Running head: MS. LASKER’S CLASSROOM NEWSLETTER Ms. Lasker’s Classroom Newsletter: Algebra III Sara Lasker College of William and Mary 1 York High School Yorktown, VA February 6, 2013 Volume 1, Issue 1 Ms. Lasker’s Classroom Newsletter Welcome to Second Semester! Hello Families and Students! Thank you all for a great first semester. As you know, the first semester has come to an end and second semester began January 29, 2013. With the new semester comes the transition from Trigonometry to Algebra III. While the curriculum does change, the classroom procedures will remain the same, as they have proven to be very successful. In this newsletter, you will find courserelated information, resources for you and your child outside of school, and dates of upcoming events. My door is always open, and I invite you to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding your child. Algebra III This class will serve as an extension of Algebra II. We will review and expand upon previously learned algebra skills to help students prepare for the Algebra II SOL in June. By reviewing essential nontrigonometric topics, students will be prepared to move on to Math Analysis next year. Syllabus Quarter 3 Unit 1: Functions, Shapes, and Transformations Unit 2: Factoring Polynomials Unit 3: Polynomial Operations Unit 4: Sequences and Series Quarter 4 Unit 5: Equations and Inequalities Unit 6: Best-Fit Curves, Permutations and Combinations Video Project Contact Information Unit 7: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Room 105 SOL Testing/Exams Ms. Lasker’s Classroom Newsletter Page 2 Class Information Grade Weights Tests: 50% Quizzes: 25% Assignments: 25% Homework Policy Homework is assigned daily. Students must show all work to receive credit. Use for free homework help on odd numbered problems. (Password: falcons123) Edline Use the Edline page to check your grades and for a combined calendar for all your classes. es/1213_3150_001 Classroom Rules 1. Be in your seat when the bell finishes ringing. 2. Bring class materials each day. 3. Be polite and respectful. 4. Do your best. 5. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak. Classroom Rewards 1. A pleasant atmosphere for learning. 2. Earn respect from the teacher and classmates. 3. Personal satisfaction for a job well done. 4. Master skills needs for future math courses. 5. Build teamwork skills you will use in the future. Consequences Important Dates February 18: President’s Day, No School March 1: Early Dismissal March 7: Interims Issued March 29: Early Dismissal April 1-5: Spring Break, No School April 11: Report Cards Issued May 10: Early Dismissal May 16: Interims Issued May 27: Memorial Day, No School June 11-13: Early Dismissal – Exams June 14: Graduation June 20: Report Cards Sent Home 1. 2. 3. 4. Warning Teacher-Student conference Parent contact Referral to administrator Ms. Lasker’s Classroom Newsletter Page 3 Instill a Love in Learning Parents and guardians are the most important teachers in a child’s life. Little kids are eager to learn, and it is up to parents and guardians to promote this love for learning throughout high school. The University of Illinois suggests a few activities that can help channel your child’s passion for learning while also improving parent/child relationships and communication: Watch news and documentaries on TV. Rent or buy educational videos. Visit museums and historical sites. Experience national or state parks and forests. Sign up for a tour. Read articles in the newspaper, news, and magazines. Go to the public library. Make vacations learning experiences. Prepare for your child’s future learning experience with the help of the Parent Guide to College Admissions. Sites for Students t/index.html Online Graphing Calculator Algebra II textbook for extra practice Algebra II Lessons and Problems Additional practice on every topic covered in class Jefferson Lab SOL practice for math and science College Board SAT math practice problems math-skills.php SAT math practice tests February Extra Credit A stadium has 49,000 seats. Seats sell for $25 in section A, $20 in section B, and $15 in section C. The number of seats in section A equals the total number of seats in sections B and C. Sign up for the Cupid Dash 5k Run/Walk to be held at York High School! Start time is 10:00am on February 9th. The cost is $25. Find the registration form on the YHS website. Suppose the stadium takes in $1,052,000 from each sold-out event. How many seats does each section hold? Turn in your answer and your work to Ms. Lasker by February 28th. Earn 5 extra points on the Unit 2 test if solved correctly.