Physics 361 Classical Mechanics Syllabus - Spring 2016 Lecturer Dr. Anatoli Frishman Lecture hours: Office hours: M W F 11:00 - 11:50 am in room 2354 Gilman Immediately after lecture, and by appointment Course Secretary Deb Schmidt Text Book: Web Page: 210 Physics Bldg 294-9361 12 Physics Bldg 294-4936 "Classical Mechanics", by John R. Taylor Exam Information: Two midterm exams will be held during classes. The Final is comprehensive. Formula sheets will be provided. Makeup Exams: Under extreme circumstances (illness, family emergency, university sponsored activities), it may be possible to take a single, end-of-semester, makeup exam that will be given prior to the final exam and will be a comprehensive exam. Clearly only one exam can be made up in this manner. You must request a makeup before the exam (that you expect to miss) starts. Requests can be made to the lecturer or the course secretary. Homework: Homework assignments are individual work. They will be posted on the course Web Page. Grading Scheme: Exam #1 = 20% Exam #2 = 20% Final Exam = 30% Homework + quizzes = 30% Total = 100% Course outline Chapter 1. Newton’s Laws of Motion. Newton’s First and Second Laws; Inertial Frames. The Third Law and Conservation of Momentum. Newton’s Second Law in Cartesian and Polar Coordinates. Chapter 2. Projectiles and Charged Particles. Air Resistance, Linear and Quadratic. Motion of a charge in a Uniform Magnetic Field. Solution for the Charge in a B Field. Chapter 3. Momentum and Angular Momentum. Conservation of Momentum. Rockets. Center of Mass. Angular Momentum for Single and Several Particles. Chapter 4. Energy. Kinetic Energy and Work. Potential Energy and Conservative Forces. Force as a Gradient of Potential Energy. Time-Dependent Potential Energy. Energy for Linear and Curvilinear One-Dimensional Systems. Central Forces. The Energy of Multiparticle system. Chapter 5. Oscillations. Hooke’s Law. Simple Harmonic Motion. Two-Dimensional Oscillators. Damped Oscillations. Resonance. Fourier Series Solution for the Driven Oscillator. Chapter 6. Calculus of Variations. The Euler-Lagrange Equation. Chapter 7. Lagrange’s Equations. Constrained Systems. Generalized Momenta. More about Conservation Laws. Chapter 8. Two-Body Central-Force Problems. CM and Relative Coordinates; Reduced Mass. The Equation of Motion. The Equivalent One-Dimensional Problem. The Equation of the Orbit. The Kepler Orbits. If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing accommodations in this course, please make arrangements to meet with me at the beginning of the term. Please request that a Disability Resources staff send a SAAR form verifying your disability and specifying the accommodation you will need.