Social Studies Research Paper You will be conducting a research paper this semester. The project will require you to select a modern day issue with opposing viewpoints. You will research this issue, take a stance on it, and prove your stance in both a paper and an individual presentation to your peers. DO NOT LOSE THIS PACKET! It has important dates, deadlines and requirements for you to successfully complete this paper. Topic Choices You may choose your from the list below or choose your own topic pending teacher approval. If you are having trouble with a topic, please see me for help! Smoking (Tobacco) Gun Control Global Warming Animal Rights Death Penalty Welfare Obesity Drunk Driving Immigration UFOs Military Draft Gay Marriage Cloning Drinking Age Birth Control Pollution Abortion Affirmative Action Requirements Your paper must include the following: 1. Title page w/ topic, name, date, period. 2. Paper must be 3-5 pages (Does NOT include the title or reference pages!), double-spaced, Times New Roman font (12 pt.) and the page number must be in the top, right-hand corner. 3. One inch margins (To change, click “File”, “Page Setup” and change all margins to 1 inch). 4. Reference page (APA Formated) 5. 5-10 in-text citations from your research. Your research must include the following: 1. Your sources MUST include at least ONE book source! (NO encyclopedias) 2. You MAY NOT use,,,, or any online encyclopedias! Due Dates (Subject to Change) Thesis Friday, May 4th Outline Tuesday, May 8th Source Note Cards Friday, May 11th Works Cited Page Tuesday, May 15th Rough Draft Wednesday, May 16th Final Draft Friday, May 18th (DUE DATE) Presentations Begin: Monday, May 21st Thesis Statement A thesis statement is a roadmap for the reader; it tells the reader what to expect throughout the rest of the paper. It is usually a single sentence somewhere in your first paragraph that presents your argument to the reader. It is important that your thesis capture the reader’s attention. It should be specific to what the body of your paper will address. Examples: The North and South fought the Civil War for many reasons, some of which were the same and some different. or While both sides fought the Civil War over the issue of slavery, the North fought for moral reasons while the South fought to preserve its own institutions. or While both Northerners and Southerners believed they fought against tyranny and oppression, Northerners focused on the oppression of slaves while Southerners defended their own right to self-government. Which of the three is the best thesis? Why? Information from Outline In order to have a well-organized paper, you need to create a working outline of the material you will be addressing throughout the paper. An outline details what your final paper will look like. In addition, an outline can help you to organize your thoughts and help you to see obstacles that you may encounter when researching or writing your paper. Example: The Stock Market Crash of 1929 I. Causes of crash A. Stock value doubled 1925-29 B. Speculators bought on credit C. Stock values became worthless II. Events of 10/29/29 A. Blue chip stocks fell 50% B. Buyers panicked and sold C. Losses totaled $26 billion III. Effects of crash A. Speculators lost savings B. Banks ran out of money C. Unemployment rose D. People became homeless Source Note Cards Source Note cards will help you organize the places you get your information from. In addition, you will be able to organize the information from each source you wish to use in your paper. Books- Author/Editor complete name, title, name/location of publisher, copyright date. Magazines/Newspapers- Author’s complete name, article name, name/date of magazine/newspaper, pg. #. Internet- Name of site, date info was retrieved, web address. Examples: Book Source #1 Higgins, M. (1985). A Robot in Every Home. Oakland: Kennsington. Magazine/Newspaper Article Source #2 Douglas, C. (1985). Robotic Soul. Omni , 66-69. Internet Source #3 The Civil War Home Page. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2012, from The Civil War Official Website: Works Cited Page and Citations Add a new citation and source to a document When you add a new citation to a document, you also create a new source that will appear in the bibliography. 1. On the References tab, in the Citations & Bibliography group, click the arrow next to Style. 2. Click the style that you want to use for the citation and source. For example, social studies documents will use the APA style for citations and sources. 3. Click at the end of the sentence or phrase that you want to cite. 4. On the References tab, in the Citations & Bibliography group, click Insert Citation. 5. Do one of the following: To add the source information, click Add New Source. 6. Begin to fill in the source information by clicking the arrow next to Type of source. For example, your source might be a book, a report, or a Web site. 7. Fill in the bibliography information for the source. To add more information about a source, click the Show All Bibliography Fields check box. Create a Bibliography You can create a bibliography at any point after you insert one or more sources in a document. If you don't have all of the information that you need about a source to create a complete citation, you can use a placeholder citation, and then complete the source information later. Click where you want to insert a bibliography, usually at the end of the document. 