Fahrenheit 451 Character Six

Fahrenheit 451
Character Six-Word Memoirs
As a final assignment for the book, I would like you to put yourself in the shoes of the main
characters and develop meaningful six-word memoir slides for each one. In addition, I would like you to
come up with a song that you believe embodies the themes, tone, and mood of the book as a whole.
You will either add the song to your power point presentation or you can play it from your phone/I-pod
during your presentation.
Each of the following characters needs a slide (memoir, font choice, background photo):
Clarisse, Montag, Mildred, Beatty, Faber, Granger, and the Mechanical Hound.
PLEASE go beyond the surface and think about the characters’ desires, motivations, fears,
dreams, etc…
The slide show should play on its own. Use custom animation and transitions to present and
sync up your slides.
The project is worth 20 points (2 points per slide, 2 points for presentation and 4 points for
creative song choice). Due Monday, March 10.
Fahrenheit 451
Character Six-Word Memoirs
As a final assignment for the book, I would like you to put yourself in the shoes of the main
characters and develop meaningful six-word memoir slides for each one. In addition, I would like you to
come up with a song that you believe embodies the themes, tone, and mood of the book as a whole.
You will either add the song to your power point presentation or you can play it from your phone/I-pod
during your presentation.
Each of the following characters needs a slide (memoir, font choice, background photo):
Clarisse, Montag, Mildred, Beatty, Faber, Granger, and the Mechanical Hound.
PLEASE go beyond the surface and think about the characters’ desires, motivations, fears,
dreams, etc…
The slide show should play on its own. Use custom animation and transitions to present and
sync up your slides.
The project is worth 20 points (2 points per slide, 2 points for presentation and 4 points for
creative song choice). Due Monday, March 10.