to do or __________ to make The French verb faire means _______ First conjugate faire Infinitive - ________________ Je Nous fais Tu fais Il/elle fait faisons Vous faites Ils/elles font Faire with the meaning of “to make” Je fais un sandwich. I make a sandwich ____________________________________ Tu fais une offre. You-s make an offer (offre-f) ____________________________ Il fait une suggestion. He makes a suggestion ________________________________ Elle fait un effort. She makes an effort ___________________________________ Faire with the meaning of “to do” Nous faisons les devoirs. We do the homework __________________________________ Vous faites le travail. You-pl do the work (travail-m) ___________________________ They-m do the dishes (la vaiselle) ________________________ Ils font la vaiselle. font le ménage. They-f do the housework (ménage-m) Elles _____________________ DO NOT GET MIXED UP WITH HELPING VERBS Helping verbs are usually used TOGETHER with main verbs. They "help" the main verb which has the real meaning. When DO (does) “helps” the real verb it conveys emphasis in the present tense. I do want you to succeed. He does really study hard. You do look handsome. THE DO/DOES ARE HELPING VERBS AND ARE NOT TRANSLATED USING FAIRE. Faire is one of the most common French verbs because it is used in many, many expressions. Often the translation does not necessarily have “to do” or “to make” in English. Faire un match (p110) Faire une promenade Faire un voyage Faire attention I play a game of volleyball. Je fais un match de volleyball. Tu fais une promenade. He takes a trip to Nice. Il fait un voyage à Nice. You go for a walk. We pay attention. Nous faisons attention. Ready to differentiate between to do, to make and the helping verb? We make a salad. Nous faisons une salade. Nous chantons bien. Y’all make three pizzas. Vous faites trois pizzas. We do sing well. Y’all do dance on Saturdays. Vous dancez le samedi. They-f do the homework. Elles font les devoirs. They do like the book. Ils aiment le livre. I do work on weekends. Je travaille le weekend. I do the dishes on weekends. Je fais la vaiselle le weekend. She does swim in winter. Elle nage en hiver. She does the annoying housework. Elle fait le ménage pénible.