15 Ordinary driven 15 Ordinary driven more damping 15 Long Transient 22.5 Long Transient, State space 100 Period doubling 45 Period tripling 45 Different Attractors diff IC's 45 Period tripling, state space 45 Different Attractors state space 45 Period doubling 45 Period quadrupling 45 Period quadrupling (state) 100 Period octupling 45 True chaos 45 Chaos in state space 100 F0 F Damping Gamma Ovrd Theta-0 Hz 3 Hz 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 2 5 10 0.67 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 Nt-s/m Nt-s^2/m 0.4 0 State 1 Degrees 90 0,1,2 0 0 1 90 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 220 220 150 150 150 150 0.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 90 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 0.3 1.06 1.06 1.073 1.077 1.077 1.077 1.077 1.078 1.081 1.081 1.0826 1.105 1.105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -90 0 -90 -90 -90 -90 -90 -90 -90 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 22 :60 Class #26 of 30 Nonlinear Systems and Chaos Most important concepts Sensitive Dependence on Initial conditions Attractors Other concepts State-space orbits Non-linear diff. eq. Driven oscillations Second Harmonic Generation Subharmonics Period-doubling cascade Bifurcation plot Poincare diagram Feigenbaum number Universality 23 :02 Outline Origins and Definitions of chaos State Space Behavior of a driven damped pendulum (DDP) Non-linear behavior of a DDP Attractor Period doubling Sensitive dependence Bifurcation Plot 24 :02 Definition of chaos The dynamical evolution that is aperiodic and sensitively dependent on initial conditions. In dissipative dynamical systems this involves trajectories that move on a strange attractor, a fractal subspace of the phase space. This term takes advantage of the colloquial meaning of chaos as random, unpredictable, and disorderly behavior, but the phenomena given the technical name chaos have an intrinsic feature of determinism and some characteristics of order. Colloquial meaning – disorder, randomness, unpredictability Technical meaning – Fundamental unpredictability and apparent randomness from a system that is deterministic. Some real randomness may be included in real systems, but a model of the system without ANY added randomness should display the same behavior. 25 :02 Weather and climate prediction Is important Can we go: a) b) c) Will we be hurt by a: a) b) c) For a hike? Get married outdoors? Start a war? Tornado? Hurricane? Lightning bolt? How much more fossil fuel can we burn before we: a) b) c) Fry? Drown? Starve? 26 :02 Early work by Edward N. Lorenz 1960’s at MIT Early computer models of the atmosphere Were very simple (Computers were stupid) Were very helpful Results were not reproducible!! Lorenz ultimately noticed that For 7-10 days of prediction, all of his models reproduced very well. After 7-10 days, the same model could be run twice and give the same result – BUT!! Changes that he thought were trivial (e.g. changing the density of air by rounding it out at the 3th decimal place, or slightly modifying the initial conditions at beginning of model) Produced COMPLETELY DIFFERENT results This came to be called “The Butterfly effect” 27 :02 State Space x sin t ; d y x sin t cos t dt x sin 2t ; d y x sin 2t 2 cos 2t dt x sin t 0.35sin 2t ; y x cos t 0.7 cos 2t 28 :02 Viscous Drag III – Stokes Law Fdrag D u xˆ Fdrag b r Fdrag 3 D u xˆ Form-factor k becomes 3 “D” is diameter of sphere Viscous drag on walls of sphere is responsible for retarding force. George Stokes [1819-1903] (Navier-Stokes