_&_ __________________________________________ 484 W. 43rd St. Suite 5M, New York, NY 10036 Phone: 917-378-9555 Fax: 212-279-3132 AlphaAndOmegaTheater@yahoo.com TEACHER’S GUIDE © 2011 Domenic Guastaferro (Note: Please read the synopsis of the show on the “Home” page. Also, if you have purchased the performance, the author gives permission to download or copy this for educational purposes. Please feel free to modify this template for the grade levels you are teaching. Any suggestions are welcome.) The following may be used to prepare your students for this show or to evaluate what they have learned after seeing it. It includes Questions and Answers as well as an evaluation section. The company will be very delighted to hear from you, your students and the administration by offering comments to us. Thank you for being a part of this exciting adventure into the biblical learning of our Lord’s teachings. QUESTIONS THE TRAVELING TROUPE OF THESPIAN THEOLOGIZERS, SINGERS AND CIRCUS COMPANY/MYSTERY OF THE PARABLE 1. What is a TRAVELING TROUPE? 2. What is a THESPIAN? 3. What is THEOLOGY? 4. What is a THESPIAN THEOLOGIZER? 5. What is the purpose of this Troupe? 6. What were some of the circus acts that were performed? 7. How did they differ before and after the performers knew the Lord? THE MYSTERY OF THE PARABLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Why do we hear and see God’s word and still not understand? How does Jesus say He will change this situation? In what way will He do this? How will the children be blessed by God in this way? Why do we need to have Faith? What is Faith? WHAT IS A PARABLE? 1. What is a Parable? 2. How do you spell it? THE PARABLE OF THE SEED SOWER (* Questions asked in the show) 1. What happened to the seeds that fell by the road? 2. What happened to the seeds that fell on the rocky soil? 3. What happened to the seeds that fell among the thorns? 4. What happened to the seeds that landed on good soil? *5. Who is the Sower? *6. The seed represented what? *7. The devil was stealing the seed and was represented as a what? *8. The “trials” was said to be the what? *9. The thorns were said to be what? *10. The good soil was said to be what? *11. We’re called to bear much what? THE PARABLE OF THE WEEDS AMONG THE WHEAT (* Questions asked in the show) 1. Why did the landowner allow the weeds to grow with the wheat? *2. Who was the seed sower? *3. The field is seen as the what? *4. The children of God’s kingdom are which seeds? *5. The children of the devil are which seeds? *6. Who snuck in and planted the bad seeds? *7. The harvest is at the end of the what? *8. Are the gatherers the angels? 9. Does God shower his blessings on the good and bad alike? 10. Do we have to make a choice to follow good or evil? 11. What does it take to follow God? THE PARABLE OF MUSTARD SEED 1. Jesus said that we could do so much, if we have faith the size of a what? THE PARABLES OF THE HIDDEN TREASURE, A COSTLY PEARL, THE FISHNET (*Questions asked in the show) 1. Name 3 other parables in this show which illustrate what the kingdom of heaven is like: *2. Is the kingdom of heaven easy to find? *3. Is it like a hidden treasure? *4. How much did the person sell to buy the place where the treasure was hidden? *5. How much did the merchant sell to buy the priceless pearl? *6. Who is the kingdom of heaven? *7. Where does he live? *8. Can the Lord live within us if we invite him in? 9. Who should we be like if we want to enter the kingdom of heaven? THE PARABLE OF THE TALENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Who does the father represent in this story? What are the 3 talents given to the children? In the days of Jesus what did a “talent” stand for? What did Jesus say would happen to those who do not use their talents? 5. And to those who use their talents? THE PARABLE OF THE LOST COIN 1. Who could the woman who lost the one coin be compared to? 2. What is a sinner? 3. What does repent mean? THE PARABLE OF THE DINNER GUESTS 1. In what way is this parable similar to Jesus’ parable of the people invited to his dinner party but finding excuses the do not come. 2. The father likens this situation to Jesus story by reminding her of what? THE PARABLE OF PRIDE AND HUMILITY 1. Whose prayer do you think God will listen to? 2. What comes before a fall? ANSWERS THE TRAVELING TROUPE OF THESPIAN THEOLOGIZERS, SINGERS AND CIRCUS COMPANY 1. A group of performers who perform in different locations. 2. An actor 3. The study of God 4. An Actor who likes to talk about God. 5. “To share our talents and help you grow wiser singing ‘bout the Lord from Galilee, who came from heaven.” Also, “Proclaiming God’s word.” 6. Juggling, climbing, acrobatics, clowning, “weight lifting,” “Tight rope walking.” 7. The juggler could pay his bills properly; The person climbing on top of people to go higher in life, learned to work with people; the clown who was hurt by harsh words from the juggler and forced to fall away, was brought together with him in forgiveness by a third clown; The two clowns who fell off of the “tight rope by bumping into each other, learned to stay balanced by holding on to one another; the weight lifter was able to lift “the heavy burden of life” through the supportive prayers of the cast; the 2 clowns who foolishly “hit on each other” with a slap stick, learned to get along by hugging each other. THE MYSTERY OF THE PARABLE 1. Because our hearts are dull and do not trust and love 2. He will lull our hearts with His love from above 3. He will open His mouth and peak in Parables and utter hidden things (sayings) since time immemorial. 4. Their eyes and ears will be open and they will receive the gift of Faith 5. Without Faith we cannot please God 6. Faith is the evidence of things unseen and the hope of things to come WHAT IS A PARABLE? 1. A Goodly, Godly story 2. P-A-R-A-B-L-E THE PARABLE OF THE SEED SOWER 1. The birds ate them 2. They grew up immediately, but were burned up by the sun because their roots were not deep. 3. They were choked out 4. They yielded a crop of 100, 60 and 30 fold 5. Jesus 6. Word 7. Bird 8. Sun 9. Money & Cares 10. Faith 11. Fruit THE PARABLE OF THE WEEDS AMONG THE WHEAT 1. Because if the weeds were pulled up they might take up the wheat with them. 2. Jesus 3. World 4. Good 5. Bad 6. The devil 7. World 8. Yes 9. Yes 10. Yes 11. Faith THE PARABLE OF MUSTARD SEED 1. A Mustard Seed THE PARABLES OF THE HIDDEN TREASURE, A COSTLY PEARL, THE FISHNET 1. The hidden treasure, A costly pearl, A fishnet 2. No 3. Yes 4. Everything 5. All 6. Jesus 7. In heaven 8. Yes 9. Little children THE PARABLE OF THE TALENTS 1. God 2. Singing, Acting and Dancing 3. Money 4. What little they have will be taken from them and given to others. 5. More will be given to them THE PARABLE OF THE LOST COIN 1. The angels in heaven who rejoice over one lost sinner who repents 2. One who does not obey God’s Commandments 3. To ask forgiveness for not obeying God’s commandments and sinning THE PARABLE OF THE DINNER GUESTS 1. The birthday girl’s friends do the same thing to her. 2. That many are called but few chose to accept the invitation THE PARABLE OF PRIDE AND HUMILITY 1. The humble one 2. Pride Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this document by any means including photocopying is an infringement of copyright