
Information Assurance Policy
Danny Lungstrom
Senthil Somasundaram
Overview of Security
Goals of IT Security – CIA Triad
CIA Triad
Ref: Security In Computing - Charles Pfleeger
Confidentiality Defined
Confidentiality ensures that computer-related assets
are accessed only by authorized parties. That is, only
those who should have access to something will
actually get that access. Access means not only
reading but includes viewing, printing (or) simply
knowing that a particular asset exists. Also known
sometime as secrecy (or) privacy.
Ref: Security In Computing - Charles Pfleeger
Types Of Risk
Legal Risks
Financial Risks
Loss of trust
Operational Risks
Numerous costs involved including losing customer's
trust, legal fees, fines
Reputational Risks
Fines, liability lawsuits, criminal prosecution
Failed internal processes – insider trading, unethical
practices, etc.
Strategic Risks
Financial institutions future, mergers, etc.
Threats to Confidentiality
Access to confidential information by any unauthorized person
Intercepted data transfers
Physical loss of data
Privileged access of confidential information by employees
Social engineered methods to gain confidential information
Unauthorized access to physical records
Transfer of confidential information to unauthorized third parties
Compromised machine where attacker is able to access data thought to be
Threats in the Case Study
Scheduling information regarding national level speakers/sensitive private
meetings highly restricted
Concerns over unauthorized access as a result of leaks – includes leaks to
press as well as opposition/protest groups
Concerns over “leaks” via IT from opposition groups within the national
Loss of trust in decisions made at event
– Can include public exposure of sensitive data
Loss of privacy, yielding decreased impact on event, decreased participation
with organization
– Individuals of prominence can lose privacy – can include a physical security risk
(schedules, timetables, etc.)
– Such a loss may not directly impact event – impact delayed
– Can result in loss of Sponsorship, financial support, public perception of competence
Threats from Case Study
Common theme: leaking private data
Strict access controls are crucial to protecting
the confidential information
Those who should have access to the
confidential information should be clearly
These people must sign a very clear confidentiality
Should understand importance of keeping the
information private
Financial Importance
Financial losses due to loss of trade secrets
According to Computer Security Institute's 6th
“Computer Crime and Security Survey”
“the most serious financial losses occurred through theft
of proprietary information”
34 respondents reported losses
of $151,230,100
That's $4.5 million per company in 1 year!!!
Trade Secrets
As name implies, must be kept secret
No registration/approval or standard procedure
Somewhat protected if company takes measures to
ensure its privacy
Quick and easy
No formal process, just ensure only those that
should know about it do
Limited protection
Not protected against reverse engineering or
obtaining the secret by “honest” means
Trade Secrets (2)
Why trade secrets?
Filing for a patent makes the information public
How to protect
Enforce confidentiality agreements
Label all information as “Confidential” for the courts
How long do trade secrets remain secret?
Average is 4 to 5 years
Expected to decrease in the future with
advancements in reverse engineering processes
Best Kept Trade Secrets
Coca-Cola decided to keep its formula secret, decades ago!
Only known to a few people within the company
Stored in the vault of a bank in Atlanta
The few that know the formula have signed very explicit
confidentiality agreements
Rumor has it, those that know the formula are not allowed to
travel together
If Coca-cola instead patented the syrup formula, everyone could
be making it today
KFC's 11 secret herbs and spices
Phishing Scams
Tricking people into providing malicious
users with their private/financial
Financial losses to consumers:
$500 million to $2.4 billion per year
depending on source
15 percent of people that have visited a
spoofed website have parted with
private/personal data, much of the time
including credit card, checking account,
and social security numbers
Phising Example
Help Protect Yourself
Don't use links from emails for sites where
personal/financial information is to be disclosed
Browse to the website yourself
Use spam filtering to avoid much of the mess
Check for HTTPS and a padlock on bottom bar
Don't solely rely on
Educate yourself about the risks!