equations/ Stokes’ theorem) 29 :45 Damped Driven Pendulum (DDP) Damping Pendulum immersed in fluid F (t ) with Newtonian viscosity Damping proportional to velocity (and angular velocity) Driving Constant amplitude drive bar Connected to pendulum via torsion spring Torque on Pendulum is bv mg FL k ( ) mL bL mgL sin LF (t ) 2 2 30 :02 Damped Driven Pendulum (DDP) mL2 bL2 mgL sin LF (t ) b g F (t ) sin m L mL 2 2 L F (t ) 2 0 sin 0 g mL 2 2 F (t ) 2 0 sin 0 mg 2 02 sin 02 cos t F (t ) mg f 0 0 / 2 1 Hz 0.667 Hz 2 3.14 N s / m Force pendulum weight 31 :02 Conditions for chaos Dissipative Chaos 1. Requires a differential equation with 3 or more independent variables. 2. Requires a non-linear coupling between at least two of the variables. 3. Requires a dissipative term (that will use up energy). Non-dissipative chaos Not in this course 32 :60 Sensitive dependence on initial conditions 33 :60 Sensitive dependence on initial conditions 34 :60 Worked problem Sketch a state-space plot for the magnetic pendulum Indicate the attractors and repellers Show some representative trajectories First explore the trajectories beginning with thetadot=0 Then explore trajectories that begin with theta in some state near an attractor but through proper choice of theta-dot move to the other attractor. Sketch the basins of attraction 35 :60 Class #26 Windup Homework Is on Chapters 9 and 10 – Read them! Is partly posted now … more will be added tomorrow. Is due BEFORE Thanksgiving (Wednesday … or under my door Thursday). 36 :60 Class #27 Notes Homework Is due before you leave Problem 10-25 has been upgraded to extra-credit. Probs 10-21 and 10-24 are CORE PROBLEMS. Make sure you understand these. When you return – Will spend another lecture on tops, tensors and Euler’s theorem before the exam. 37 :60 Class #27 of 30 Nonlinear Systems and Chaos Most important concepts Sensitive Dependence on Initial conditions Attractors Other concepts State-space orbits Non-linear diff. eq. Driven oscillations Second Harmonic Generation Subharmonics Period-doubling cascade Bifurcation plot Poincare diagram Mappings Feigenbaum number Universality 38 :02 Chaos on the ski-slope 7 “Ideal skiers” follow the fall-line and end up very different places 39 :60 Insensitive dependence on initial conditions Plot A : 0 90 Plot A B : ( Log of ) 0.1 Plot B : 0 175 40 :60 Sensitive dependence on initial conditions Plot A : 0 90 Plot A B : ( Log of ) 1.105 Plot B : 0 90.0001 41 :60 Resampled pendulum data Gamma=0.3 Gamma=1.0826 Gamma=1.077 Gamma=1.105 42 :60 Bifurcation plot 100 0.3 50 0 50 100 43 :60 Bifurcation plot and universality ( n 1 n ) 1 ( n n 1 ) 4.6692016 For ANY chaotic system, the period doubling route to chaos takes a similar form The intervals of “critical parameter” required to create a new bifurcation get ever shorter by a ratio called the Feigenbaum #. 44 :60 In and out of chaos 45 :60 Poincare plot 46 :60 Poincare plot Poincare plot is set of allowed states at any time t. States far from these points converge on these points after transients die out Because it has fractal dimension, the Poincare plot is called a “strange attractor” 47 :60 State-space of flows 48 :60 Cooking with state-space Dissipative system The net volume of possible states in phase space ->0 Bounded behavior The range of possible states is bounded The evolution of the dynamic system “stirs” phase space. The set of possible states gets infinitely long and with zero area. It becomes fractal A cut through it is a “Cantor Set” 49 :60 Mapping vs. Flow Gamma=1.0826 Gamma=1.105 A Flow is a continuous system A flow moves from one state to another by a differential equation Our DDP is a flow A mapping is a discrete system. State n-> State n+1 according to a difference equation Evaluating a flow at discrete times turns it into a mapping Mappings are much easier to analyze. 