Nebraska State Writing Assessment

Descriptive Essay
January 28th, 2016
Write in your
January 28th
You will write a five paragraph or longer
descriptive essay on January 28th for regular
education students. Resource students may take
a longer time.
Note! This is not a narrative essay. Narrative
essays will be given an 1 and not graded!
This essay deals with descriptive language. Do
not write a travelogue!
This will be done on the computer!
Grades 8 & 11 NeSA-Writing – One session
–Not timed; doesn’t generally exceed 90 minutes
Online only except for students with IEP or 504 Plan
that states use of paper/pencil test or students
responding in Spanish or another foreign language
Indent Tool is available.
•Students will receive a warning when they reach
4,000 characters.
•Spell Check is not activated.
•The dictionary has been updated.
Online Procedures Reactivation – Grades 8 & 11
•Tests are not timed and students will never be
forced out of a test.
•Test Session Tickets are only active for 90
minutes after a student logs into the test.
•Inactivity of 90 minutes during testing will
cause the system to log student out of test.
•Pause functionality (15 minutes)
•Internet connectivity issues and unexpected
interruptions can happen (fire drill, emergency,
computer freezes up, power outage, etc.)
* Creates a clear picture; is well-focused;
description is distinctive.
* Structural development includes an effective
introduction, body, and conclusion; sequencing
is thoughtful and logical.
* Conveys a strong sense of the person; engaging
* Effective use of vivid words and phrases.
* Sentences vary in lengths or structure
throughout; fragments add style.
* Errors in conventions are mostly correct.
Bring your English notebook each day to
The graphic organizer has to be in your brain!
 Think
Transition Words are a must!
Transition to the next paragraph! Give a hint
what the topic is for the next paragraph!
Introductory Paragraph with a hook and a
thesis statement!!
A hook grabs the reader’s attention.
A thesis statement identifies what the essay is
It has to be more than two sentences!
The body consists of minimum of 3
paragraphs of description with sensory
descriptive, figurative language, and precise
nouns and verbs.
Voice is a must!
Use transitions between paragraphs!
This is a descriptive essay not a travelogue!
Summary paragraph with thesis statement
A sentence or two connecting to the ideas or
details woven throughout
your writing
A “Slam Dunk” sentence—
a sentence connect that goes
Voice—Write about how this
topic has meaning for you! Tell why!
Show! Don’t tell! Do not say, “I see, hear, etc.”
Keep “you” and “I” to a minimum!
Watch the homophones
Be sure important words are spelled correctly
Don’t talk to the reader!
Write in past tense or present. Don’t mix the
Read through the essay! Check for spelling and
“lost” words!
Be sure to punctuate and capitalize!
January 28, 2016 We need to discuss 6th-7th
There will be a seating chart!
1. Look at prompt.
2. Fill out graphic organizer. Note! This will be
3. Type essay!
4. Take 10 minute break!
5. Reread essay to yourself. Look for problems!
6. Look at the rubric online!
7. Revise—Send to state!
After May ?????????, 2015
 2015 NeSA-W Reports Posted in eDIRECT
All who pass the essay will be treated to pizza
at the end of the school year!!