Check your credit report periodically
Legal Requirements
Gramm-Leach Bliley
Confidentiality/Non-disclosure Agreements
ISP/Google subpoenaed examples
Numerous regulations on access
to a person's health information
Ensure patient access to records
Allow them to modify inaccuracies
Written consent required to disclose
Ensure not used for non-medical
purposes (job screening, loans,
Proper employee training on
respecting confidentiality of patients
What HIPAA Doesn't Do
Does not restrict what info can
be collected, person just has to
be informed
Doesn't require extremely high
levels of privacy during medical
visits, just reasonable
Some sort of barrier (curtains)
No public conversations
Secure documents
No post-it note passwords
Gramm-Leach Bliley Act
Protection for consumer's personal financial
All financial institutions must have a policy in place
that identifies how information will be protected
Must also identify foreseeable threats in security
and data integrity
Gramm-Leach Bliley Act (2)
Financial Privacy rule
Institution must inform individuals as to any
information collected, the purpose of the
collection, and what is going to be done with it
The individual may refuse
Safeguards rule
Security policy portion of act, as described earlier
Pretexting Protection (social-engineering)
Institutions must take measures to protect against
social-engineering, phishing, etc.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Instructor regulations
Cannot provide a child's grade to anyone other than
child/parent (no websites)
Cannot share info on child's behavior at school except
to parents
Cannot share info on child's homelife
Child's instructor must do the grading, not a volunteer or
someone else
ISPs Subpoenaed
What rights do ISP subscribers have
to confidentiality?
ISPs being forced to turn over names
Verizon vs. RIAA
User vs. Comcast
Verizon won the appeal
Comcast gets sued from both ends
RIAA vs. Grandma
83 year old Gertrude – shared over
over 700 rock/rap songs, but...
RIAA decides to drop case...
Blames time it takes to get user info
DoJ vs. User Privacy
COPA (Children's Online
Protection Act)
DoJ subpeonaed nearly all major
ISPs and search engines
Search engines required to turn
over searches
Google says this could link back to
specific users
demanded production of "[a]ll
queries that have been entered on
[Google's] search engine between
June 1, 2005 and July 31, 2005"
Google vs. DoJ
Is Google only pretending to care?
Only fighting the subpoenas in order to better
reputation with the public?
“Google's on our side”
But, they mine an enormous amount of data on
anyone that uses any of their services
Protecting their own trade secrets
Bigger Problem
These enormous databases exist
ChoicePoint forced to pay $15 million by FTC
163,000 consumer's information stolen from their
If anyone gets ahold of any portion of these databases,
they have an unimaginable wealth of private information
on an endless amount of people
Names, SSNs, credit history, employment history, etc.
Led to at least 800 cases of identity theft
Giant Eagle Example
Giant Eagle's Loyalty Program
Nearly 4 million active users in 2005
User's purchases at both the grocery store and gas
station are knowingly monitored, but still 4 million
think the invasion of privacy is worth the savings
Can even link the card to fuel perks, enable check
cashing and video rental service!
Also use card at 4,000 hotels, Avis, Hertz, Alamo,
numerous local retailers, sporting events,
museums, zoos, ballets, operas, etc.
Basically as much info as you're willing to give them
they'll take... and use for what else?
Giant Eagle (2)
From the privacy policy:
Giant Eagle does not share your personal
information or purchase information with anyone
As necessary to enable us to offer you savings on
products or services; or
As necessary to complete a transaction initiated by you
through the use of your card;
Writing Policies
Ask numerous questions before beginning
What information is confidential?
Who should be allowed to access this information?
Longer the time frame, the harder to keep confidential
What type of security policy is needed?
Create a list and have them sign confidentiality
How long is it to remain confidential?
The broader the definition the better (for the discloser)
What sort of organization is it for?
What level of confidentiality is necessary for the
given organization?
Further Risk Assessment
Basic questions:
Who, what, when, where, why, how?
Who should have access, who shouldn't
Ensure they must properly authenticate in order to
access information, so that “who” is ensured
Further Risk Assessment (2)
What needs to be kept confidential?
How long must it remain secure?
Where is this confidential data going to be safely
File server, workstation, removable media, laptop, etc.