50 Logistic map xt 1 rxt (1 xt ) defined on interval x 0 1 , for r 1. For xt 1, xt 1 rxt . Typical exp onentia l growth. for xt 1, growth is lim ited “Interesting” values of r are. R=2.8 (interesting because it’s boring) R=3.2 (Well into period doubling_ R= 3.4 (Period quadrupling) R=3.7 (Chaos) R=3.84 (Period tripling) 51 :02 Class #28 of 31 Inertia tensor Kinetic energy from inertia tensor. Eigenvalues w/ MATLAB Tops and Free bodies using Euler equations Precession Lamina theorem Free-body wobble 52 :02 Rest of course 11/28 THANKSGIVING 28 12/3 Tops, Gyros and Rotations 29 12/5 Ch. 13 Hamiltonian and Quantum Mechanics or Chaos 30 12/10 Test #4 31 12/12 Review for Final FINAL EXAM 12/16 MONDAY – 9AM-12NOON #14 –Supplement / Taylor - Inertia Tensor / Tops / Euler equations /Chaos 12/10 WORKMAN 310 53 :60 Angular Momentum and Kinetic Energy p L We derived the moment of inertia mv m( r ) tensor from the fundamental definitions of L, by working out r m( r ) the double cross-product Do the same for T (kinetic energy) 1 1 T mv v ( r ) mv 2 2 1 T (r mv ) (vector identity ) 2 1 T L 2 LI 1 T T I 2 54 :02 L 28-2 Angular Momentum and Kinetic Energy 1) A square plate of side L and mass M is rotated about a diagonal. 2) In the coordinate system with the origin at lower left corner of the square, the inertia tensor is. LI 3 1 4 0 1 2 0 ML 3 I 10 0 1 3 4 2 0 0 2 0 1 T T I 2 Calculate L and T . 55 :02 Symmetrical top Euler equation 3 33 (1 2 )12 1 2 and 3 0 33 0 3 const 56 :02 dL rF dt dL RCM mg sin ˆ dt L L sin Precession Ignore in limit 2 L Lz L L 2 2 2 p 3 Lz 33 2 2 d 1 dL RCM mg sin RCM mg p dt L sin dt L sin 33 57 :02 Lamina Theorem I yy I zz I xx I yy ( y 2 z 2 ) ( x 2 z 2 ) dxdydz I xx I zz ( x 2 y 2 ) dxdydz I zz I xx I yy for laminar objects ( z 0) I zz I yy I xx I yy I xx I zz for laminar objects ( y 0) 58 :60 Euler’s equations for symmetrical bodies 1 2 I yy For Disk I xx I yy MR 4 I zz 1 2 I xx I zz I xx I yy MR 2 2 Note 3 0 even for non-laminar symmetrical tops AND even for 1 , 2 0 11 (2 3 )23 1 ( 2 )23 1 23 22 (3 1 )31 2 (2 )31 2 31 33 (1 2 )12 23 ( )12 3 0 59 :60 Euler’s equations for symmetrical bodies p L 3 ẑ 1 23 1 321 2 31 2 2 3 2 3 0 2 p 2 3 Precession frequency=rotation frequency for symmetrical lamina 60 :60 Euler’s equations for symmetrical bodies p L p 3 ẑ 3 ẑ L 3 1 3 1 61 :60 L28-1 – Chandler Wobble I zz 1) The earth is an ovoid thinner at the poles than I xx the equator. I yy 2a 2) For a general ovoid, 2b 11 (1 3 )23 12 (3 1 )31 33 0 (3 1 ) 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 I xx M (a 2 b 2 ) 5 3) For Earth, what are I yy and I zz , and p ? a b a a 6400 km 20 km 2 b 2 b 2 62 :60 L 28-2 Angular Momentum and Kinetic Energy 1) A square plate of side L and mass M is rotated about a diagonal. 2) In the coordinate system with the origin at lower left corner of the square, the inertia tensor is. LI 3 1 4 0 1 2 0 ML 3 I 10 0 1 3 4 2 0 0 2 0 1 T T I 2 Calculate L and T . 63 :02 Lecture 28 windup p RCM mg 33 LI 1 T T I 2 for top I zz I xx I yy for la min a 1 I xx M (a 2 b 2 ) for ellipsoid 5 64 :02 Angular Momentum and Kinetic Energy L 1) A complex arbitrary system is subject to multi-axis rotation. 2) The inertia tensor is 3) A 3-axis rotation is 5.0 8.2 3.0 applied LI 15 6 1 A 6 10 5 1 5 20 1 T T I Calculate L and T . 