Labo: Lección 4 Nombre:______________________________________ Vocabulario 1. Review ch 4 vocab: 2. Match the Spanish and English definitions to make the words disappear: 3. Vocab matching and fill in: 4. Go to and type the vocab term that you hear. Don’t forget accents! 5. On Quizlet, you may also try the other vocab activities, if they help you. 6. Go to In the left-hand column, click “Spanish Vocab (book).” Scroll down to #158: “Breaking the Spanish Barrier Level 2 Lección 4.” Click “New Interactive Games.” Play Memory with 24 cards. Presente Perfecto (H…O) 7. Review the REVV MAC participles: 8. Match the participle with the verb: 9. Play Gravity—Type in the infinitive from which the participle comes: 10. Go to and play Battleship with the present perfect. (Ojo! Read the answers carefully!) [If the box turns orange, it means you have answered incorrectly and need to repeat it again.] 11. Go to and complete the activity with the present perfect tense. Click “correct” after each set of 8 to see how you did. Correct any errors. 12. Go to and fill in with the present perfect. Participios Pasados como Adjetivos (Participle matches the subject) 13. Go to and fill in with past participles about the good and the bad of our planet. 14. Fill in with the past participle: (this should look familiar!) 15. Match the participle to its meaning: 16. Practice quiz (some adjectves, some past participles): 17. Go to fill in with the present perfect tense (-ado, -ido) or the participle as an adjective (-ada, -idos, etc.) Preview: Ser v. Estar 18. Ser/Estar: 19. Go to and play Battleship with ser vs. estar. 20. Go to In the left-hand column, click “Spanish Grammar.” Scroll down to #46: Ser vs. Estar #1. Complete the activity and click “check” at the end. Go back and fix any errors. 21. Go to and complete the ser vs. estar practice. 22. Go to and practice some more! ¡Hablen! Call a friend and quiz each other. Persona A Persona B a. the broken medal a. the combed hair b. a lost champion (f) b. a returned book c. some learned words in French c. some returned shoes d. a written title d. a fried meatball e. the played videogame e. the opened door f. f. a dead hairdresser (f) the washed shirts g. The phrase is said. g. Some words are spoken. h. An instrument is played. h. Some legs are broken. i. a loved girl i. a made bed j. ¿Has pasado mucho tiempo en una isla? ¿Cuál? j. ¿Planchas tu cabello a veces? k. ¿Quién es un jugador de béisbol famoso? k. ¿Cuántas flores hay en una docena? l. l. ¿Te gusta sentarte en una silla rota? ¿Están encendidas todas las luces de la clase? m. ¿Está hecha tu tarea para mañana? m. ¿Has comido alguna vez una pizza quemada?