Grappling with Global Change The Pedagogical Challenge of the 21st Century McCaffrey, M., Berbeco, M. (National Center for Science Education), White, L. (UC Berkeley Museum of Paleontology), Stuhlsatz, M. (BSCS) Planetary Boundaries Source: IGBP-modified from Rockström et al. (2009). • Launched in 2004 as collaboration between UC Museum of Paleontology and NCSE • Averages 1.3 million page accesses a month during school year • 5,000 to 15,000 page requests per month for Evolution in the News Understanding Global Change what we know and how we know it In developmentLaunch of 2015 Global Change 101 Defining what is meant by global change Describing past and present global change Examine how human activities have become a "force of nature” impacting Earth's spheres and systems. • Resulting biotic impact and responses • Measuring and identifying causes of global change. • A comparison of rates of change through time. • How we know what we know. The Resource Library Engaging interactives for multiple audiences Research profiles on scientists engaged in global change research Stories that provide a human dimension and help demystify the research process Minda Berbeco SF Rocks Charles Marshall Timeline Needs assessment (2013) Advisory board meetings (2013) Development of website(2013-15) Workshop- Understanding Global Change (2014) Summative evaluation (2015) Dissemination (2015) Needs Assessment Professional Level Middle School 16% 23% High School 2-year College 4-year College 12% Informal Science 6% 43% Subject Areas Taught Physics Chemistry Environmental Earth Sciences Biology General 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Middle School High School 2-year college 4-year college How long have you held your current position? 6% 23% 18% One year or less 2-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 14% 15-20 years 23% Over 20 years 16% Over half +10 years in current position What materials do you use to teach about global change or climate change? Textbooks Other Books Videos Articles 20% 25% 10% 21% 24% Websites How often do you use the internet to access teaching resources? Not at all Informal Education One to Two times a year Once a month Every few weeks Once a week Four-Year Colleges Once a day or more Two-Year Colleges High School Middle School 0% 50% 100% Did your professional development on Global Change include the following? 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Climate or Oceans Fresh Atmosphere Water Terrestrial Arctic Urban Biodiversity After professional development, did your confidence increase? 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Climate or Oceans Fresh Atmosphere Water Terrestrial Arctic Urban Biodiversity Who has encouraged you to NOT teach about climate change? 30% Only 9.8% report being encouraged NOT to teach about climate change 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Parents Students Administrators Other Teachers Community Members Who has encouraged you to NOT teach about climate change? Informal Science Two & Fouryear colleges Parents Students Administrators Other Teachers High School Community Members Middle School 0% 50% 100% Who has encouraged you to teach "both sides“? 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Parents Students Administrators Other Teachers Community Members Did any of these groups encourage you to "teach both sides" of the climate change issue? If so, which ones? Parents Students Administrators Other Teachers Community Members Informal Science Two & Fouryear colleges High School Middle School 0% 50% 100% What would help you to teach more effectively about global change? 20% 29% Increasing Content Knowledge Learning teaching Strategies Learning about teaching resources 30% 21% A community network to share ideas What would help you to teach more effectively about global change? Increasing Content Knowledge Informal Education Learning teaching Strategies Learning about teaching resources A community network to share ideas 4-year College 2-year College High School Middle School 0% 50% 100% How important do you think it is for students to learn about climate change? Not important Informal Education A little important Somewhat important Important Four-Year Colleges Very Important Two-Year Colleges High School Middle School 0% 50% 100% How important do you think it is for students to learn about global change? Not important Informal Education A little important Somewhat important Four-Year Colleges Important Very Important Two-Year Colleges High School Middle School 0% 50% 100% My students are interested in environmental impacts that occur at the local level. Strongly Disagree Informal Education Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Four-Year Colleges Agree Strongly Agree Two-Year Colleges High School Middle School 0% 50% 100% My students are interested in learning about solutions or responses to human impacts on earth systems. Strongly Disagree Disagree Informal Education Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Four-Year Colleges Strongly Agree Two-Year Colleges High School Middle School 0% 50% 100% Observations Interest is strong in global change topics but content knowledge often lacking. Presenting “both sides” is less prevalent than prior surveys but still an issue. Some teachers themselves doubt climate change or are concerned that it is highly politicized. Plenty of work to be done! Understanding Global Change what we know and how we know it