Unit 5 Reproductive System Study Guide

Unit 5 Reproductive System Study Guide
Female Reproductive
1. List the structures of the female reproductive tract. Uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries.
2. Summarize the function of each structure.
3. Which structure houses the immature egg and eventually ruptures to release it? Follicle
4. What hormone stimulates the follicle to mature each month? Follicle stimulating hormone
5. The rupturing of the follicle which occurs about mid cycle every 28 days is referred to as? Ovulation
6. Which hormone spikes stimulating the rupture of the follicle? Luteinizing Hormone
7. List the phases of the menstrual cycle and a short description of each. Days 1-5 Menstruation and increase in
estrogen production. Days 6-14 Proliferative phase endometrium increases and a spike in LH causes the
follicle to rupture at the end of this phase. Days 15-28 Secretory phase progesterone increases to prepare
uterus to sustain embryo, if egg is not fertilized the corpus luteum degenerates.
8. Which hormone is responsible for maintaining the thickness of the uterine lining? Progesterone
9. In which structure is an egg fertilized? Fallopian tube
10. Where does the egg migrate after fertilization? Toward the uterus
Male Reproductive
11. List the structures of the male reproductive tract. Testes, epididymis, vas deferens, urethra
12. Summarize the function of each structure. Testes produce sperm, Epididymis matures sperm, Vas Deferens is
a pathway for sperm to the urethra, Urethra is a pathway for urine and sperm to exit the penis.
13. Where are sperm cells produced? Testies
14. Where do sperm cells mature? Epididymis
15. What 3 structures play a role in secreting the components of semen? Bulbourethral gland, prostate, and
seminal vesicles
16. Summarize the function of each gland that secretes a component of semen. Bulbourethral gland produces
thick clear mucus that drains into the urethra when a man first becomes sexually excited. Prostate is a
doughnut shaped gland that encircles the urethra and secretes a milky fluid that activates sperm. Seminal
vesicles produce seminal fluid (60% of semen) that is thick, yellow and rich in sugar and prostaglandins to
nourish and activate sperm.
17. What is the purpose/function of semen? Transportation of sperm, nourishment of sperm, and lubrication of
the urethra.
18. What type of muscular contraction is responsible for the propulsion of semen through the urethra? Peristalsis
Pregnancy and Fetal Development
19. A fertilized egg is called a _Zygote____.
20. What is cleavage? Series of rapid cell divisions
21. When does cleavage begin? After fertilization
22. Why does cleavage result in small cells? It occurs to rapidly for cells to grow before the next divisions take
23. After fertilization through week 8 the baby is referred to an ___embryo________.
24. Put the following developmental events in correct sequence 1-4.
a. _____2______ Head is dominant, blood cells are forming, limbs and digits are well formed.
b. _____3______ Face looks human; body is beginning to outgrow head; proximal bones are distinct
c. _____1______Head is as large as the body; digits are webbed; ossification just beginning
d. _____4______ Body is well proportioned; distal limb bones begin to ossify
25. What type of pregnancy results in the zygote implanting somewhere other than the uterus? Ectopic
26. How are identical twins conceived? One sperm fertilizes one egg
Child Development, Puberty and Aging
27. In what stages of a woman’s life does she possess ova? In utero, childhood, puberty, and adulthood
28. What main developmental change occurs during childhood? Growth
29. What important reflex found in infants is affected by a cleft palate and why? Suck reflex because skull bones
do not fuse properly.
30. During what stage of development in a person’s life do the reproductive organs become functional? Puberty
31. What hormones play a role in the onset of puberty? Estrogen and Testosterone
32. An aging male would have a decline in what hormone? Testosterone
33. How does a decline in testosterone affect sperm? Sperm become less active
34. An aging woman would have a decline in what hormone? Estrogen
35. Circle One: The decline of estrogen causes ovulation to (continue/stop) and menstruation to
36. Which procedure is done on males to stop the passing of sperm through the vas deferens? Vasectomy