1. On the References tab, in the Citations & Bibliography group, click Bibliography. 3. Click a predesigned bibliography format to insert the bibliography into the document. Final Draft Your final draft is due on Friday, May 18th. Please submit the attached rubric with your paper. Presentations Presentations will begin on Monday, May 21st. Volunteers will be taken first, followed by an alphabetical order for presentations. Follow the presentation rubric below to help you prepare your presentations. World History Research Paper Skills Grade Sheet Name of Student: Topic: __________________________ ______________________________________________ 1. Parent Letter Signature Due 5/2/12 *Signed & handed in on time 2. Topic Choice Due 5/2/12 *Preliminary Topic research (10 pts) _______ *Topic checked with Mr. Elsasser 3. Thesis *Handed in on time *Relevant to topic & research *Properly formatted/typed (15 pts) _______ *Handed in on time *Properly formatted/typed (30 pts) _______ Due 5/4/12 4. Paper Outline (5 pts) _______ Due 5/8/12 5. Collection of Sources Due 5/11/12 *Sources handed in on time (20 pts) _______ *Diversity of sources *Two primary source included *At least five sources total *One book source *Source cards submitted 6. Final Works Cited Page (Bibliography) Due 5/15/12 *Handed in on time *Properly formatted/typed * APA Format (10 pts) _______ 7. Rough Draft/ In Class Peer Editing *Handed in on time *Includes works cited page *In-text citations (10 pts) _______ Due 5/16/12 Total Points: ______/100 pts. Category Requirements In-Text Citations Organization Mechanics Quality of Information Argument Conclusion Works Cited Page Social Studies Research Paper Rubric 10-9 8-7 6-5 4 or less Paper is 3-5 pages, Times New Roman Font (12 pt.), doublespaced, 1 in. margins, pages numbered. Paper is 2-4 pages, Times New Roman Font (12 pt.), doublespaced, 1 in. margins, pages numbered. Paper is 1-3 pages, Times New Roman Font (12 pt.), doublespaced, 1 in. margins pages numbered. Paper does not meet page, font, and other requirements. Paper has 6-10 in-text citations. Uses a variety of sources and cites using APA format. Paper has 4-8 in-text citations. Uses a variety of sources and cites using APA format. Paper has 2-4 in-text citations. Limited use of sources and cites using APA format. Paper has 2 or less intext citations. Limited sources or doesn’t use APA format. Information is very organized with wellconstructed paragraphs and subheadings. Information is organized with wellconstructed paragraphs. Information is organized, but paragraphs are not well-constructed. The information appears to be disorganized. No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors A few grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples. Information clearly relates to the main topic. It provides 3-4 supporting details and/or examples. Information clearly relates to the main topic. 1-2 details and/or examples are given. Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic. The research paper clearly demonstrates understanding of the topic and the ability to support a thesis with relevant information. The research paper demonstrates understanding of the topic and the ability to support a thesis with information. The research paper demonstrates some understanding of the topic and/or the ability to support a thesis with information. Conclusion clearly summarizes the main points of the paper and accurately ties back to the thesis statement. Conclusion summarizes the main points of the paper and ties back to the thesis statement. Conclusion somewhat summarizes the main points of the paper and vaguely ties back to the thesis statement. The research paper demonstrates little/no understanding of the topic and/or the ability to support a thesis with relevant information. Conclusion does not summarize the main points of the paper and does not tie back to the thesis statement. Correctly formatted using APA APA formatted with some minor mistakes APA formatted with major mistakes or missing information Did not use APA format or missing completely Total Points Earned: _____/80 Grade: _____ Teacher Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ World History Research Presentation Grade Sheet 1. Technique Length of Presentation ____________________________/5 Mins Eye Contact ____________________________ Introduction / Conclusion ___________________________ Voice Projection ____________________________ Body Language ____________________________ Technique Total: _____ (25 pts.) 2. Content a) States and Supports Thesis ________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ b) Effective Use of Picture(s) /Chart(s) /Graph(s) ________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ c) Check for Audience Understanding (3 questions posed to the audience) _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Content Total: _____ (15 pts.) 3. Presentation Materials a) PowerPoint or Poster board display - Summary of findings and evidence - Pictures/graphs/charts ______/10 pts. b) Index cards with info. for Presentation ______/5 pts. c) Index cards with 3 questions for audience ______/5 pts. Presentation Materials Total: ______ (20 pts.) Total Presentation Points: ______/60 Pts