Further Risk Assessment (3)
Specified in end-user agreement
User trust
What means are to be used to ensure it's
Access controls, encryption, physical barriers, etc.
Types of Security Policies
Military Security (governmental) Policy
Commercial Security Policies
Clark-Wilson Commercial Security Policy (Integrity)
Separation of Duty (Integrity)
Chinese Wall Security Policy (Confidentiality)
Military/Government Security
Goal: Protect private information
Uses ranking system on levels of confidentiality
Need-to-know rule
Combination of (rank; compartment) is its classification
Clearances are required for different levels of classification
Access based on dominance
 Combination of sensitivity and need-to-know requirements
Information Sensitivity Ranking
Most Sensitive
Top Secret
Compartment 1
Compartment 2
Top Secret
Compartment 3
Least Sensitive
Ref: Security In Computing - Charles Pfleeger
Commercial Security Policies
Less rigid and hierarchical
No universal hierarchy
Varying degree of sensitivity
E.g. Public, Proprietary and Internal
No formal concept of clearance
Access not based on dominance, as there are no
Chinese Wall Policy
Conflicts of interest
Effects those in legal, medical, investment,
accounting firms
Person in one company having access to confidential
information in a competing company
Based on three levels for abstract groups
Company Groups
Collection of files
Conflict Classes
Company groups with competing interests
Chinese Wall Policy (2)
Access control policy
Individual may access any information, given that
(s)he has never accessed any information from
another company in the same conflict class
So, once individual has accessed any object in a
given conflict group, they are from then on
restricted to only that company group within the
conflict group, the rest are off-limits
Chinese Wall Illustrated
Company A
Company B
Company C
Company D
Company E
Company F
Company A
Company B
Company C
Company F
Company D
Company E
After choosing B and D
Ref: Security In Computing - Charles Pfleeger
Writing the CA
After considering these various questions, it is
time to actually write the policy
Contents should include:
Obligation of confidentiality
Restrictions on the use of confidential information
Limitations on access to the confidential information
Explicit notification as to what is confidential
These things should all be considered when
writing the policy for the case study
Access controls
Locking down an OS
Principle of Least Privilege
Password Management
User policies
what if someone calls and needs password
anti-social engineering
OS Lockdown
Step 1
Identify protection needed for various files/objs
Separate information/data into categories and decide
who needs what type of access
to it
Distinguish between local and
remote access
Step 2
Create associated user groups
Groups derived from first step above
Simply create these groups and assign appropriate
OS Lockdown (2)
Step 3
Setup access controls
General practices
Deny as much as possible
Disable write/modify access to any executables
Restrict access to OS source/configuration files to admin
Only allow appends to log files
Analyze access control inheritance
UNIX/Linux specific
No world-writable files
Mount file system as read-only
Disable suid
Make kernel files immutable
OS Lockdown (3)
Step 4
Install/configure encryption capabilities
Depending on how confidential information is, either use
OS encryption or add 3rd party software to do the job
Necessary if OS access controls are not overly
Step 5
Continue to monitor!
Make sure things are as expected
Source: CERT.org
Database Access
Databases often house an enormous amount of
desired data about people (CC#s, SSNs, etc.)
Must pay special attention to access
Defense in depth
Only allow specific users access
Encrypt information in database
Encrypt information in transfer
Limit these users as much as possible
Password Policies
Confidential information is protected by some
means of authentication, often passwords
How confidential the password protected
information is depends on the strength of the
password used
Not dictionary based
More than 8 characters (the more the merrier)
Combination of letters, numbers, and special chars
Not related to user
Not related to login name
Don't reuse the same password for all accounts!
Encryption for Confidentiality
When to use
Anytime you wouldn't want anyone/everyone
to see what you're doing
Various solutions
Financial transactions
Personal e-mails
Anything confidential
May not be allowed
Not always user friendly
Not what used to
Regulated Encryption
Should their be more stringent guidelines for
using various encryption techniques?