2 65 :02 Physics Concepts Classical Mechanics Study of how things move Newton’s laws Conservation laws Solutions in different reference frames (including rotating and accelerated reference frames) Lagrangian formulation (and Hamiltonian form.) Central force problems – orbital mechanics Rigid body-motion Oscillations lightly Chaos 66 :04 Mathematical Methods Vector Calculus Differential equations of vector quantities Partial differential equations More tricks w/ cross product and dot product Stokes Theorem “Div, grad, curl and all that” Matrices Coordinate change / rotations Diagonalization / eigenvalues / principal axes Lagrangian formulation Calculus of variations “Functionals” and operators Lagrange multipliers for constraints General Mathematical competence 67 :06 Correlating Classical and Quantum Mechanics Correspondence Principle In the limit of large quantum numbers, quantum mechanics becomes classical mechanics. First formulated by Niels Bohr, one of the leading quantum theoreticians We will illustrate with Particle in a box Simple harmonic oscillator Equivalence principle is useful Prevents us from getting lost in “quantum chaos”. Allows us to continue to use our classical intuition as make small systems larger. Rule of thumb. System size>10 nm, use classical mechanics. 68 :02 1-D free particle Classical Lagrangian and Hamiltonian for free 1-D particle L T V H T V Total Energy for free particle, Schroedinger’s equation for free particle p2 p2 H E E 2m 2m p i ;Ei x t 2 2 H E i 2 2m x t 0 e i ( kx t ) 69 :02 Hydrogen Atom Classical Lagrangian and Hamiltonian 1 1 q1q2 2 2 2 L rel (r r ) 2 4 0 r 2 pr 2 1 q1q2 2 2 2 r 4 0 r H rel 2 pr 2 1 q1q2 2 2 r 2 4 0 r Schroedinger’s equation for hydrogen 1 q1q2 H E i 2 4 0 r t 2 2 70 :02 Hydrogen Atom P 2 r op 1 r r r 2 2 1 1 2 Lop sin 2 2 sin sin Schroedinger’s equation for hydrogen q1q2 H E i 2 2 2 r 4 0 r t 71 Pr op 2 Lop 2 1 :02 Particle in a box 2 V E 2 2m x 2 n 2 n sin x L L n12 n22 n32 2 E h 2 8mL h 6.62 1034 j sec Let L 10 nm m 16 1.66 1027 kg (Oxygen) E1 2.06 1026 joules 107 eV Thus ideal gas law doesn ' t need quantum mech. 72 :02 2 n Particle in a box n sin x L L 2 2 n * n n sin x N1, no match between L L quantum and classical probability 1 2 2E mv E v 2 m C 1 Pclassical ( x) const. v( x) 2E m N51, Averaged quantum probability approaches classical constant probability. 73 :02 Simple harmonic oscillator (SHO) 1 2 1 2 2E k 2 mv kx E v x 2 2 m m C 1 Pclassical ( x) v( x) 2E k 2 x 74 :02 m m Expectation values " Bra " * " ket " Bra-ket notation and Matrix formulation of QM All wave functions may be written as linear combination of eigenfunctions. Thus effect of operator can be replaced by a matrix showing effect of operator on each eigenfunction. All QM operators (p, L, H) have real eigenvalues – They are “Hermitian” operators E H * functional formalism E H matrix formalism Exactly like T T T I 75 :02 Expectation values " Bra " * " ket " Bra-ket notation and Matrix formulation of QM All wave functions may be written as linear combination of eigenfunctions. Thus effect of operator can be replaced by a matrix showing effect of operator on each eigenfunction. All QM operators (p, L, H) have real eigenvalues – They are “Hermitian” operators E * H functional formalism E *H matrix formalism Exactly like T I (except * is complex conjugate of ) 76 :02 T T Spin Matrix S z Sz * functional formalism S z Sz matrix formalism * 1 0 0 S z 0 0 0 0 0 1 77 :02 Wind up Classical mechanics is valid for v 30, 000 km / s r 10 nm In other words … almost all of human experience and endeavor. Use it well! 78 :02