
ACT V Scene I - Before Olivia’s house.
1. Why does the Clown believe he is “the better for my foes and the worse for my friends”?
2. What does Viola mean when she says, “Here comes the man, sir, that did rescue me”?
Why does the Duke think Antonio must be a madman?
3. At what point in this scene do you think the Duke realizes that Olivia is interested in
4. Once the Duke realizes he has lost Olivia’s love to Viola/Cesario, he threatens to kill
Olivia. What does he decide to do instead? Why do you think Viola willingly goes with
the Duke?
5. What do Sir Toby’s remarks to Aguecheek show?
6. How does Viola come to realize that Sebastian really is her brother?
How does Olivia respond to the news that she is married to Sebastian and not to
Cesario? What does the Duke do once he realizes Viola/Cesario is a woman in disguise?
8. Define “durance.” In what way does Shakespeare cleverly work Malvolio back into the plot?
9. What reward does Maria receive for her part in the joke on Malvolio?
10. What does Fabian suggest, as a possible remedy for Malvolio’s mistreatment? How does
Malvolio react to the speech?
How with a sportful malice it was follow’d
May rather pluck on laughter than revenge;
If that the injuries be justly weigh’d
That have on both sides pass’d.
11. Why do you think Shakespeare ends the play with a song sung by the Clown? In what
way does it support the overall theme that it is important to laugh at the confusion and
foolishness in life?
12. Identify the speaker of each of the following quotes from Act V:
a. “Truly, sir, the better for my foes and the worse for my friends.”
b. “More than I love these eyes, more than my life,
More, by all mores, than e’er I shall love wife.”
c. “O thou dissembling cub! what wilt thou be,
When time hath sow’d a grizzle on thy case?”
d. “Madam, you have done me wrong,”
e. “Why, ‘some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness
thrown upon them.”