Many in gov't said yes after 9/11 and pushed for
Senator Judd Gregg pushed to require that the gov't be
given the keys to decrypt everyone's messages if
Much debate, as terrorist may encrypt messages, and not
even NSA can decrypt (so they say)
Would this help? Would the terrorists use encryption
methods that the gov't could decrypt and would they
provide them with keys? Or is this just a privacy invasion
for all non-terrorists?
Email Policy
Popular encryption methods
Should employees be allowed
to encrypt messages at work?
May want to secure confidential business trade
secrets or other work-related data
Would you want work related info sent out on a postcard?
May just want to email friends and not be monitored
Email Policy
Clearly define proper use of e-mail at work
 What is allowed and what is not
State any monitoring activity in confidentiality notice – ensure
users know they are being monitored if they are
Specify authorized software that can be used for e-mail
Disallow running executable files received as attachments
 Could allow for further breaches
Define e-mail retention policy
Network policies
Separate servers based on services and levels
of confidentiality required
A public file server or database should not also
house confidential information
Case study: Various services needed
Separate confidential from public
Separate by which groups are to be allowed access
Event Network
Operations (8-9
Servers, ~200
Organization (10+
Servers, ~400 PCs)
Human Resources
Public Relations
Network Operations
Sponsor Access
Participant Access
Source: 95-803 course slides
Break Time!
Josh was supposed to bake cookies, but he
misplaced his apron - sorry
Device and Media Control
Physical Security
Personnel Security
Outsourcing/Service Providers
Incident Response
Device & Media Control
Device and Media Control
Ref: www.securewave.com
Device & Media – Issues
• What are the issues?
Growing Pain!!!
Number of devices on the raise
Increased security risk
Technology race for faster, smaller, cheaper and higher
capacity devices
• Less than 5 minutes to copy 60GB data
• 2GB memory can hold up to 400,000 pages
– Devices are cheap but the information may be expensive
Privacy Vs Security
Smart Phones
Policy – Device & Media
• Define a device and media control policy
• What to consider?
– Ban the use of all mobile media?
– Governing may be more practical then prohibiting the
mobile devices
– Identify and list authorized devices/media
– Define their acceptable method of usage
– Keep track of devices connected to your network
– Associate devices to valid users
Policy – Device & Media(2)
• What to consider?
Password protection on all mobile devices
Disallow storing of sensitive information on mobile devices
Govern the use of personal devices on corporate
– Take into account the convergence of data and telecom
– Train and educate your employees on protection of devices
and media
Device & Media Disposal
• Define a policy for device & media disposal
– Ensure complete sanitization before the equipment/media is
re-used (or) disposed
– Provide guidelines on standard for media sanitization
– Monitor media disposal by third party
– NIST guidelines for media sanitization
Case Study Options (1)
• Device & Media Control Policy Options
– Classify the information to be protected
– Prohibit copying classified confidential information to mobile
devices including laptops/PDA/USB storage etc
– Provide printing/e-mailing/download options only for nonconfidential data
– Enforce encryption of data on all storage media
– Identify and specify authorized type of devices that can be
connected to network
Case Study Options (2)
• Device & Media Control Policy Options
– Require wireless devices be registered before getting
connected to the network
– Disable any direct external mobile device attachments to
network with highly confidential information
– Provide only dump terminals for public/media access so that
no external devices can be attached to network
– Ban use of cell phones during private sessions
• Backups security often overlooked
• Why are they important?
– Due to concentration of data the degree of confidentiality is
as high as original data
– Confidentiality requirements for information apply to backed
up data
– HIPAA requires compliance methodologies for backups also.
– Archives/Business History
Backups (2)
• Security factors
Storage of backup data
Transfer of backup data
Security of networks used to backup data
Software & Media
Backups – Policy (1)
• What to consider?
Procedure for backups
Allowable software and storage media
Encryption of confidential data
Guidelines for storage
Guidelines to protect the documents with information about
backups – encryption keys, location etc…
– Patches for backup software
Backups – Policy (2)
• What to consider?
Security of networks used for backups
Garbage collection of obsolete backups
Sanitization of backup media before disposal
Transportation methods
• Procedures
Physical Security
• Why is it required?
