Constitution TTT (Repaired)

Constitution Think Tac Toe
Choose three squares and complete the activities to get Think Tac Toe. (Complete more than three for extra points)
Use pg. 65 – 67 to Make a
Graphic Organizer for the 6
Principles of the Constitution.
Place a picture from the
internet or a magazine that
depicts an example of each in
your display.
Construct a 3 Dimensional
diagram of the system of
Checks and Balances.
Develop a political cartoon
that depicts the type of check
each branch has on the other
Read The President vs. Congress
pg. 74. Choose a current issue that the
two groups are in conflict over today
and conduct an opinion poll to find out
whether people favor the President’s
position or Congress’. Create a multimedia presentation of the process and
results. Chart the responses and
summarize the poll result
1. Create an Illustrated Glossary
for KEY TERMS on pg 63.
2. Complete the Checks and
Balances or create a checks and
balances worksheet.
Complete Chapter 3 Section2
Assessment ( 1 – 7) on pg. 75 in
the textbook
In a chart, list the ten most
important facts about the three
branches of government. Be
sure to include the key terms
from pg 68
Read Miranda v. Arizona (pg.
403 – 404 & 83) Identify the
Amendments your Miranda
Rights identify. Give some
examples of how the
authorities try to get around
these rights and the
consequences if they get
As set out in the Constitution, the Write a rhyming poem/rewrite
principle of checks and balances a song/ video an interpretive
helps to limit power of the
piece that explains the relationship
between the principles of federalism
government. Create a diagram
showing how a system of checks and the separation of powers as
and balances is provided for your suggested by Montesquieu & Locke
detailed in the Constitution?
State/Local Government.