Shakespeare Plays Reading, Watching, Discussing, Analyzing & Working with the assigned play Assigned Plays: COMEDY OF ERRORS MACBETH MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING TAMING OF THE SHREW TITUS ANDRONICUS TWELFTH NIGHT COMEDIES: COMEDY OF ERRORS MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING TAMING OF THE SHREW TWELFTH NIGHT TRAGEDIES: MACBETH TITUS ANDRONICUS She’s The Man (2006) “Twelfth Night” The Twist: Change a shipwreck to a new high school, and Shakespeare’s tale of gender-bending, disguises and love triangles is tailor-made for a new generation. Based On: The Lion King (1994) “Hamlet” The Twist: The bulk of the story and several key scenes remain intact, with Denmark swapped for th African savanna, and people swapped for animals (mostly lions). Based On: West Side Story (1961) “Romeo & Juliet” The Twist: Swap out Italy for New York City’s Upper West Side, the wealthy families of Capulet and Montague for rival gangs the Sharks and the Jets, and add in some musical numbers, and you’ve got a hit on your hands. Based On: Kiss Me Kate (1953) Based On: “The Taming of the Shrew” The Twist: The classic is re-imagined as the ongoing struggle between two key actors, whose disagreements jeopardize the entire play they are now attempting to perform – William Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew.” Forbidden Planet (1956) Based On: “The Tempest” The Twist: The supernatural elements of Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” are re-skinned into an alien world, and sci-fi fans would have no idea they’re witnessing a story with elements written centuries before space travel. Romeo Must Die (2000) Based On: “Romeo & Juliet” The Twist: Focusing on race instead of family loyalty, and exchanging words and daggers for guns and martial arts, “Romeo & Juliet” is adapted into a modern setting yet again. Deliver Us From Eva (2003) Based On: “The Taming of the Shrew” The Twist: Proving that Shakespeare’s comedy about the trappings of affection never gets old, stars LL Cool J and Gabrielle Union offer yet another modern re-telling, this time with the titular ‘shrew’ a health inspector who loves to stick her nose in her sisters’ love lives. Ran (1985) Based On: “King Lear” The Twist: The aging king dividing his estate among his daughters is re-imagined as a Japanese warlord handing his empire off to his three sons. O (2001) Based On: “Othello” The Twist: The story of deceit, manipulation, jealousy and murder is moved from Venice to a high school, with the main cast of players simply students, as opposed to soldiers. 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) “The Taming of the Shrew” The Twist: The young Bianca is looking for a date to the prom, but will only be allowed to attend if her older, colder, more ‘shrewish’ sister Kat finds a date as well. The solution? Hire a suitor. Based On: Buena Vista Pictures Based on: The Comedy of Errors Big Business (1988) My Own Private Idaho (1991) Based on: Henry IV and Henry V Based on KING HENRY IV View this image › Buena Vista Pictures Based on: King Lear A Thousand Acres (1997) Based on KING LEAR View this image › Miramax Films Based on: A Midsummer Night’s Dream Get Over It (2001) based on A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM View this image › Summit Entertainment Based on: Romeo and Juliet Warm Bodies (2013) based on ROMEO AND JULIET 'My Kingdom' (2001) Based on "King Lear" "Macbeth" set in a Scottish restaurant Taking Leave (a play) based on KING LEAR You have been assigned to work in a particular group You have been assigned to work with a particular Shakespearean play You will need to participate daily in order to receive a grade Shyness, Like or Dislike – does not matter at this point. Group Work Assignment Steps for this assignment: Days 1 & 2: Skim through the entire play, including the character list Write down & define any unknown words Find a reliable summary/synopsis of the play. Days 3 & 4: Read the entire play together. Take notes as you read – whatever you feel will be helpful. Days 5 & 6: Find and watch a BBC or PBS version of the assigned play Take notes as you watch – How close to the play is the production? What are the costume choices? What are the set/scenery choices? How long is the production? Steps for this assignment: Days 7 - 9: Create the assigned play as a modern day “Soap Opera” – an ongoing, detailed show about characters interacting with one another and their actions/reactions to various situations. Characters must have a modern day job. Setting must be in modern day times. Days 10 & 11: Perform the most important Act of your Modern Day adaptation of the assigned play. Props, Costumes, etc. are necessary Audience will take notes on the performance. Grades will be based on participation, attention, attitude and end product.