First line of defense preventing loss of confidentiality
Physical attacks requires minimal effort
Protects information assets from unauthorized access
All security policy enforcements will be a non-factor without
physical security
– Security lapses increases risk of both insider and outsider
– Protects confidential information assets from natural and
environmental hazards
Physical Security (2)
• Privacy Vs Security
• Appropriate levels
• What can we do?
– Consider multilayer security approach
– Environment of authorized personnel only
– Physical barriers like fence, guards, alarms and surveillance
video etc..
– Maintain an inventory of computer hardware and label them
for identification
– Limit access to your hardware
Physical Security (3)
• What can we do?
– Deploy your servers with confidential information only in
physically secure locations
– Restrict physical access to your information assets by third
– Document visit procedures and method of access for third
– Conduct periodical physical security audits for compliance
– Enforce security practices to prevent dumpster diving
– National Industry Security Program Operating Manual –
Insider Threat
Personnel Security
• Importance?
– Insider threats are real
– Employee security practices play a vital role in protecting
confidential information
• What to consider?
– Employment terms needs to include role and responsibility of employee in
protecting confidential information
– Employment terms must state penalties for violation
– Carry out background checks
– Training on security
– Training on protection of trade secrets and intellectual property rights
– Employees are also part of corporate assets
– Protect and safeguard employees
• Confidentiality Issues
Reduction in cost but increases risk
Dependence on service providers
Can the vendors be trusted with handling confidential data?
Vendors may be handling data and dealing with information
systems of competing companies
– Offshore – Can US regulations be enforced on third world
– Non-disclosure agreements in offshore projects
– Can all institutions outsource?
Outsourcing (2)
• Mitigation of Risks
– Define goals, scope and risks
– Assess information risk Vs benefits
– Evaluate service provider’s capability to handle confidential
– Determine contractors ability to comply with security
– BITS – IT Service Provider Service Expectations Matrix
Outsourcing (3)
• Evaluate Service Providers (BITS Method)
Security Policy
Organizational Security
Asset Classification & Control
Personnel Security
Physical & Environment Security
Communications and Ops Management
Systems Development and Maintenance
Business Continuity
Regulatory Compliance
Ref: www.bitsinfo.org
Outsourcing (4)
• Privacy and Confidentiality Considerations
– Review privacy policy of the service provider for adequacy
– Understand how the policy is implemented and
– Review privacy policy employee training and tracking
– Review service providers employee confidentiality
– Review service provider policy for employee privacy policy
Ref: www.bitsinfo.org
Outsourcing (5)
• Privacy and Confidentiality Considerations
– Review adequacy of privacy for service providers contract
– Review procedures to retain, protect and destroy non-public
– Access service providers diligence in legal, regulatory and
compliance areas
– Comparing the company’s privacy policy with service
providers policy and identifying gaps
– More
Ref: www.bitsinfo.org
Options For Case Study
• Service Provider Policy Considerations
– Evaluate the vendors privacy policy including the venue of
the event for adequacy
– Require vendors to prove compliance before the finalization
of contract
– Have all third parties/vendors sign NDA
– Ensure through background checks before hiring contract
staff for the event
– Include all confidentiality agreements in contract and severe
penalty clause for lapses
Incident Response (1)
• Purpose?
– Effective and quick response necessary to limit the damage
– Regulations calls for corporate incident policies and
– Policy and plan required to assess the damage and respond
– Plan for recovery from the damage and business continuity
– Improves your chances of survival after breach
Incident Response (2)
• Policy Considerations
Define incident reporting and handling work flow
Identify incident handlers and their responsibilities
Educate and train your employees on incident reporting
Legal Compliance
Procedures to contact law enforcement
Evidence collection
CERT Handbook
• Reason?
Confidentiality relies highly on trust
Employer trusts employee
Employer trusts service providers
Trust hardware
Trust software
• Is it sufficient?
– Trust but deploy controls/procedures to validate trust
Confidentiality – Not optional!!
Legal and regulatory compliance
Secure all the doors to confidential information
Policy and controls will provide relative security
Policy and controls will improve chances of survival
No Guarantee!!!